
usage: Usage:
procpdb.py <input>
procpdb.py <input> <output> [rot=<alt,az,phi>] [trans=<dx,dy,dz>] [centeratoms] [centerelec] [centermass] 

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--animorph, -AN str This will use a morph vector file (segment3d) to morph atom positions,#P [animorph=<n>,<apix>,<vecfile>]
--scale, -S float scale
--center, -C str center of the rotation, (0,0,0)
--chains str String list of chain identifiers to include, eg 'ABEFG'
--trans, -TR str transform, (0,0,0)
--include str savetype
--mirror bool mirror
--matrix, -matrix str transform matrix.
--rot str Rotate map. Specify az,alt,phi or convention:par=val:par=val:... eg - mrc:psi=22:theta=15:omega=7
--type, -T str convention type
--az, -az float az in eman convention.
--alt, -alt float alt in eman convention.
--phi, -phi float phi.
--alpha, -alpha float alpha in imagic convention.
--beta, -beta float beta in imagic convention.
--gamma, -gamma float gamma in imagic convention.
--theta, -theta float theta.
--psi, -psi float psi in spider convention.
--xtilt, -xtilt float xtilt in xyz convention.
--ytilt, -ytilt float ytilt in xyz convention.
--ztilt, -ztilt float ztilt in xyz convention.
--omega, -omega float omega.
--e0, -e0 float e0 in quaternion convention.
--e1, -e1 float e1 in quaternion convention.
--e2, -e2 float e2 in quaternion convention.
--e3, -e3 float e3 in quaternion convention.
--n1, -n1 float n1.
--n2, -n2 float n2.
--n3, -n3 float n3.
--q, -q float q in sgirot convention.