EMAN2 Output Files

This page documents all of the various files produced by various tasks and workflows in EMAN2. While the format of the actual files will be one of the standard EMAN2 supported image formats in most cases, these pages will explain the contents of files with specific standard names.

General File Information

Information on specific input/output files for different EMAN2 programs

For single particle analysis (SPA) refinement runs (e2refine_easy.py and e2refinemulti.py)

Input files:

Output files (in temporal order of creation), _xx denotes the iteration number:

If you are struggling with a failed refinement, look at the produced files in this order until you find something unexpected, and that may give some clues as to what went wrong.

For 2-D reference-free class-averaging (e2refine2d.py)

You may also wish to look at: e2refine2d Input files:

Output files:

For single particle tomography (SPT, "subtomogram averaging") runs (e2spt_classaverage.py)

Input files:

Output files:

classmx_0.hdf final_avg.hdf fsc_0.txt parameters_sptclassavg.txt results.txt spt_cccs_0.txt spt_meanccc.txt subset4.hdf tomo_xforms_0.json tomo_xforms_0_avgAli2ref.json