
usage: prog 3Dstack [options]
	Visulaizse and compute the mean amplitude and sigma in the missing wedge region. After you are sasified that the missing wedge looks sane, compute missing wedge stats
	on all volumes. These stats are used by the aligner tomo.fsc, for subtomogram alignment and averaging.

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--wedgeangle float Missing wedge angle
--wedgei float Missingwedge begining
--wedgef float Missingwedge ending
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID
--nogui None Do not launch the GUI and set the average of the missing wedge statistics on all the volumes.
--averagestats None Do not launch the GUI and set the average of the missing wedge statistics on all the volumes.