== e2refine == This program is the heart of single particle reconstruction in EMAN2. It embodies the concept of an iterative 3-D single particle reconstruction in a single step, starting with a [[EMAN2/Programs/e2initialmodel|3-D starting model]] and a set of preprocessed particle data. The overall strategy is similar to that used in [[EMAN1]], with a number of improvements for speed and accuracy. The general idea is that the 3-D orientation of each particle is determined by comparison to a set of projections of the current 3-D model. Particles in near-identical orientations are then aligned and averaged in 2-D. These averages are then used to construct a new 3-D model, which is then reprojected for use in the next cycle of refinement. This process of reference-based classification is somewhat unique to EMAN, and is one reason why it can converge so rapidly to the correct answer even with a poor starting model. EMAN2 refinement has many more options than EMAN1, and permits much more precise control over the refinement process. This can be both a blessing and a curse. We suggest launching your refinements from the [[EMAN2/Programs/e2workflow|workflow interface]] which simplifies specifying all of the necessary options. For those in search of detail, we document everything here. === Command Line Arguments === ==== General Options ==== || ||--version||bool||show program's version number and exit|| ||-h||--help||bool||show this help message and exit|| ||-c||--check||bool||Checks the contents of the current directory to verify that e2refine.py command will work - checks for the existence of the necessary starting files and checks their dimensions. || ||-v||--verbose||int||verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness|| ==== Options impacting the overall refinement ==== || ||--iter||int||The total number of refinement iterations to perform|| || ||--startiter||int||If a refinement crashes, this can be used to pick it up where it left off. This should NOT be used to change parameters, but only to resume an incomplete run.|| || ||--model||string||The name 3D image that will seed the refinement|| || ||--input||string||The name of the image containing the particle data|| || ||--usefilt||string||''Note: some unresolved bugs may exist with this option (6/2011)'' Specify a particle data file that has been low pass or Wiener filtered. Has a one to one correspondence with your particle data. If specified will be used in projection matching routines, and elsewhere.|| || ||--path||string||The name of a directory where results are placed. If not specified (suggested), will use a path of the form ''refine_xx''.|| || ||--mass||float||The mass of the particle in kilodaltons, used to run normalize.bymass. If unspecified nothing happens. Requires the --apix argument.|| || ||--apix||float||The angstrom per pixel of the input particles. This argument is required if you specify the --mass argument. If unspecified, the convergence plot is generated using either the project apix, or an apix of 1.|| || ||--sym||string||[[EMAN2/Modular/Symmetry|Symmetry]] to be imposed throughout: c, d, h, tet, oct, icos. Omit this option or specify 'c1' for asymmetric reconstructions. || || ||--lowmem||bool||Make limited use of memory when possible. Slight speed penalty.|| ||-P||--parallel||string||Run in parallel, specify type: