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Editor: SteveLudtke
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||<35%><<TableOfContents>>|| Generic 3-D image processing program. The main tasks this program can be used for are:

 * Convert volumes from one format to another
 * Perform basic image processing operations such as filters, masks, normalization, etc.
 * Resize/rescale volumes
 * Compute FSC curves, structure factors, etc.

|| ||--origin||string|| Set the coordinates for the origin. x,y,z||
|| ||--fftclip||string||Make the output have this size, rescaling by padding FFT. x,y,z||
|| ||--clip||string||Make the output have this size by padding/clipping. 1, 3 or 6 arguments. x[,y,z[,xc,yc,zc]] ||
|| ||--medianshrink||int||Shrinks the image by integer n using median filter||
|| ||--meanshrink||int||Shrinks the image by integer n using mean filter||
|| ||--scale||float||Rescales the image by 'n', generally used with clip option.||
|| ||--sym||string||Symmetry to impose - choices are: c<n>, d<n>, h<n>, tet, oct, icos||
|| ||--process||string||apply a processor named 'processorname' with all its parameters/values.||
|| ||--apix||float||A/pixel for S scaling||
|| ||--mult||float||Scales the densities by a fixed number in the output||
|| ||--multfile||string||Multiplies the volume by another volume of identical size. This can be used to apply masks, etc.||
|| ||--mrc16bit||bool||output as 16 bit MRC file||
|| ||--mrc8bit||bool||output as 8 bit MRC file||
|| ||--add||float||Adds a constant 'f' to the densities||
|| ||--calcfsc||string||Calculate a FSC curve between two models. Output is a txt file. This option is the name of the second volume.||
|| ||--calcsf||string||Calculate a radial structure factor. Must specify apix.||
|| ||--setsf||string||Set the radial structure factor. Must specify apix.||
|| ||--tophalf||bool||The output only keeps the top half map||
|| ||--icos5fhalfmap||bool||The input is the icos 5f top half map generated by the 'tophalf' option||
|| ||--outtype||string||Set output image format, mrc, imagic, hdf, etc||
|| ||--first||int||the first image in the input to process [0 - n-1])||
|| ||--trans||string||Translate map by dx,dy,dz ||
|| ||--rot||string||Rotate map using EMAN Euler angles z,x,z' or an arbitrary convention. NOTE, at the moment users may only specify az,alt,phi - this is a bug that will be resolved||
|| ||--last||int||the last image in the input to process||
|| ||--swap||bool||Swap the byte order||
|| ||--append||bool||Append output image, i.e., do not write inplace.||

This program operates on single 3-D volume files, stacks of 3-D volume files, and EMAN2 BDB databases. It has many command-line options for
specific tasks. The generic '--process' option is by far the most powerful, offering access to 180+ different image processing
operations. For a list, type ''e2help.py processors''.

For specific details on various options, use ''e2proc3d.py --help''.

=== Examples ===
convert SPIDER format test.spi to HDF format:
e2proc3d.py test.spi test.hdf

extract a volume from a BDB database and convert to HDF format for visualization in Chimera
e2proc3d.py bdb:refine_01#threed_filt_04 volume.hdf

apply a 10 A low-pass filter to a volume in-place.
e2proc3d.py bdb:refine_01#threed_filt_04 bdb:refine_01#threed_filt_04 --process=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq=0.1


Generic 3-D image processing program. The main tasks this program can be used for are:

  • Convert volumes from one format to another
  • Perform basic image processing operations such as filters, masks, normalization, etc.
  • Resize/rescale volumes
  • Compute FSC curves, structure factors, etc.



Set the coordinates for the origin. x,y,z



Make the output have this size, rescaling by padding FFT. x,y,z



Make the output have this size by padding/clipping. 1, 3 or 6 arguments. x[,y,z[,xc,yc,zc]]



Shrinks the image by integer n using median filter



Shrinks the image by integer n using mean filter



Rescales the image by 'n', generally used with clip option.



Symmetry to impose - choices are: c<n>, d<n>, h<n>, tet, oct, icos



apply a processor named 'processorname' with all its parameters/values.



A/pixel for S scaling



Scales the densities by a fixed number in the output



Multiplies the volume by another volume of identical size. This can be used to apply masks, etc.



output as 16 bit MRC file



output as 8 bit MRC file



Adds a constant 'f' to the densities



Calculate a FSC curve between two models. Output is a txt file. This option is the name of the second volume.



Calculate a radial structure factor. Must specify apix.



Set the radial structure factor. Must specify apix.



The output only keeps the top half map



The input is the icos 5f top half map generated by the 'tophalf' option



Set output image format, mrc, imagic, hdf, etc



the first image in the input to process [0 - n-1])



Translate map by dx,dy,dz



Rotate map using EMAN Euler angles z,x,z' or an arbitrary convention. NOTE, at the moment users may only specify az,alt,phi - this is a bug that will be resolved



the last image in the input to process



Swap the byte order



Append output image, i.e., do not write inplace.

This program operates on single 3-D volume files, stacks of 3-D volume files, and EMAN2 BDB databases. It has many command-line options for specific tasks. The generic '--process' option is by far the most powerful, offering access to 180+ different image processing operations. For a list, type e2help.py processors.

For specific details on various options, use e2proc3d.py --help.


convert SPIDER format test.spi to HDF format:

e2proc3d.py test.spi test.hdf           

extract a volume from a BDB database and convert to HDF format for visualization in Chimera

e2proc3d.py bdb:refine_01#threed_filt_04 volume.hdf

apply a 10 A low-pass filter to a volume in-place.

e2proc3d.py bdb:refine_01#threed_filt_04 bdb:refine_01#threed_filt_04 --process=filter.lowpass.gauss:cutoff_freq=0.1

EMAN2/Programs/e2proc3d (last edited 2016-10-20 14:20:42 by SteveLudtke)