
usage: e2proc3d_huge.py [options] <inputfile>
	This is a specialized version of e2proc3d.py targeted at performing a limited set of operations on
very large volumes in-place (such as tomograms) which may not readily fit into system memory. Operations are 
performed by reading portions of the image, processing, then writing the portion back to disk. Unlike e2proc3d.py
you may pass only a single operation to the program for each invocation, or behavior will be undefined. It will 
process a single volume in a single file in-place.

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--streaksubtract str This will subtract the histogram peak value along a single axis in the volume.
--process str apply a processor named 'processorname' with all its parameters/values. WARNING: this works by operating on fragments of the overall image at a time, and some processors won't work properly this way.
--mult float Scales the densities by a fixed number in the output
--multfile str Multiplies the volume by another volume of identical size. This can be used to apply masks, etc.
--add float Adds a constant 'f' to the densities
--trans str Translate map by dx,dy,dz
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness