usage: prog <simMatrixIn> <classMatrixOut> [options]
This program analyzes a similarity matrix as produced by e2simmx.py and produces a classification matrix mapping class
membership for each particle, which can in-turn be used with e2classaverage.py.
Takes a similarity matrix that has been created between reprojections-input (col) and particles-input (row) stacks of 2-D images.
Typically these have been created via e2simmx such as
e2simmx.py proj.hed part.hed simMatrix.hed --saveali --align=rotate_translate:maxshift=5
The similarity matrix is a stack of 1 or 5 images: similarity, dx,dy,dalpha,mirror.
The output is 6 images: class, weight, dx, dy, dalpha, mirror).
See the wiki for more complete documentation of the files.
Option |
Type |
Description |
--version |
None |
show program's version number and exit |
--sep |
int |
The number of classes a particle can contribute towards (default is 1) |
--simvec |
None |
Instead of using the class for the peak value, uses the pattern of similarities for each orientation for assignment. |
--verbose, -v |
int |
verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness |
--nofilecheck |
None |
Turns file checking off in the check functionality - used by e2refine.py. |
--check, -c |
None |
Performs a command line argument check only. |
--noalign |
None |
Ignore the alignments |
--ppid |
int |
Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID |