Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2009-08-12 17:54:09
Size: 771
Editor: bcm-10-134
Revision 3 as of 2012-09-20 16:23:20
Size: 323
Editor: SteveLudtke
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'''A:''' After installation, there is a test directory under your EMAN2. In this test directory, there is a directory called rt. So in this EMAN2/test/rt directory, there are a bunch of test_xxx.py files. These python script are unit test files for EMAN2. For example, test_emdata.py is the unit test for EMData class. You can run individual test_xxx.py file to test individual EMAN2 module. Or you can choose to run rt.py file, which will run all the test_xxx.py file. If you see all of the tests prints OK. Then your EMAN2 installation/compilation is successful. If you see any error, please post your system specification and the error info to this wiki, or send email to EMAN2 developer. '''A:'''

If all 3 of these programs run without error, then you should have a successful install.

Previously there was a suggestion here to use 'rt.py', but this is no longer recommended.

Q:How do I know my EMAN2 installation or compilation is successful?

A: Run e2version.py e2speedtest.py e2display.py

If all 3 of these programs run without error, then you should have a successful install.

Previously there was a suggestion here to use 'rt.py', but this is no longer recommended.

EMAN2/FAQ/EMAN2_unittest (last edited 2012-09-20 16:23:20 by SteveLudtke)