Differences between revisions 2 and 7 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2007-02-27 23:17:32
Size: 1334
Editor: bcm-11-173
Revision 7 as of 2010-03-21 22:31:30
Size: 1147
Editor: jgalaz
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Describe EMAN1To2Translation here. This is a mapping of EMAN1 EMData methods to EMAN2 so old scripts can be updated.
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I am compiling a list of function and procedure calls that I know are, or maybe just ought to be, equivalent between EMAN and EMAN2. Unless otherwise noted, the argument lists are the same between the two, so this table should be able to be used to SUBSTITUTE references in python scripts between the two packages. There is a theme, but it is not strictly followed! For historical purposes, the EMAN call is first, then the EMAN2 equivalent. I'll try to keep it alphbetical in the EMAN list. Maybe we should have the reverse list, too. Please feel free to add the equivalents where I don't have them. I am only working from two or three scripts that don't have mutually equivalent calls in them. Also feel free to pretty up the formatting! Cheers.
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||.calcCCF|| ||
||.copy|| ||
||.gimmeFFT|| ||
||.MEAN|| ||
||.MinLoc|| ||
||.realFilter|| ||
||.ri2ap|| ||
||.rotateAndTranslate|| ||
||.setRAlign|| ||
||.setTAlign|| ||
||.Sigma|| ||
||.toCorner|| ||
||.update|| ||
|| ||.set_complex||
|| ||.set_ri||
|| ||.do_ift||
||'''EMAN''' ||'''EMAN2''' ||
||.calcCCF ||.calc_ccf ||
||.copy ||.copy ||
||.doFFT ||.do_fft or .do_fft_inplace ||
||.EMData ||.EMData ||
||.gimmeFFT ||Not necessary, no FFT caching ||
||.Mean ||.get_attr("mean") or .get_attr_dict()[[mean]] ||
||.!MinLoc ||.calc_min_index or .calc_min_location() ||
||.readImage ||.read_image or EMData(path,n) constructor ||
||.realFilter ||.process or .process_inplace, dump_processors() ||
||.ri2ap ||.ri2ap ||
||.rotateAndTranslate || .rot_scale_trans, .rot_scale_trans2D, others. see Transform class ||
||.setRAlign ||no equivalent ||
||.setSize ||.set_size ||
||.setTAlign ||no equivalent ||
||.setValueAt ||.set_value_at ||
||.Sigma ||see .Mean() ||
||.toCorner ||.process_inplace("xform.fourierorigin.tocorner") ||
||.update ||.update ||
||.valueAt ||.get_value_at ||
||.writeImage ||.write_image ||
||.x(y)(z)Size ||.get_(x,y,z)size ||
||.zero ||.to_zero ||
|| ||.set_complex, note new constructor EMData(nx,ny,nz,real=1) if real=0 image will be complex ||
|| ||.set_ri ||
|| ||.do_ift ||

This is a mapping of EMAN1 EMData methods to EMAN2 so old scripts can be updated.








.do_fft or .do_fft_inplace




Not necessary, no FFT caching


.get_attr("mean") or .get_attr_dict()mean


.calc_min_index or .calc_min_location()


.read_image or EMData(path,n) constructor


.process or .process_inplace, dump_processors()




.rot_scale_trans, .rot_scale_trans2D, others. see Transform class


no equivalent




no equivalent




see .Mean()













.set_complex, note new constructor EMData(nx,ny,nz,real=1) if real=0 image will be complex



EMAN1To2Translation (last edited 2010-03-27 00:26:03 by jgalaz)