Compiling EMAN2 on Linux System

Required Libraries / Programs

The following libraries are required for EMAN2 installation (the libraries should be installed as shared-object libraries where applicable):

  1. fftw (version 2.1.3+) ( To install fftw from source use either configure option:

    % ./configure --enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes --enable-float --enable-type-prefix
    % ./configure --enable-shared=yes --enable-float
    Followed by:
    % make
  2. gsl (version 1.3+) (

    % ./configure
    % make
  3. Boost (version 1.32+) ( 3.1 Installing Boost requires Boost.Jam. Executables and source code for jam can be found at the Boost website.

    Installing Boost requires the user to identify a particular toolset to use during compilation. Most UNIX systems will probably use the "gcc" toolset; visit for a complete listing.

    % bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" install
    Header files from the Boost installation (located in the "boost" subdirectory of the Boost installation (eg. /boost_1_32_0/boost)) must now either be added to the compilers path or copied into an existing location on the path in a subdirectory /boost. One possibility for this might be:
    % cp -r boost /usr/include/boost
  4. CMake (version 2.0.6+) ( Executables for several platforms are available; source code can also be used for custom installations.

Optional Libraries / Programs

Quick Installation

Suppose you have source code eman2.tar.gz

  1. % cd $HOME
    % mkdir -p EMAN2/src
    % cd EMAN2/src
    % gunzip eman2.tar.gz
    % tar xf eman2.tar
  2. % mkdir build
    % cd build
  3. % cmake ../eman2
    % make
    % make install
  4. Set up login shell for csh/tcsh, put the following to your .cshrc or .tcshrc file:
    setenv EMAN2DIR $home/username/EMAN2
    setenv PATH $EMAN2DIR/bin:${PATH}
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH  $EMAN2DIR/lib
    setenv PYTHONPATH .:$HOME/EMAN2/lib
    For bash in .bashrc add:
    export EMAN2DIR=/home/username/EMAN2
    export PATH=$PATH:$EMAN2DIR/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$EMAN2DIR/lib

Advanced Installation

If your libraries (fftw, gsl, hdf, etc) are not found by Quick Installation, or if you want to change the compilation options, the following steps help:

  1. Follow the first 2 steps in Quick Installation.
  2. If your libraries are not installed at the default places, set up the related environment variables:
    • fftw -> FFTWDIR

    • gsl -> GSLDIR

    • tiff -> TIFFDIR

    • png -> PNGDIR

    • hdf5 -> HDF5DIR

    • python -> PYTHON_ROOT and PYTHON_VERSION

  3. % ccmake ../eman2
  4. Type 'c' if it asks about "CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY".
  5. Make necessary changes for compilation flags.
    • Developers will probably want to set BOOST-LIBRARY to a Boost.Python object file (ex.
  6. Then type 'c', and type 'g'.
  7. % make
    % make install

Platform Dependent Optimization

In CMake Configuration, enable the following option for your platform:

How to Generate Latest Documentation

  1. Install doxygen (version 1.4.3+,

  2. Install graphviz (

  3. install latex (

  4. After you have a successful EMAN2 install, i.e., you can import EMAN2 in Python,
    cd EMAN2/src/build
    ccmake ../eman2
    Type 't' toggle to advanced mode,
    check ENABLE_AUTODOC to ON
    make install
    All documents will be in your EMAN2/doc directory.

Notes For Developers

  1. For Emacs users, please add the following line to your $HOME/.emacs:
    (setq default-tab-width 4)
  2. Ensure the Boost.Python
  3. To generate new boost python wrapper, run
    % cd eman2/libpyEM
    % ./create_boost_python
  4. Windows Installer

    EMAN uses "Nullsoft Scriptable Install System" ( to generate the windows installer. It also uses "HM NIS Edit" ( as the editor.

Appendix A

A.1. How to Install Boost Python

  1. Download 'bjam' for your platform.
  2. Download boost source from Assume the version is boost_1_32_0.

    % cd /usr/local/src; tar zxf boost_1_32_0.tar.gz; cd boost_1_32_0.
  3. Set up environment variables "PYTHON_ROOT" and "PYTHON_VERSION". For example, if your python is at /usr/bin/python then PYTHON_ROOT is

A.2. How to use your own python version

A.3. How to Install numpy