
usage: prog [options] <Volume file>
	Files to be processed must NOT contain ANY dots '.' other than the one preceding the file's format.
	Prepares one volume (the "reference") to be at the same apix and boxsize than another (a "particle" you might want to align to the reference).
	Takes PDB, MRC and HDF file formats, but outputs HDF or MRC only. The reference can also be subject to symmetrization, filters, and other processing options. 

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--img2process str Path to the stack \n\t\tthat needs to be processed to match img2match. If you want to process multiple stacks \n\t\tor files, just separate them by commas --imgs2process=vo1.mrc,vol2.hdf,file.pdb
--img2match str Path to the image or stack of images which --img2process will match after processing. Not compulsory if --apix is provided.
--output str Specify the name of the file to which the edited img2process will be written.
--boxsize int If NOT specified, the reference's box size will match that of the data. If specified, both the reference and the data will be resized.
--sym str Will apply the specified symmetry to the edited img2process.
--apix float If specified, the program \n\t\twill assume this is the correct apix for --img2match if --img2match is provided,\n\t\tso the current value will be overwritten if --img2match is in .hdf format. \n\t\tThis value will also be used to scale the images in --img2process.
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness
--preprocess str Any processor (as in e2proc3d.py) to be applied to the edited img2process.
--lowpass str A lowpass filtering processor (as in e2proc3d.py) be applied to the edited img2process.
--highpass str A highpass filtering processor (as in e2proc3d.py) to be applied to the edited img2process.
--mask str Mask processor applied to particles before alignment. Default is None
--normproc str Normalization processor applied to \n\t\tparticles before alignment. Default is None. If normalize.mask is used, \n\t\tresults of the mask option will be passed in automatically.
--threshold str EMAN2 processor to be used\n\t\tto threshold the img2process. See available thresholds by typing \n\t\te2help.py processors --verbose=10\n\t\tat the command line.
--shrink float This will scale the img2process\n\t\tby the factor specified. This does NOT need to be an integer. You can enter 1.5, 2.7, etc.\n\t\tany decimal number > 1.0 is valid.
--mirror None Will generate a mirrored copy of the edited img2process.
--sharpfiltres float If specified, the edited img2process will be sharply filtered to this resolution.
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID