
usage: prog [options] <stackname1> <stackname2> ...
	This will take selected images from stacks of per-micrograph particles and build "sets", which are pseudo-stack files referencing the images in the original files.
	This supports the old convention where BDB files are used for both particles and stacks as well as the new convention where particles are in HDF files and stacks are in LST format.
	Inputs are a list of micrograph base names, and must be in a "particles" directory. For example, particles/jj1234_ctf_flip.hdf would be specified simply as jj1234. Some
	attempts will be made to correct improper specifications.

	e2buildsets.py dh1234 dh2318 dh7965 --excludebad --setname=myset

	This will look in the particles directory for files such as:

	and build a separate set for each type (_ctf_flip, _wienesr, ...)

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--setname str Name of the stack to build
--excludebad None Exclude bad particles.
--allparticles None Will process all particle stacks stored in the particles subdirectory (if specified, list of files will be ignored)
--withflipped None Only include images with phase-flipped counterparts!
--withinvar None Only include images with _invar counterparts!
--minptcl int Files with fewer than the specified number of particles will be skipped
--minqual int Files with a quality value lower than specified will be skipped
--mindf float Files with a defocus lower than specified will be skipped
--maxdf float Files with a defocus higher than specified will be skipped
--minlosnr float Integrated SNR from 1/200-1/20 1/A must be larger than this
--minhisnr float Integrated SNR from 1/10-1/4 1/A must be larger than this
--minbfactor float Files with a B-factor lower than specified will be skipped
--maxbfactor float Files with a B-factor higher than specified will be skipped
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness