usage: add stuff [-] [-] [-] [-] [- RES_STEP] [- RES_MIN] [- RES_MAX] [- P_VALUE] [- RESMAPEXE] [- VERBOSE] [- PPID] [positionalargs ...]
Option | Type | Description |
--version | None | show program's version number and exit |
--use_mask | None | Use the final EMAN2 mask? |
--res_step | None | Step size (in Angstroms) |
--res_min | None | Minimum resolution (in Angstroms) |
--res_max | None | Maximum resolution (in Angstroms) |
--p_value | None | Confidence level (Usually between .01 and .05) |
--resmapexe | None | Full path to the ResMap executable |
--verbose | int | Set the level of verbosity for the code |
--ppid | int | Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID |