
usage: prog [options] <image1> <image2>....
	Creates a stack of images for each input file. The stack consists of a moving 
	window across each file of a specified size and step. An example use case for 
	this program is to create test data for particle filtering, centering and 
	general image processing.

Option Type Description
--version None show program's version number and exit
--boxsize int Box size for each tile in pixels. Default is 512.
--xmin int Start tiling on this x-pixel. If -1, will start one boxsize inward.
--xmax int Generate tiles in x-direction until this many pixels. If -1, will tile the entire image.
--xstep int Step length in x-direction. If less than --boxsize, tiles will overlap. Default is 256.
--ymin int Start tiling on this y-pixel. If -1, will start one boxsize inward.
--ymax int Generate tiles in y-direction until this many pixels. If -1, will tile the entire image.
--ystep int Step length in y-direction. If less than --boxsize, tiles will overlap. Default is 256.
--verbose, -v int verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness