Particle orientation refinement using GMM representation

Here we use particles of SARS-COV-2 from EMPIAR-10492 as an example. Starting from particles with assigned orientation, i.e. the Polished folder (13.5GB) from EMPIAR, as well as

Import existing refinement

Here we will need a .lst file with the location of all particles and their initial orientation assignment. Since here we start from a Relion star file, run --voltage 300 --cs 2.7 --apix 1.098 --amp 10 --skipheader 26 --onestack particles/particles_all.hdf --make3d --sym c3

Note that we need to phase flip the particles before the refinement, so this may take a while. Also make sure to provide the correct CTF related information to the program, including voltage, cs, amp, apix, since the program does not read those from the star file automatically. Check --help for more details. After importing the particles, with the --make3d option, the program will create a r3d_00 folder and reconstruct the 3D maps. You should see the structure of Covid spike at ~3.9Å at this point.

To start from other formats:

Global orientation refinement r3d_00/threed_00.hdf --startres 3.9 --npt 20000

Here --startres should be set to the final resolution from the previous refinement, and --npt is the number of Gaussian in the model. For refinement at near atomic resolution, it is convenient to simply set N to the number of non-H atoms in the molecule. The number can also be estimated using given only a map and target resolution. The GMM can also be seeded from an existing PDB model using --initpts XXXX.pdb.

Focused refinement

Starting from a finished global refinement, run gmm_XX/threed_XX.hdf --startres X --npt N --mask mask.hdf --masksigma

Here mask.hdf is a mask focusing on the target region. It is recommended to create this using Filtertool.

Refine from a GMM heterogeneity analysis gmm_XX/threed_XX.hdf --maxres X --mask mask.hdf

Here we also start from the global refinement. --maxres defines the resolution for the heterogeneity analysis, and it is typically safer to use a lower resolution (7Å by default), since the flexible parts are often not well resolved in the first place. The target region is specified with mask.hdf.

Patch-by-patch refinement

Starting from a finished global refinement, run gmm_XX/threed_XX.hdf --startres X --npatch N