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Revision 17 as of 2007-03-02 16:46:04
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Revision 19 as of 2007-03-13 15:16:05
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Editor: SteveLudtke
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 * YOU MUST CREATE AN ACCOUNT FOR YOURSELF TO EDIT THIS PAGE. Click on the Login button above, then follow the UserPreferences link.


This is the new EMAN Frequently Asked Questions page :

  • YOU MUST CREATE AN ACCOUNT FOR YOURSELF TO EDIT THIS PAGE. Click on the Login button above, then follow the UserPreferences link.

  • Create a new link below by copying an existing one, and put a summary of your question as the description
  • Save the page, then follow the new link you created
  • Put the details of your question on the new page
  • Automatic email will be sent to the EMAN developers
  • If you 'subscribe' to the new page you created, you will get an email when an answer is posted.

The Questions:

Installing EMAN:

  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/GUI1:I installed EMAN 1.8, all command line programs work OK. But if I run GUI program, it gives me error: "error while loading shared libraries: libXinerama.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory "?]
  2. [:SELinux:After I installed EMAN 1.8 on Fedora Core 6, I get this error message when I type eman: "EMAN/lib/libqsci.so cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied"? ]

  3. [:CMAKE1:I am trying to install CMAKE from source, but I only get three program cmake, cpack and ctest, I do not have ccmake. But no error message in compilation process. What am I missing here? ]
  4. [:EMAN INSTALLER1:I download the EMAN 1.8 binary for linux, the file unpacked fine, but the installer does not seem to run. It returns immediately and print out message like this: "Please add the following line to the end of your /home/gtang/.bashrc: source /home/gtang/EMAN/eman.bashrc." Is this normal?]
  5. [:EMAN QT4:Can I compile EMAN with qt4?]
  6. [:EMAN FFTW3:Can I compile EMAN with fftw3?]
  7. [:EMAN FFTWGEL:What is fftwgel, should I use it instead of fftw2?]

Using EMAN:

  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Heterogeneous:I have a good reconstruction, but my data is heterogeneous. How can I separate my data to better process it ?]

  2. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Refine2dpy centering:Should my data set be well centered before I run refine2d.py?]
  3. [:EMAN1/FAQ/e2scannereval results:using e2scannereval - what is wrong with this image? ]

EMAN1/FAQ (last edited 2010-05-26 19:25:24 by gtang)