
This is the main command-line program for manipulating EMAN2 BDB database files. Please read more about the BDB database itself.



This cleans up the database cache in /tmp safely. All EMAN2 programs must be exited before running this. After running this, database files can be safely removed, copied to another machine or accessed via NFS (until you access them again locally)



This will force an action that would normally fail due to failed checks.


This will delete (or at least empty) the specified database(s). Can be used with wildcards, etc.



List per-particle info from database containing stacks of images



Long listing



Dense listing in bdb:xxx format. Useful for using with 'for' loops in the shell.


Only include database names containing the specified string


Exclude database names containing the specified string


Only include dictionaries matching the provided Python regular expression. Make sure to quote the expression so the shell doesn't interpret it.


The name of a database containing a list of exclusion keys



List metadata contents of an entire database, eg e2bdb.py -D refine_01#register will list all of the parameters used during a refinement


Check for self-consistency and errors in the structure of specified databases


Creates a 'virtual' BDB stack with its own metadata, but the binary data taken from the (filtered) list of stacks. This permits multiple stacks to be combined into a single database without taking a lot of disk space


Appends to a 'virtual' BDB stack


Inputs an ASCII file with selected image to creates a new virtual BDB stack from an existing virtual stack


Write changed metadata in a virtual stack back to the original stack