
usage: Usage:
proclst.py [options] <lst 1> <lst 2> ... 
Simple manipulations of LST files. If your goal is to produce an actual image file rather than the
sort of virtual stack represented by .lst files, use e2proc2d.py or e2proc3d.py instead. Those other programs will treat LST files as normal image files for input.

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--create str to use this option, the input files should be image files. Specify an .lst or .lsx file to create here (e.g., --create mylst.lst) with references to all of the images in the inputs.
--eosplit None Will generate _even and _odd .lst files for each specified input .lst file
--dereforig str Extract the data_source and data_n parameters from each image in the file and create a new .lst file referencing the original image(s)
--exclude str only works if --create is supplied. comma-separated list of indexes from the input file(s) to EXCLUDE from the created .lst file.
--include str only works if --create is supplied. comma-separated list of indexes to take from the input file(s) to INCLUDE in the created .lst file. if you have the list of indexes to include in a .txt file, you can provide it through --list.
--inplace None only works with --create. if the stack specified in --create already exists, this will prevent appending to it. rather, the file will be modified in place.
--list str only works if --create is supplied. .txt file with a list of indexes (one per line/row) to take from the input file(s) to INCLUDE in the created .lst file.
--merge str Specify the output name here. This will concatenate all of the input .lst files into a single output
--mergesort str Specify the output name here. This will merge all of the input .lst files into a single (resorted) output
--mergeeo None Merge even odd lst.
--minhisnr float Integrated SNR from 1/10-1/4 1/A must be larger than this
--minlosnr float Integrated SNR from 1/200-1/20 1/A must be larger than this
--mindf float Minimum defocus
--maxdf float Maximum defocus
--numaslist str extract the particle indexes (numbers) only from an lst file into a text file (one number per line).
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--range str Range of particles to use. Works only with --create option. Input of 0,10,2 means range(0,10, step=2).
--retype str If a lst file is referencing a set of particles from particles/imgname__oldtype.hdf, this will change oldtype to the specified string in-place (modifies input files)
--refile str similar to retype, but replaces the full filename of the source image file with the provided string
--nocomments None Removes the comments from each line of the lst file.
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness