== e2refinemulti == This is a variant of the standard [[EMAN2/Programs/e2refine|e2refine]] program. This version performs so-called multi-model refinement. Rather than producing a single 3-D model based on a set of 2-D single particles, this program will create multiple 3-D models from a single set of 2-D particles. Several starting maps are provided, with (optionally) a different symmetry for each. Each particle will not only be classified based on orientation, but also based on which of the input models it best-matches. This process is iterative, so in theory, identical input models perturbed by a little random noise can be used as seeds, and eventually the refinement should find the greatest structural variations to base the different output maps on. However, if the input maps are nearly identical, this convergence could require many iterations. If the 'seed maps' are similar to the final expected structures, clearly the process will converge more quickly. Normally, after performing this multi-model refinement, in which particles are free to move between different output maps from iteration to iteration, the particles associated with each map would be separated into different 'sets', then normal single-model refinement would be performed on each of these particle sets, to achieve a more self-consistent result, and higher resolution. The options for this program are basically identical to those for e2refine.py with 2 exceptions, instead of --model to specify the starting model, use --models= with a comma-separated list of inputs. --sym can be either a single symmetry for all models, or a comma separated list with the same number of symmetries as input models. === Command Line Arguments === ==== General Options ==== || ||--version||bool||show program's version number and exit|| ||-h||--help||bool||show this help message and exit|| ||-c||--check||bool||Checks the contents of the current directory to verify that e2refine.py command will work - checks for the existence of the necessary starting files and checks their dimensions. || ||-v||--verbose||int||verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness|| ==== Options impacting the overall refinement ==== || ||--iter||int||The total number of refinement iterations to perform|| || ||--models||string||A set of 3-D maps to seed the refinement. Comma separated list. The number of outputs will match the number of inputs.|| || ||--input||string||The name of the image containing the particle data|| || ||--usefilt||string||''Note: some unresolved bugs may exist with this option (6/2011)'' Specify a particle data file that has been low pass or Wiener filtered. Has a one to one correspondence with your particle data. If specified will be used in projection matching routines, and elsewhere.|| || ||--path||string||The name of a directory where results are placed. If not specified (suggested), will use a path of the form ''refine_xx''.|| || ||--mass||float||The mass of the particle in kilodaltons, used to run normalize.bymass. If unspecified nothing happens. Requires the --apix argument.|| || ||--apix||float||The angstrom per pixel of the input particles. This argument is required if you specify the --mass argument. If unspecified, the convergence plot is generated using either the project apix, or an apix of 1.|| || ||--sym||string||[[EMAN2/Modular/Symmetry|Symmetry]] to be imposed throughout: c, d, h, tet, oct, icos. Omit this option or specify 'c1' for asymmetric reconstructions. Either a single symmetry may be specified for all output maps, or the same number of (comma separated) symmetries as maps.|| || ||--lowmem||bool||Make limited use of memory when possible. Slight speed penalty.|| ||-P||--parallel||string||Run in parallel, specify type: