Advanced Installation

If your libraries (fftw, gsl, hdf, etc) are not found by Quick Installation, or if you want to change the compilation options, the following steps help:

  1. Follow the first 2 steps in Quick Installation.
  2. If your libraries are not installed at the default places, set up the related environment variables:
    • fftw -> FFTWDIR

    • gsl -> GSLDIR

    • tiff -> TIFFDIR

    • png -> PNGDIR

    • hdf5 -> HDF5DIR

    • python -> PYTHON_ROOT and PYTHON_VERSION

  3. % ccmake ../eman2
  4. Type 'c' if it asks about "CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY".
  5. Make necessary changes for compilation flags.
    • Developers will probably want to set BOOST-LIBRARY to a Boost.Python object file (ex.
  6. Then type 'c', and type 'g'.
  7. % make
    % make install

Platform Dependent Optimization

In CMake Configuration, enable the following option for your platform:

How to Generate Latest Documentation

  1. Install doxygen (version 1.4.3+,

  2. Install graphviz (

  3. install latex (

  4. After you have a successful EMAN2 install, i.e., you can import EMAN2 in Python,
    cd EMAN2/src/build
    ccmake ../eman2
    make install
    All documents will be in your EMAN2/doc directory.