Current EMAN2.1 Release Information

This page will be updated frequently until the final EMAN2.1 release.

The current release of EMAN2.1 is an alpha release. In software parlance, this means it is an early pre-release without complete functionality. Some tools which worked perfectly in EMAN2.07 do not yet function properly in EMAN2.1alpha1. This is due to the wide-reaching changes we've made in 2.1 to make it easier to use, and resolve all of the major user complaints about the 2.0x releases.

DANGER - projects in EMAN2.1 are not backwards compatible with EMAN2.0x due to the retirement of BDB. An upgrade program is provided to duplicate EMAN2.0x projects and make them 2.1 compatible, but this is still a preliminary version, so it is strongly recommended that you NOT delete your 2.0x projects after conversion.

Major changes in 2.1 (incomplete)

Major features which are working in 2.1alpha1

Major features which do NOT yet work in 2.1alpha1

We expect to have a sequence of alpha (feature incomplete) and beta (feature complete but may have bugs) releases through July/August 2013. During that time, adventurous users are encouraged to download the test releases and try them out. Just remember that projects used in EMAN2.1 cannot be reverted back to 2.0. The upgrade program will duplicate EMAN2.0 projects during conversion so you don't lose anything.