
usage: prog [options] 
	This program aligns a paricle to its symmetry axis. There are two algorithmic modes. 
	A coarse search followed by simplex minimization (not yet implimented) OR monte carlo course 
	search followed by simplex minimization. The Goal is to align the paricle to its 
	symmetry axis so symmetry can be applied for avergaing and for alignment speed up 
	(it is only necessary to search over one asymmetric unit!

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--align str Default=symalignquat. WARNING: The aligner cannot be changed for this program currently. Option ignored.
--average None Default=False. If supplied and a stack is provided through --input, the average of the aligned and/or symmetrized stack will also be saved.
--averager str Default=mean.tomo. The type of averager used to produce the class average. Default=mean.tomo.
--clip int Boxsize to clip particles as part of preprocessing to speed up alignment. For example, the boxsize of the particles might be 100 pixels, but the particles are only 50 pixels in diameter. Aliasing effects are not always as deleterious for all specimens, and sometimes 2x padding isn't necessary; still, there are some benefits from 'oversampling' the data during averaging; so you might still want an average of size 2x, but perhaps particles in a box of 1.5x are sufficiently good for alignment. In this case, you would supply --clip=75
--cmp str The name of a 'cmp' to be used in comparing the symmtrized object to unsymmetrized
--highpass str A highpass filtering processor (from e2proc3d.py, see e2help.py processors) to be applied to each volume prior to COARSE alignment. Not applied to aligned particles before averaging.
--input str The name of input volume or hdf stack of volumes
--keep float Fraction of particles to include if --average is on, after correlating the particles with the average.
--keepsig None Default=False. Causes theoptions.keep argument to be interpreted in standard deviations.
--lowpass str A lowpass filtering processor (from e2proc3d.py; see e2help.py processors) to be applied to each volume prior to COARSE alignment. Not applied to aligned particles before averaging.
--mask str Mask processor applied to particles before alignment. Default is mask.sharp:outer_radius=-2. IF using --clip, make sure to express outer mask radii as negative pixels from the edge.
--maskfile str Mask file (3D IMAGE) applied to particles before alignment. Must be in HDF format. Default is None.
--mirror str Axis across of which to generate a mirrored copy of --ref. All particles will be compared to it in addition to the unmirrored image in --ref if --keepsig is provided or if --keep < 1.0.
--nolog None If supplied, this option will prevent logging the command run in .eman2log.txt.
--nopath None If supplied, this option will save results in the directory where the command is run. A directory to store the results will not be made.
--nopreprocprefft None Turns off all preprocessing that happens only once before alignment (--normproc, --mask, --maskfile, --clip, --threshold; i.e., all preprocessing excepting filters --highpass, --lowpass, --preprocess, and --shrink.
--normproc str Normalization processor applied to particles before alignment. Default is to use normalize. If normalize.mask is used, results of the mask option will be passed in automatically. If you want to turn this option off specify 'None'
--parallel, -P str Default=thread:2. Run in parallel, see http://eman2.org/Parallel
--path str Name of path for output file
--plots None Default=False. Turn this option on to generate a plot of the ccc scores if --average is supplied. Running on a cluster or via ssh remotely might not support plotting.
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID.
--preavgproc1 str Default=None. A processor (see 'e2help.py processors -v 10' at the command line) to be applied to the raw particle after alignment but before averaging (for example, a threshold to exclude extreme values, or a highphass filter if you have phaseplate data.)
--preavgproc2 str Default=None. A processor (see 'e2help.py processors -v 10' at the command line) to be applied to the raw particle after alignment but before averaging (for example, a threshold to exclude extreme values, or a highphass filter if you have phaseplate data.)
--preprocess str Any processor (as in e2proc3d.py) to be applied to each volume prior to COARSE alignment. Not applied to aligned particles before averaging.
--ref str Default=None. If provided and --average is also provided and --keep < 1.0 or --keepsig is specified, 'good particles' will be determined by correlation to --ref.
--saveali None Save the stack of aligned/symmetrized particles.
--savepreproc None Default=False. Will save stacks of preprocessed particles (one for coarse alignment and one for fine alignment if preprocessing options are different).
--savesteps None If --avgiter > 1, save all intermediate averages and intermediate aligned kept stacks.
--shrink int Optionally shrink the input particles by an integer amount prior to computing similarity scores. For speed purposes. Default=0, no shrinking
--subset int Number of particles in a subset of particles from the --input stack of particles to run the alignments on.
--sym None Specify symmetry -choices are: c<n>, d<n>, h<n>, tet, oct, icos. For asymmetric reconstruction ommit this option or specify c1.
--threshold str A threshold applied to the subvolumes after normalization. For example, --threshold=threshold.belowtozero:minval=0 makes all negative pixels equal 0, so that they do not contribute to the correlation score.
--tweak None WARNING: Not used for anything yet. This will perform a final alignment with no downsampling [without using --shrink or --shrinkfine] if --shrinkfine > 1.
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level ofoptions.verboseness.
--weighbytiltaxis str Default=None. A,B, where A is an integer number and B a decimal. A represents the location of the tilt axis in the tomogram in pixels (eg.g, for a 4096x4096xZ tomogram, this value should be 2048), and B is the weight of the particles furthest from the tomogram. For example, --weighbytiltaxis=2048,0.5 means that praticles at the tilt axis (with an x coordinate of 2048) will have a weight of 1.0 during averaging, while the distance in the x coordinates of particles not-on the tilt axis will be used to weigh their contribution to the average, with particles at the edge(0+radius or 4096-radius) weighing 0.5, as specified by the value provided for B.
--weighbyscore None Default=False. This option will weigh the contribution of each subtomogram to the average by score/bestscore.
--avgiter int Default=1. If --keep is different from 1.0 and --average is on, the initial average will include all the particles, but then the percent specified byoptions.keep will be kept (the rest thrown away) and a new average will be computed. If --avgiter > 1, this new average will be compared again against all the particles. The procedure will be repeated for however many iterations --avgiter is given, or the process will stop automatically if in two consecutive rounds exactly the same particles are kept
--notmatchimgs None Default=True. This option prevents applying filter.match.to to one image so that it matches the other's spectral profile during preprocessing for alignment purposes.
--steps int Number of steps (for the MC). Default=10.
--symmetrize None Symmetrize volume after alignment.