Differences between revisions 31 and 58 (spanning 27 versions)
Revision 31 as of 2007-06-07 14:20:35
Size: 2807
Editor: SteveLudtke
Revision 58 as of 2007-07-23 16:09:18
Size: 7315
Editor: SteveLudtke
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Median:In EMAN 1.8 my class-averages have very strange numbers of particles listed, and this breaks the reconstruction]
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 1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/HeterogeneousPhase:I want to use phase residual data to identify the number of heterogeneous populations in my data set]
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 1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Refine2dpy centering:Should my data set be well centered before I run refine2d.py?]  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Refine2dpy centering:Centering - Should my data set be well centered before I run refine2d.py?]
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 1. ["EMAN1/FAQ/Ctf How does CTF correction work in EMAN"]  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Ctf:How does CTF correction work in EMAN]
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 1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/FSC FSC: My FSC curve looks funny]  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/FSC FSC:My FSC curve looks funny]
 1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/CCP4 maps:problems reading maps created by CCP4 in EMAN]
 1. ["EMAN1/FAQ/Filter When I lowpass filter a map the resolution looks too high, and when I combine multiple filters, the results aren't what I expected."]
 1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/StructureFactor:CTF Correction - I Don't have a structure factor and can't do a solution scattering experiment. What should I do ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 12:I read the documentation, and I still don't know what to do. How can I get more help ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 13:What paper should I cite if I use EMAN1 in published results ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 14:I've heard that (insert favorite program) runs much faster than EMAN. Is this true ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 15:I heard that someone did a refinement in (insert favorite program) and got a higher resolution structure than they did in EMAN. Is this true ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 16:I'm running EMAN in parallel on a cluster, and it seems to lock up when it reaches the class-averaging step (classalign2).]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 17:How do I compile EMAN for OSX(Mac) ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 18:I'm trying my first EMAN refinement, but the refine command crashes or produces black images in classes.1.hed. What's going on?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 19:How can I read images in format ABC ? What file formats does EMAN support ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 20:Symmetry determination - Do you have a facility for calculating rotational power spectra ? How can I determine the symmetry of my particles ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 21:CTF Correction - I can't do an x-ray solution scattering experiment on my specimen. Is there some way I can get an apporoximate structure factor to use in fitting and CTF correction ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 22:How can I find out how many particles were used in a reconstruction ? How can I look at the particles that were discarded ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 23:I'm trying to do CTF correction. Did I understand it right, that the aim of the sliders it to get the theoretical curve and the "data-curve" congruent? If so, to what extent should this be done? I am curently playing around with that feature and am not sure how curves should match as I did not succeed to get everything congruent]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 24:I'd like to process a really big data set with EMAN. Is it up to the task ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 25:If I have particles already picked and 'extracted' using a picking software other than 'boxer', how can I put them all into a '.hed' file so as to use them with EMAN?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 26:I have a particle which might have a c5, c6 or c7 symmetry. How can I find out which it is ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 27:Is there anywhere that explains the text output of the classification and model construction routines? being impatient an dhaving calculated several completely bogus models of my asymmetric particle, I am hoping there is a way to tell fromt he numbers when it might be better to stop the procedure than to let it run on.]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 28:I want to simulate noise and CTF to generate "real" EM-pictures from the projections of my molecule, just as you did in the orginal EMAN-paper for the BTV trimer. When I measure the carbon-film and use ctfit to determine the ctf, are the noise-levels determined simultaneously? How do I apply these parameters to the pictures?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 29:I have a bunch of MRC convention Euler angles and need to generate projections of a model in EMAN]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 30:I have heard that EMAN can process heterogeneous data sets and produce multiple models, for example, to study dynamics or ligand binding]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 31:What sort of problems will EMAN have with initial model bias ? What if I can't get my structure to converge to something sensible in EMAN, but I can in another program ?]
 1. [:FAQ EMAN USING 32:If I have a good template and a bunch of raw particles, is there a way to determine the particle center and orientation by some EMAN programs? In our reconstruction programs, we can get a set of parameters for each particle during refinement again a single reference. Including the x, y shift and 3 angle rotation. We are thinking about getting those parameters from EMAN.]


This is the new EMAN Frequently Asked Questions page :

  • YOU MUST CREATE AN ACCOUNT FOR YOURSELF TO EDIT THIS PAGE. Click on the Login button above, then follow the UserPreferences link.

  • Create a new link below by copying an existing one, and put a summary of your question as the description
  • Save the page, then follow the new link you created
  • Put the details of your question on the new page
  • Automatic email will be sent to the EMAN developers
  • If you 'subscribe' to the new page you created, you will get an email when an answer is posted.

The Questions:

Installing EMAN:

  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/GUI1:I installed EMAN 1.8, all command line programs work OK. But if I run GUI program, it gives me error: "error while loading shared libraries: libXinerama.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory "?]
  2. [:SELinux:After I installed EMAN 1.8 on Fedora Core 6, I get this error message when I type eman: "EMAN/lib/libqsci.so cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied"? ]

  3. [:CMAKE1:I am trying to install CMAKE from source, but I only get three program cmake, cpack and ctest, I do not have ccmake. But no error message in compilation process. What am I missing here? ]
  4. [:EMAN INSTALLER1:I download the EMAN 1.8 binary for linux, the file unpacked fine, but the installer does not seem to run. It returns immediately and print out message like this: "Please add the following line to the end of your /home/gtang/.bashrc: source /home/gtang/EMAN/eman.bashrc." Is this normal?]
  5. [:EMAN QT4:Can I compile EMAN with qt4?]
  6. [:EMAN FFTW3:Can I compile EMAN with fftw3?]
  7. [:EMAN FFTWGEL:What is fftwgel, should I use it instead of fftw2?]

