
usage: e2tvrecon.py [options]
	e2tvrecon3d.py reconstructs a 3D tomogram from a tilt series and tlt tilt 
	angles file. In order to reconstruct the original image, we minimize a 
	function that is the sum of a L2 data fit term and the total variation of 
	the image. Proximal iterations using the Fast Iterative Shrinking & 
	Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA) are used.

Option Type Description
--tiltseries None The input projections. \n\t\tProject should usually have the xform.projection header attribute, which is \n\t\tused for slice insertion
--tltfile str An IMOD-like .tlt file containing \n\t\talignment angles. If specified slices will be inserted using these angles in the \n\t\tIMOD convention
--output None Output reconstructed \n\t\ttomogram file name.
--path str Directory in which \n\t\tresults will be stored.
--iter int Specify the number of \n\t\titerative reconstructions to complete before returning the final reconstructed volume. \n\t\t\tThe default number is 50.
--beta float Specify the total-variation \n\t\tpenalization/regularization weight parameter 'beta'. The default is 5.0.
--subpix int Specify the number of linear \n\t\tsubdivisions used to compute the projection of one image pixel onto a detector pixel.
--savesinograms None If provided,\n\t\tthis option will save the sinogram for each 2-D slice (along Y) in the reconstruction \n\t\tto disk.
--inmemory None If provided,\n\t\tthis option will keep certain files open in memory instead of writing them and\n\t\treading from disk every time. While this can be faster, it is very memory-intensive.
--saveslices None If provided,\n\t\tthis option will save each reconstructed 2-D slice (along Y) to disk.
--verbose, -v int \n\t\tverbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness.
--parallel str Default=thread:1. \n\t\tSee http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Parallel
--ppid int Set the PID of the parent process, \n\t\tused for cross platform PPID.