
usage: e2proc2dmulti.py [options] <inputfiles>

	A generic 2D image processing program which acts on multiple input stacks. Default operation is similar to e2proc2d.py --inplace, but operating
	on many files.

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--postfix str Adds this string to each input filename to produce output filename (avoid overwriting)
--allparticles None Will process all particle sets stored in BDB in the particles subdirectory
--apix float A/pixel for S scaling
--clip str Specify the output size in pixels xsize,ysize[,xcenter,ycenter], images can be made larger or smaller.
--process str apply a processor named 'processorname' with all its parameters/values.
--autoinvert None Automatically decides whether to invert each stack of images to make particles white (EMAN2 convention). Decision is made for an entire stack. Non-inverted images will NOT BET PROCESSED AT ALL !
--mult float Multiply image by a constant. mult=-1 to invert contrast.
--meanshrink int Reduce an image size by an integral scaling factor using average. Clip is not required.
--medianshrink int Reduce an image size by an integral scaling factor, uses median filter. Clip is not required.
--multfile str Multiplies the volume by another volume of identical size. This can be used to apply masks, etc.
--norefs None Skip any input images which are marked as references (usually used with classes.*)
--radon None Do Radon transform
--randomize str Randomly rotate/translate the image. Specify: da,dxy,flip da is a uniform distribution over +-da degrees, dxy is a uniform distribution on x/y, if flip is 1, random handedness changes will occur
--rotate float Rotate clockwise (in degrees)
--fp int This generates rotational/translational 'footprints' for each input particle, the number indicates which algorithm to use (0-6)
--scale float Scale by specified scaling factor. Clip must also be specified to change the dimensions of the output map.
--selfcl int Output file will be a 180x180 self-common lines map for each image.
--translate str Translate by x,y pixels
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--writejunk None Writes the image even if its sigma is 0.