This is for the new subtomogram-subtilt refinement pipeline that will become available after EMAN2.9. Currently on the spt_new branch in Github. Both the pipeline and the tutorial are still under construction. Backward compatibility of the results is not guaranteed...

Tomogram reconstruction

Particle selection

Subtomogram-subtilt refinement

To use, simply run

With default options, the tutorial dataset should be able to get to ~7.5Å resolution. While the reported number is lower, the features in the resulting map are about as good as EMPIAR-11654.

Visualize particle motion in individual tilts

After a refinement, run --path spt_xx --loadali2d <last aliptcls2d_xx.lst file> --loadali3d <last aliptcls3d_xx.lst file> 

It will take a while to load all metadata, and plot the trajectory of each particle on each tilt image in each tomogram.

In the top panel, the blue curve represents the average score of all 2D particles in that tilt, and the red curve represents the average distance of the subtilt motion with respect to the alignment of the 3D particle. The quiver plot below shows the trajectory of each individual particle, colored by its alignment score.

Focused refinement and continuous motion

After a refinement run, make a customized mask for the domain of interest using the filter tool, then generated the masked referenced. Make sure to mask both the even and odd maps that will be used as references and name them properly. spt_xx/threed_yy_even.hdf spt_xx/threed_yy_masked_even.hdf --multfile mask_smallunit.hdf spt_xx/threed_yy_odd.hdf spt_xx/threed_yy_masked_odd.hdf --multfile mask_smallunit.hdf

Do another short run with the masked reference with the --localrefine option. Load the last aliptcls2d and aliptcls3d file from the last run use the corresponding options. In this case, using --iters=p,t will be enough. --ptcls sets/ptcls.lst --ref spt_xx/threed_yy_masked.hdf --iters p,t --startres 7 --goldcontinue --loadali2d spt_xx/aliptcls2d_yy.lst --loadali3d spt_xx/aliptcls2d_yy.lst --mask mask_smallunit.hdf --localrefine

Then, run

e2spt_trajfromrefine --path spt_xx --ali3dold spt_xx/aliptcls3d_00.lst --ali3dnew spt_xx/aliptcls3d_01.lst --ali2d spt_xx/aliptcls2d_00.lst

Note that since we want to look at the motion of the masked domain within the coordinates of the original refinement, here use the old aliptcls2d.lst file. If the goal is to visualize the motion of other parts of the protein with the focused part fixed, use the newer aliptcls2d file. The program will output two 3D map stacks corresponding to the trajectories of the first two eigenvectors. They can be filtered/masked manually with before visualization.