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=== For users with MPI already configured === If you already have MPI configured and tested on your system, you can skip to the '''Using MPI''' section below. The basic option you will use in your scripts is: {{{ --parallel=mpi:<n>:/path/to/scratch[:nocache] }}} The 'nocache' option is new as of EMAN2.04, and allows you to rely on your local filesysem sharing rather than caching data on each node. If you are using a shared Lustre or similar filesystem to store your data, or if your cluster doesn't have any significant local scratch space on the compute nodes, this may be beneficial. |
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1. Prepare the batch file appropriate for your cluster. Do not try to use 'mpirun' or 'mpiexec' on any EMAN programs. Instead, add the '--parallel=mpi:<n>:/path/to/scratch' option to an EMAN2 command like Some commands do not support the --parallel option, and trying to run them using mpirun will not accomplish anything useful. | 1. Prepare the batch file appropriate for your cluster. Do not try to use 'mpirun' or 'mpiexec' on any EMAN programs. Instead, add the '--parallel=mpi:<n>:/path/to/scratch[:nocache]' option to an EMAN2 command like Some commands do not support the --parallel option, and trying to run them using mpirun will not accomplish anything useful. |
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1. The 'nocache' option is new as of EMAN2.04, and allows you to rely on your local filesysem sharing rather than caching data on each node. If you are using a shared Lustre or similar filesystem to store your data, or if your cluster doesn't have any significant local scratch space on the compute nodes, this may be beneficial. |
MPI Parallelism
MPI stands for 'Message Passing Interface', and over the last decade it has become the de-facto standard for running large scale computations on Linux clusters around the world. In most supercomputing centers this will be the ONLY option you have for running in parallel, and administrators may be actively hostile to trying to make use of any non-MPI software on their clusters.
PLEASE NOTE: Using MPI on any cluster is not a task for linux/unix novices. You must have a fair bit of education to understand what's involved in using MPI with any program (not just EMAN). You should be comfortable with running MPI jobs before attempting this with EMAN2. If necessary you may need to consult a cluster administrator for assistance. There is enough variation between different specific linux clusters that we cannot provide specific advice for every situation. We have tried to provide as much generic advice as possible, but this is often not going to be a cookie-cutter operation.
ALSO NOTE: This parallelism system has a bit of overhead associated with it. It is efficient for large jobs, but if you can run a refinement cycle on your desktop in 5 minutes, you won't gain much by using 128 MPI cores. Data transfer will eat up all of your potential gains. However if you have a big job with a large box size and a lot of particles (something that would take, say, 12 hours on your desktop), you can get extremely efficient speedups. ie - if you run a small test job on MPI don't be disappointed when it doesn't give you the speedup you were hoping for. Try a bigger test.
For users with MPI already configured
If you already have MPI configured and tested on your system, you can skip to the Using MPI section below. The basic option you will use in your scripts is:
The 'nocache' option is new as of EMAN2.04, and allows you to rely on your local filesysem sharing rather than caching data on each node. If you are using a shared Lustre or similar filesystem to store your data, or if your cluster doesn't have any significant local scratch space on the compute nodes, this may be beneficial.
MPI setup
- Mac - MPI is provided as part of the operating system, so we provide a fully functional binary. No extra installation should be required.
Windows - we do not presently offer MPI support. try one of the other parallelism methods
- Linux - Unfortunately there are many variants of MPI and there are many variants of linux. Due to these issues, there is one specific file which we cannot distribute as part of the EMAN2 binary release for linux. The following will explain how to go about setting this up:
Linux EMAN2 MPI library installation
On linux clusters you will need to compile one small module directly on the cluster in question. In most cases this will be straightforward, and the setup will be largely automatic. However, in some situations it may require you to do some research about your cluster and/or consult your cluster documentation or administrator.
