Extra functions for EMAN2 tomography

Focused refinement

Refine local regions of a large complex. Available after 05/23/2019. Still under development.

Focused refinement on multiple asymmetrical units

When you have a complex with multiple asymmetrical units, start from one unit and get the transform and mask following the previous section. Assume we have c5 symmetry and the first unit is at 32,32,0. Then run e2.py and type

You will get a list of transform dictionaries in the printout. Paste them into a text file and use it as the input for particle extraction.

This also works when you have a complex with multiple identical components but does not follow a clear symmetry. Extract each unit individually and align the same reference to the unit. Put the alignment transforms in a text file for particle extraction.

Determine the handedness of a tomogram

In EMAN2 build after 05/23/2019, we can determine the handedness of a tomogram using CTF information. The idea is, at a non-zero tilt angle, one side of the specimen should be closer to the focal plane than the other one. Since this is already taken into consideration in the CTF estimation step, we just run the estimation twice on both the current and inverted hand, and check which one has a better fit.

Automated particle selection

In EMAN2 build after 02/01/2020, a new tool is implemented for CNN guided automated particle selectin from tomograms. The concept is similar to the tomogram segmentation protocol, but a number of changes have been made to improve the accuracy and throughput of the process. A new GUI has been made to simplify the training process. Note that this requires a CUDA compatible GPU and tensorflow setup to work. To use, run

Here label will be the label of the newly selected particle. This will bring up three windows: the main window with various options and a list of tomograms, and two windows (should be empty in the beginning) for positive and negative samples. Clicking any tomogram in the list will bring up two other windows: the slice view of the tomogram and the list of particles under the given label.

To start, select a few (>5) positive to negative samples. On the tomogram slice view, left-click to select positive samples, and Ctrl+left-click to select negative samples. Shift-click an image in the sample list to delete it. The particles should be well-centered in the positive samples, and there should not be particles in the center of negative samples. Click Train to start training and some output will be printed in the command line. Keep clicking Train (or use a larger Niter) until the loss stops decreasing (or whenever you want to stop). Then click Apply to let the program select particles using the trained network. Go through the particle list, Ctrl+left-click a falsely recognized particle to add it to the list of negative samples (left-click a particle will add it to the positive samples, but it is not very necessary since they are selected by the network already). You can also go through the tomogram again to add a few particles that are not selected by the network into the positive samples. Click Train again to re-train the network using the new training set, and click Apply to inspect its results. Repeat the process until the neural network's performance is satisfying. You can also select other tomograms in the list, to test the performance of the model and add more positive/negative samples to the training set. Finally, go through all tomograms in the list and apply the network to select the particles. These particles can be viewed and modified in e2spt_boxer.py, and extracted through the particle extraction steps of the main workflow.

Description of items on the GUI:

Map particles to tomograms

There is a simple tool to map the averaged structure to the determined position and orientation of each particle in a tomogram. Available after EMAN2.3. In versions after 05/23/2019, the function is moved to the Analysis and Visualization section in the GUI.

The program will then find all particles in the selected tomogram that are used in the refinement, map the averaged structure back, and produce a file called ptcls_in_tomo_xx_yy.hdf, where xx is the name of tomogram and yy is the number of iteration used. This is sometimes quite useful for objects in cellular environment (when membrane proteins are obviously upside down for example). Image rendered with Chimera.