
usage: e2fsc.py [options] input1 input2

Simple 2 volume FSCs can be computed with e2proc3d.py. In addition to the overall fsc (saved to fsc.txt), 
it also computes a "local resolution" through the volume. These local resolutions are based on poor statistics.
The smaller the box size, the worse they are, and this is not taken into account when computing actual
resolution values. Regardless, it will give a reasonable comparison of how much variation exists in different
regions of the map, and will produce locally filtered maps with a reasonable level of detail, given the two
input volumes.

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--output str Output .143 resolution volume
--outfilt str Output locally filtered average volume
--outfilte str Apply the local filter to the even map as well and write to specified file
--outfilto str Apply the local filter to the odd map as well and write to specified file
--localsize int Size in pixels of the local region to compute the resolution in
--overlap int Amount of oversampling to use in local resolution windows. Larger value -> larger output map
--apix float A/pix to use for the comparison (default uses Vol1 apix)
--cutoff float fsc cutoff. default is 0.143
--gauss None use gaussian filter instead of tophat
--mask str Mask to apply to both input images before calculation
--threads int Number of threads to run in parallel on the local computer
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--verbose, -v int verbosity [0-9]. Larger values produce more output.