  8. [:Ubuntu baddevice error:I build eman on my Ubuntu 7.04, when I type 'eman', before the window shows up, I see the error message dispalys 'X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169'. I installed the binary release for Ubuntu, the same thing happens. What is it?]


  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Median:In EMAN 1.8 my class-averages have very strange numbers of particles listed, and this breaks the reconstruction]

Using EMAN:

  1. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Dvd2007:I want to learn how to use EMAN, where can I get some sample data to try a reconstruction ?]
  2. [:EMAN1/FAQ/HeterogeneousPhase:I want to use phase residual data to identify the number of heterogeneous populations in my data set]

  3. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Heterogeneous:I have a good reconstruction, but my data is heterogeneous. How can I separate my data to better process it ?]

  4. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Refine2dpy centering:Centering - Should my data set be well centered before I run refine2d.py?]
  5. [:EMAN1/FAQ/e2scannereval results:using e2scannereval - what is wrong with this image? ]
  6. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Ctf:How does CTF correction work in EMAN]

  7. [:EMAN1/FAQ/Refine2d classes:How do I extract images from specific classes after running refine2d.py ?]
  8. [:EMAN1/FAQ/D2 Symmetry:How can I align and average a set of particles in 2-D with symmetry ?]

  9. [:EMAN1/FAQ/FSC FSC:My FSC curve looks funny]

  10. [:EMAN1/FAQ/CCP4 maps:problems reading maps created by CCP4 in EMAN]
  11. ["EMAN1/FAQ/Filter When I lowpass filter a map the resolution looks too high, and when I combine multiple filters, the results aren't what I expected."]
  12. [:EMAN1/FAQ/StructureFactor:CTF Correction - I Don't have a structure factor and can't do a solution scattering experiment. What should I do ?]

  13. [:FAQ EMAN USING 12:I read the documentation, and I still don't know what to do. How can I get more help ?]
  14. [:FAQ EMAN USING 13:What paper should I cite if I use EMAN1 in published results ?]
  15. [:FAQ EMAN USING 14:I've heard that (insert favorite program) runs much faster than EMAN. Is this true ?]
  16. [:FAQ EMAN USING 15:I heard that someone did a refinement in (insert favorite program) and got a higher resolution structure than they did in EMAN. Is this true ?]
  17. [:FAQ EMAN USING 16:I'm running EMAN in parallel on a cluster, and it seems to lock up when it reaches the class-averaging step (classalign2).]
  18. [:FAQ EMAN USING 17:How do I compile EMAN for OSX(Mac) ?]
  19. [:FAQ EMAN USING 18:I'm trying my first EMAN refinement, but the refine command crashes or produces black images in classes.1.hed. What's going on?]
  20. [:FAQ EMAN USING 19:How can I read images in format ABC ? What file formats does EMAN support ?]
  21. [:FAQ EMAN USING 20:Symmetry determination - Do you have a facility for calculating rotational power spectra ? How can I determine the symmetry of my particles ?]
  22. [:FAQ EMAN USING 21:CTF Correction - I can't do an x-ray solution scattering experiment on my specimen. Is there some way I can get an apporoximate structure factor to use in fitting and CTF correction ?]
  23. [:FAQ EMAN USING 22:How can I find out how many particles were used in a reconstruction ? How can I look at the particles that were discarded ?]
  24. [:FAQ EMAN USING 23:I'm trying to do CTF correction. Did I understand it right, that the aim of the sliders it to get the theoretical curve and the "data-curve" congruent? If so, to what extent should this be done? I am curently playing around with that feature and am not sure how curves should match as I did not succeed to get everything congruent]
  25. [:FAQ EMAN USING 24:I'd like to process a really big data set with EMAN. Is it up to the task ?]
  26. [:FAQ EMAN USING 25:If I have particles already picked and 'extracted' using a picking software other than 'boxer', how can I put them all into a '.hed' file so as to use them with EMAN?]
  27. [:FAQ EMAN USING 26:I have a particle which might have a c5, c6 or c7 symmetry. How can I find out which it is ?]
  28. [:FAQ EMAN USING 27:Is there anywhere that explains the text output of the classification and model construction routines? being impatient an dhaving calculated several completely bogus models of my asymmetric particle, I am hoping there is a way to tell fromt he numbers when it might be better to stop the procedure than to let it run on.]
  29. [:FAQ EMAN USING 28:I want to simulate noise and CTF to generate "real" EM-pictures from the projections of my molecule, just as you did in the orginal EMAN-paper for the BTV trimer. When I measure the carbon-film and use ctfit to determine the ctf, are the noise-levels determined simultaneously? How do I apply these parameters to the pictures?]
  30. [:FAQ EMAN USING 29:I have a bunch of MRC convention Euler angles and need to generate projections of a model in EMAN]
  31. [:FAQ EMAN USING 30:I have heard that EMAN can process heterogeneous data sets and produce multiple models, for example, to study dynamics or ligand binding]
  32. [:FAQ EMAN USING 31:What sort of problems will EMAN have with initial model bias ? What if I can't get my structure to converge to something sensible in EMAN, but I can in another program ?]
  33. [:FAQ EMAN USING 32:If I have a good template and a bunch of raw particles, is there a way to determine the particle center and orientation by some EMAN programs? In our reconstruction programs, we can get a set of parameters for each particle during refinement again a single reference. Including the x, y shift and 3 angle rotation. We are thinking about getting those parameters from EMAN.]

EMAN1/FAQ (last edited 2010-05-26 19:25:24 by gtang)