EMAN2 Analyzer Manual

Last modified on Tue, 05 Apr 2022 00:12:57 CDT
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Analyzer Name Parameters Description
cir_avg int maxr: Maximum radius.
int step: Thickness of the ring.
int verbose: Display progress if set, more detail with larger numbers
Calculate the circular average around the center in real space
inertiamatrix int verbose: Display progress if set, more detail with larger numbers
Compute Inertia matrix for a volume
kmeans int calcsigmamean: Computes standard deviation of the mean image for each class-average (center), and returns them at the end of the list of centers
int maxiter: maximum number of iterations (default=100)
int minchange: Terminate if fewer than minchange members move in an iteration
int mininclass: Minumum number of particles to keep a class as good (not enforced at termination
int ncls: number of desired classes
int outlierclass: The last class will be reserved for outliers. Any class containing fewer than n particles will be permanently moved to the outlier group. default = disabled
int seedmode: How to generate initial seeds. 0 - random element (default), 1 - max sum, min sum, linear
int slowseed: Instead of seeding all classes at once, it will gradually increase the number of classes by adding new seeds in groups with large standard deviations
int verbose: Display progress if set, more detail with larger numbers (9 max)
k-means classification
pca emdata mask: mask image
int nvec: number of desired principal components
Principal component analysis
pca_large emdata mask: mask image
int nvec: number of desired principal components
string tmpfile: Name of temporary file during processing
Principal component analysis - Warning, have detected anomalous results from this algorithm with specific inputs. Python/NumPy routine now used in most EMAN2 code.
shape int verbose: Display progress if set, more detail with larger numbers
Experimental. Computes a set of values characterizing a 3-D volume. Returns a 3x2x1 image containing X, Y and Z axial distributions using axis squared and axis linear weighting.
svd_gsl emdata mask: mask image
int nimg: total number of input images, required even with insert_image()
int nvec: number of desired basis vectors
Singular Value Decomposition from GSL. Comparable to pca
varimax emdata mask: mask image
varimax rotation of PCA results