
usage: e2pathwalker.py [options] <pdb file>

	Find paths between two atoms in a PDB model. You can also specify two PDB files to calculate an RMSD.
	Use "--solve=<solver>" to run the TSP solver and save the output.
	Use "--output" to save the output to a PDB file.
	Use "--mapfile" to input the density map.

	Pathwalker wiki:


Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--output str Output file
--mapfile str Density map file
--start int Start ATOM
--end int End ATOM
--average float Average Ca-Ca length
--mapweight float Weight of density, to balance between geometry and density score
--mapthresh float Density threshold, bonds on density lower than threshold is not prefered
--dmin float Mininum Ca-Ca length
--dmax float Maximum Ca-Ca length
--noise float Add Gaussian Noise
--solver str Run TSP Solver: concorde or lkh
--atomtype str Load Atom Type. Default: 'CA'. Options: 'C' or 'all'
--chain str Load Chain. Default: load all chains
--edgefile str Load fixed fragment file; one sequence of forced connections per line, separated by space.
-e, --edge None Forced edge: e.g. -e1,3
--fixed str Same as --edgefile.
--iterations int Iterations
--json int If writing output pdb, also write JSON metadata. Default: 1. Options: 0, 1
--overwrite None Overwrite files without prompting
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--subunit int Number of subunits.