Build EMAN2

Once you're happy with the links, press 'c' to configure and then 'g' to generate the makefile.

8. Still inside build type:

make -j16 && make install

9. Add the EMAN2 folder (and the examples folder therein) to your PATH via the .bashrc file

export EMAN2DIR=${HOME}/username/EMAN2                                                      
export PATH=$EMAN2DIR/bin:$PATH                                                             
export PATH=$EMAN2DIR/examples:$PATH                                                        
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$EMAN2DIR/lib                                       
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$EMAN2DIR/lib:$EMAN2DIR/bin                                              

Once you refresh your shell by calling the shell in the terminal or by restarting your computer, everything should work properly. If the building process goes through without errors, the basic tests to see whether EMAN2 is actually installed properly, are

10. A. Run from the command line

10. B. Run from the command line

10. C. Run from the command line (assuming you're not on a cluster)

If everything went well, the above should run without failure and you can begin using EMAN2. If not, please double check that you've followed all instructions. If you have, feel free to post to the EMAN2 google group for assistance.