
usage: prog <input volume> [options] 
	This program provides access to various algorithms for segmenting a 3-D volume into multiple pieces automatically.
	Note that you MUST have sufficient RAM to hold at least two copies of the volume in memory. Some segmentation algorithms
	may require more. The actual segmentation is performed using one of the segment.* processors. 'e2help.py processor segment'
	for more information (-v 1 will give even more).

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness
--process str The name and parameters of a processor to perform the segmentation. 'e2help.py processor segment -v 1' for a full list. Default=segment.kmeans:ampweight=1:nseg=50:thr=0.8
--output str Name of output file for segmentation map
--mask str A mask to be used in segmentaion, specific use varies with segmentation method
--segout str Output stack for individual segmented volumes
--chimeraout str Name of file to write center of segments in UCSF Chimera marker format.
--pdbout str Name of file to write center of segments in PDB format.
--txtout str Name of file to write center of segments in text format (n\tx\ty\tz, with coordinates in pixels, 0,0,0 in the corner)
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--shifttocenter None Shift the output pdb to center of the density map
--helixfile str Start with existing secondary structure.
--edgefile str Write an edge file for pathwalker.py. Only avaliable while using existing secondary structures.
--sym str Symmetry of the target complex. Note the number of segment is per unit.
--asymunit None Write points of only one asymmetrical unit.