The EMAN2 binary and source distributions both include a subdirectory called mpi_eman. Go to this directory. Inside you will find a 0README text file you may consult for details, but in many cases simply running the Makefile.linux2 script at the command line as follows will do everything that is necessary:
make -f Makefile.linux2 install
If it does not, the first thing to do is to edit Makefile.linux2 and see if there are any obvious changes that need to be made. If you can't figure out what to do, first try consulting a local expert for the specific cluster you're using. If this approach doesn't work, feel free to email
When running the Make File, errors might arise from having installed the wrong version of EMAN2. PLEASE verify that your version of EMAN2 is correct for your system (for example, 32bit vs 64bit).
Specific MPI systems
OpenMPI - This is the most widely used distribution at present. If your cluster uses version 1.2 or earlier of OpenMPI, it will likely work without difficulty. However, if you are using 1.3 or newer, you will need to make sure OpenMPI is compiled with the --disable-dlopen option or you will probably get fatal errors when you try to run the test scripts. You may need to talk to your system administrator if this happens. --disable-dlopen is required for Python compatibility, and is not an EMAN2 specific requirement. Sometimes you will need to compile a different version of MPI than the one installed on your cluster
For Independent OpenMPI compilation, download the version of OpenMPI you want or need to use (for example, openmpi-1.4.3.tar.gz; you can find any given OpenMPI version by searching for it on google), transfer the tar/zip file to your home directory on the cluster of interest, and untar/unzip it (ask someone who already has MPI working for them what version of MPI they recommend). Once you untar it, you should see a directory with all the OpenMPI source files (for example, openmpi-1.4.3).
To compile, you will need to create a separate folder within your come directory where OpenMPI will be built. For example:
mkdir openmpi
- Then go to the source files directory
cd openmpi-1.4.3
Once you're in there, run the configure file, specifying that you want to use your own OpenMPI build (this is usually done through the --prefix option, which you have to set equal to your compilation directory, which is the openmpi directory you were instructed to create in this example; the --prefix option might be called something different depending on what version of OpenMPI you're building, but you can always check by typing ./configure --help). You also have to specify --disable-dlopen
./configure --prefix=/raid/jgalaz/openmpi --disable-dlopen
Still within the source directory (openmpi-1.4.3) run the following commands:
make make install
If it complies successfully, now you have to add mpi to your PATH by modifying your .basrch file, which is an invisible file that should be inside your home directory. You can easily open it with the text editor vi which comes with Linux and OSX by default
cd ~ vi .bashrc
- Note that THE ORDER in which you add directories to your PATH variable *MATTERS*. You want the system to find your build of MPI *first*, so add the directory at the beginning of your PATH (or the following lines before any other lines that contain the word "export" on your .bashrc file):
export PATH=$HOME/openmpi/bin:$PATH:/usr/local/bin
Once this is correctly set, go to the ~/EMAN2/mpi_eman/ directory and run Makefile.linux2 to compile the mpi_eman_c library.
cd ~/EMAN2/mpi_eman/ make -f Makefile.linux2 install
If run successfully, two new files should have been generated:- mpi_eman_c.o
Copy the file to ~/EMAN2/lib/
cp ~/EMAN2/lib/
You should now be able to run the test scripts that come within the ~/EMAN2/mpi_eman/ directory (keep reading till you get to the section with more details on how to run the tests scripts and how to create and run your own scripts).
MPICH2/MVAPICH2 - Another very standard MPI library. Worked fine for us in initial testing, but we have not done extensive burn-in testing on it.
LAM - An older library. We haven't tested it.
Other proprietary MPI distributions - Many high-end clusters will have a commercial MPI installation to make optimal use of specific hardware. While EMAN2 should work fine with these systems, it is difficult to predict what problems you may encounter. Please contact us if you have any problems.
Specific Batch Queuing systems
Note: If you don't understand the difference between a batch queuing system (this section) and an MPI system (previous section), you may wish to consider invoking your local cluster guru. People with the necessary linux/cluster expertise should not be confused by this distinction.
