Parallel Processing in EMAN2

EMAN2 uses a modular strategy for running commands in parallel. That is, you can choose different ways to run EMAN2 programs in parallel, depending on your environment. We now support 3 distinct methods for parallelism, and each has its own page of documentation.

Which option is best ? If you are running on a single machine/node, then Threaded is by far the most efficient option, and the easiest to use as well. If you are running on a few nodes on a single cluster, I would suggest MPI as probably the easiest option, and the one that will cause your sysadmin the fewest headaches, but this may not be true on all clusters. DC is most appropriate when you are trying to use multiple independent computers, or combine the resources from multiple clusters. In a sense it is the most flexible, as nodes can be added and removed during the job at any time and DC will make efficient use of what's available at any moment in time. However, it takes a lot more work to use it, is somewhat complicated, and the network policies on some clusters will not permit its use.

Please follow the appropriate link:

Note : All 3 parallelism options have been fully supported and stable since early 2011. Both MPI and DC have been tested on jobs using at least 256 cores, for multiple days, and are in routine use on large refinement jobs at multiple sites. That said, DC and MPI can both take a little effort to establish on a new system, particularly if you have no past experience with cluster computing. We are happy to help if you have difficulties.