usage: prog [options] <set name> This program will extract the necessary parameters from an EMAN2 refinement and determine class averages using Relion 2D ML Examples: [-] [-] [-] [- NUMCLASSES] [-] [-] [-] [- NUMITER] [- REGPARAM] [- PARTICLE_MASK_DIAMETER] [-] [- SOLVENTMASK] [- INPLANEANG] [- OFFSETRANGE] [- OFFSETSTEP] [- THREADS] [- VERBOSITY] [- VOLTAGE] [- CS] [- APIX] [- DEFOCUS] [- AMPCONT] [-] [- PPID] [positionalargs ...]
Option | Type | Description |
--version | None | show program's version number and exit |
--numclasses | int | # of classes |
--ctfcorrect | None | (T/F)Do CTF Correction? |
--dataphaseflipped | None | (T/F)Has the data been phase flipped already? |
--ignoretofirstpeak | None | (T/F)Ignore CTF's until the first peak? |
--numiter | int | # of iterations to refine |
--regparam | float | Regularization Parameter T (weights experimental data vs. prior |
--particle_mask_diameter | float | Diameter of the soft circular image mask (in Angstroms) |
--maskzeroes | None | (T/F) For individual particles, the area outside a circle with the radius of the particle will be set to zeros prior to taking the Fourier transform |
--solventmask | str | Location of the mask to be used |
--inplaneang | float | In-plane angular sampling |
--offsetrange | float | Offset search range (pix) |
--offsetstep | float | Offset search step (pix) |
--threads | int | # of threads |
--verbosity | int | Set the level of verbosity for the code |
--voltage | int | (Expert Option) Voltage of the Microscope (kV) |
--cs | float | (Expert Option) Spherical Aberration |
--apix | float | (Expert Option) Angstrom per pixel |
--defocus | float | (Expert Option) Defocus in A |
--ampcont | float | (Expert Option) Amplitude Constrast. 10%% = .1 |
--echo | None | Echo Relion Command to terminal only |
--ppid | int | Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID |
For more information go to emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2refinetorelion2d.