How to create a script to run jobs on the cluster
You need to create your own script (which is basically a TEXT FILE) to run specific jobs on the cluster (you could call it, for example myscript.txt). The format for the instructions inside this script will depend on the "batch queuing system" of the cluster you're using. ASK if you don't know which one your cluster uses.
You do not need to write a script from scratch; rather, you can edit the examples provided in the /EMAN2/mpi_eman/ directory. Read the details on the next two sections "OpenPBS/Torque" and "SGE".
If your cluster uses openPBS/Torque, there is an example batch file (that is, a "sample script") called pbs.example inside the /EMAN2/mpi_eman/ directory. You can edit this file to create your own script and use it for testing. There are also a couple of simple python test scripts which could be executed with mpirun. You will need to learn and understand how you are expected to launch MPI jobs on your specific cluster before trying any of these things! If you just naively run some of these scripts you could do things which in some installations will make the system administrator very angry, so please, learn what you're supposed to do and how before proceeding past this point. If you do not know what you're doing, showing the pbs.example script to a knowledgeable user should tell them what they need to know before offering you advice on what to do.
SGE (Sun Grid Engine)
This is another popular queuing system, which uses 'qsub' and 'qstat' commands much like OpenPBS/Torque does. Configuration, however, is completely different.
Here is an example of an SGE script to run a refinement with using mpich:
#$ -S /bin/bash #$ -V #$ -N refine4 #$ -cwd #$ -j y #$ -pe mpich 40 --input=bdb:sets#set2-allgood_phase_flipped-hp --mass=1200.0 --apix=2.9 --automask3d=0.7,24,9,9,24 --iter=1 --sym=c1 --model=bdb:refine_02#threed_filt_05 --path=refine_sge --orientgen=eman:delta=3:inc_mirror=0 --projector=standard --simcmp=frc:snrweight=1:zeromask=1 --simalign=rotate_translate_flip --simaligncmp=ccc --simralign=refine --simraligncmp=frc:snrweight=1 --twostage=2 --classcmp=frc:snrweight=1:zeromask=1 --classalign=rotate_translate_flip --classaligncmp=ccc --classralign=refine --classraligncmp=frc:snrweight=1 --classiter=1 --classkeep=1.5 --classnormproc=normalize.edgemean --sep=5 --m3diter=2 --m3dkeep=0.9 --recon=fourier --m3dpreprocess=normalize.edgemean --m3dpostprocess=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq=.1 --pad=256 --lowmem --classkeepsig --classrefsf --m3dsetsf -v 2 --parallel=mpi:40:/scratch/username -cF
To create your own script, you can just copy and paste the text above into a text file and introduce the modifications you need. For example, whatever you type after "$ -N" will be the "name" of your job.
You can replace and all the options that follow (denoted by the double dashes --) with a call to any other program in eman2 that is subject to parallelism, for example,
NOTE in particular the #$ -pe mpich 40 statement which specifies the number of MPI cpus, and the --parallel=mpi:40:/scratch/username option which should match in the number of CPUs (you may actually need to specify one less here if you run into problems), and also must point to a valid scratch directory present as a local (non shared) drive on each compute node.
This LOCAL STORAGE drive for each node may literally be called "scratch". Ask your cluster administrator about it if you cannot find it.
Testing Your MPI Setup
If you're ready to run the test scripts (and even if you're not but want to try it anyway), you can do so through the pbs.example script provided in the ~/EMAN2/mpi_eman/ directory. You can change the number of nodes and processors per node you want to run the test job by modifying the line that says #PBS -l nodes=30:ppn=8 (just change the numbers after the equal sign following the words 'nodes' and 'ppn', which stands for 'processors per node').
Note that the pound sign (#) inside a PBS script comments out a line from being executed.
