== e2refine2d == e2refine2d.py runs in much the same way as EMAN1's refine2d.py, though it has been improved in a number of subtle ways This program will take a set of boxed out particle images and perform iterative reference-free classification to produce a set of representative class-averages. The point of this process is to reduce noise levels, so the overall shape of the particle views present in the data can be better observed. Generally cryo-EM single particles are noisy enough that it is difficult to distinguish subtle, or even not-so-subtle differences between particle images. By aligning and averaging similar particles together, less noisy versions of representative views are created. The class-averages produced by this program are typically used for: * Direct observation to look for heterogeneity or discover symmetry * Building initial models for single particle reconstruction * Separating particles into subgroups for additional analysis This last point can be used to produce 'population-dynamics' movies of a particle in very close to the same orientation. This program is quite fast for as many as a few thousand particles and ~100 classes. For most purposes if your data set is large (>10,000) particles you might consider using only a subset of the data for speed, though this clearly isn't appropriate for the 3rd use above. For large numbers of classes, specify the --fastseed option, or you will wait a very long time. Options: || ||--path||string||Path for the refinement, default=auto|| || ||--iter||int||The total number of refinement iterations to perform|| || ||--automask||bool||This will perform a 2-D automask on class-averages to help with centering. May be useful for negative stain data particularly.|| || ||--input||string||The name of the file containing the particle data|| || ||--ncls||int||Number of classes to generate|| || ||--maxshift||int||Maximum particle translation in x and y|| || ||--naliref||int||Number of alignment references to when determining particle orientations|| || ||--exclude||string||The named file should contain a set of integers, each representing an image from the input file to exclude.|| || ||--resume||bool||This will cause a check of the files in the current directory, and the refinement will resume after the last completed iteration. It's ok to alter other parameters.|| || ||--initial||string||File containing starting class-averages. If not specified, will generate starting averages automatically|| || ||--nbasisfp||int||Number of MSA basis vectors to use when classifying particles|| || ||--minchange||int||Minimum number of particles that change group before deicding to terminate. Default = -1 (auto)|| || ||--fastseed||bool||Will seed the k-means loop quickly, but may produce less consistent results.|| || ||--simalign||string||The name of an 'aligner' to use prior to comparing the images (default=rotate_translate_flip)|| || ||--simaligncmp||string||Name of the aligner along with its construction arguments (default=frc)|| || ||--simralign||string||The name and parameters of the second stage aligner which refines the results of the first alignment|| || ||--simraligncmp||string||The name and parameters of the comparitor used by the second stage aligner. (default=dot).|| || ||--simcmp||string||The name of a 'cmp' to be used in comparing the aligned images (default=frc:nweight=1)|| || ||--shrink||int||Optionally shrink the input particles by an integer amount prior to computing similarity scores. For speed purposes.|| || ||--classkeep||float||The fraction of particles to keep in each class, based on the similarity score generated by the --cmp argument (default=0.85).|| || ||--classkeepsig||bool||Change the keep ('--keep') criterion from fraction-based to sigma-based.|| || ||--classiter||int||Number of iterations to use when making class-averages (default=5)|| || ||--classalign||string||If doing more than one iteration, this is the name and parameters of the 'aligner' used to align particles to the previous class average.|| || ||--classaligncmp||string||This is the name and parameters of the comparitor used by the fist stage aligner Default is dot.|| || ||--classralign||string||The second stage aligner which refines the results of the first alignment in class averaging. Default is None.|| || ||--classraligncmp||string||The comparitor used by the second stage aligner in class averageing. Default is dot:normalize=1.|| || ||--classaverager||string||The averager used to generate the class averages. Default is 'mean'.|| || ||--classcmp||string||The name and parameters of the comparitor used to generate similarity scores, when class averaging. Default is frc'|| || ||--classnormproc||string||Normalization applied during class averaging|| || ||--classrefsf||bool||Use the setsfref option in class averaging to produce better filtered averages.|| || ||--normproj||bool||Normalizes each projected vector into the MSA subspace. Note that this is different from normalizing the input images since the subspace is not expected to fully span the image|| ||-P||--parallel||string||Run in parallel, specify type: