

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--ptclin str particle input
--ptclout str particle output
--ref str reference input
--threedout str map output
--keep float propotion of tilts to keep. default is 0.5
--threads int Number of CPU threads to use. Default is 12.
--parallel str Thread/mpi parallelism to use. Default is thread:12
--debug None Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data (threads * 8 particles)
--transonly None only refine translation
--savepath None save alignment path in a json file for testing.
--fromscratch None align from scratch and ignore previous particle transforms. for spt mostly. will include mirror
--refineastep float Mean angular variation for refine alignment
--refinentry int number of starting points for refine alignment
--maxshift int maximum shift allowed
--localrefine None local refinement
--defocus None refine defocus. Still under development
--seedmap None seed
--ctfweight None weight by ctf
--skipm3d None skip make3d. only output aligned list
--padby float pad by factor. default is 2
--maxres float max resolution for cmp
--minres float min resolution for cmp
--sym str symmetry. will use symmetry from spt refinement by default
--smooth int Smooth trajectory per image based on nearby particles. Still under development
--ppid int ppid...
--nkeep int
--verbose, -v int Verbose