- There are TWO mpi test scripts inside the /EMAN2/mpi_eman/ directory:
To run one or the other, comment out EITHER ONE of the lines (NOT BOTH) inside the pbs.example file that say "mpirun python" or "mpirun python" by adding a pound sign (#) at the beginning of one of the lines.
NOTE that when you run an actual EMAN2 job by calling one of the scripts, you DO NOT need to call mpirun within the PBS file to execute it (look at the line in the pbs.example file that starts with ...; there's no call to mpirun there because EMAN2's parallelization does it for you internally when you specify the --parallel=mpi option).
To ACTUALLY submit a job to the cluster use the qsub command at the command line as follows (for example):
qsub pbs.example
If you are using a binary EMAN2 distribution (if you did not "compile from source"), you will need to change the first line of the test scripts to correspond to the EMAN2 provided python interpreter (look at the first line of any of the 'e2*' programs, all of which are in the /EMAN2/bin/ directory). If the and scripts do not work properly when run as indicated above, then you either have not installed the library properly, or you need to learn more about how to run MPI jobs on your cluster. If these scripts run to completion and the output looks sensible, you are ready to proceed with an actual EMAN2 job.
Using MPI
Once you have verified that your MPI support is installed and working, making actual use of MPI to run your jobs is quite straightforward, with a couple of caveats.
Make sure you read this warning
Prepare the batch file appropriate for your cluster. Do not try to use 'mpirun' or 'mpiexec' on any EMAN programs. Instead, add the '--parallel=mpi:<n>:/path/to/scratch[:nocache]' option to an EMAN2 command like Some commands do not support the --parallel option, and trying to run them using mpirun will not accomplish anything useful.
replace <n> with the total number of processors you have requested (these number must match exactly)
- replace /path/to/scratch, with the path to a scratch storage directory available on each node of the cluster. Note that this directory must be local storage on each node, not a directory shared between nodes. If you use the path to a shared directory, like $HOME/scratch, you will have very very serious problems. You must use a filesystem local to the specific node. If you don't have this information, check your cluster documentation and/or consult with your system administrator.
- Make sure that after the last e2* command in your batch script you put an ' -cF' command to make sure all of the output image files have been flushed to disk.
- Immediately before submitting your job, run ' -c'. This will require you to exit all running EMAN2 jobs (if any) before proceeding. Do this.
- Submit your job.
IMPORTANT : While the job is running, you have effectively ceded control of that specific project to the cluster nodes using MPI. You MUST NOT modify any of the files in that project in any way while the job is running, or you will risk a variety of bad things. While the bad things will not always happen, there is a large risk, and the bad things are VERY bad, including corruption of your entire project. Wait until the job is complete before you do anything that could possibly change files in that directory.
When you run into problems (note I say when, not if), and you have exhausted any local MPI experts, please feel free to email me ( Once you have things properly configured, you should be able to use MPI routinely, but getting there may be a painful process on some clusters. Don't get too discouraged.
- The 'nocache' option is new as of EMAN2.04, and allows you to rely on your local filesysem sharing rather than caching data on each node. If you are using a shared Lustre or similar filesystem
to store your data, or if your cluster doesn't have any significant local scratch space on the compute nodes, this may be beneficial.
Note about use of shared clusters
EMAN2 can make use of MPI very efficiently, however, as this type of image processing is VERY data intensive, in some situations, your jobs may be limited by data transfer between nodes rather than by the computational capacity of the cluster. The inherent scalability of your job will depend quite strongly on the parameters of your reconstruction. In general larger projects will scale better than smaller projects, but projects can be 'large' in several different ways (eg- large box size, large number of particles, low symmetry,...). If your cluster administrator complains that your jobs aren't using the CPUs that you have allocated for your jobs sufficiently, you can try A) running on fewer processors, which will increase the efficiency (but also increase run-times), or you can refer them to me, and I will explain the issues involved. We are also developing tools to help better measure how efficiently your jobs are taking advantage of the CPUs you are allocating, but this will be an ongoing process.