Differences between revisions 10 and 19 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2008-03-19 04:37:48
Size: 2764
Editor: root
Revision 19 as of 2008-03-19 19:28:49
Size: 21732
Editor: root
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
Compiling for Mac OS X is generally the same as other platforms, but with some additional work required in post-install processing. Compiling for Mac OS X is generally the same as other platforms.

Line 5: Line 9:
boost (1_34_1)

cmake (2.4.8)

fftw (2.1.5)

gsl (1.8)

hdf5 (1.6.6)

jpeg (v6b)

png (1.2.23)

numpy (1.0.4)

Qt/Mac (3.3.8)

szip (2.1)

tiff (3.8.2)

zlib (1.2.1)


You have two routes available. You can install the above dependencies using a package manager such as fink or macports. This is the easier and faster option, but has the downside of making it more difficult to distribute your built package or moving it to a different machine. If you choose this option, just skip to the end.
 * boost (1_34_1)
 * cmake (2.4.8)
 * fftw (2.1.5)
 * gsl (1.8)
 * hdf5 (1.6.6)
 * jpeg (v6b)
 * png (1.2.23)
 * numpy (1.0.4)
 * Qt/Mac (3.3.8)
 * szip (2.1)
 * tiff (3.8.2)
 * zlib (1.2.1)


You have two routes available. You can install the above dependencies using a package manager such as fink or macports. This is the easier and faster option, but has the downside of making it more difficult to distribute your built package or moving it to a different machine. If you choose this option, please skip to the end.
Line 36: Line 29:

Compiling dependencies from source:


You have two routes available. You can install the above dependencies using a package manager such as fink or macports. This is the easier and faster option, but has the downside of making it more difficult to distribute your built package or moving it to a different machine. If you choose this option, just skip to the end.

The other option is to build all dependencies manually from source. This is the method I chose for the self-contained EMAN package. However, some of the packages required either patches or some careful massaging to compile properly. It will require a bit more effort than using the package manager.


Compiling dependencies from source:

Preparing to compile:
Line 55: Line 37:
*img* attachment:dirstructure.jpg
Line 60: Line 42:

My build environment was 10.5 Leopard on Intel host using Xcode 3.0 for the 10.5 build. I have not personally built for 10.4 on a 10.4 host, but the instructions for 10.5 will probably work. Building for 10.4 target on a 10.5 host is possible and requires Xcode 2.5 to be installed in parallel to Xcode 3.0.

For simplicity's sake, I will only discuss building for 10.5 target on a 10.5 host in these instructions.

Mac OS X supports multiple architectures in a single "universal" or "fat" binary/library. This is achieved by passing -arch flags to gcc (this is a special Apple-gcc flag) which will take care of all the details. Alternatively you can compile for different architectures separately and merge them together afterwards. For 10.5 I built both 32 and 64 bit versions for both Intel and PowerPC (i386, x86_64, ppc, ppc64.) On 10.4 I built only 32 bit versions for Intel and PowerPC.

The following environment variables were sufficient to get clean universal builds of dependencies in most cases. I put these in vars10.5.sh for quick access:

export BROOT=/Volumes/EMAN/
export CPUCOUNT=8
export ARCH=i386
export UARCH="-arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -arch ppc64"
export SROOT="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.5"
export LDF="-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names"
export CFLAGS="$SROOT $UARCH -O2 -g"
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin

Several dependencies required patches to compile properly. Most of them are taken from Fink/MacPorts, or other internet sources. I have them available for download (download page):

 * boost.patch
 * darwin.jam
 * jpegpatch.zip
 * libtool135update.zip
 * qt3mac.patch.txt
 * qt3mac.patch1.txt
 * qt3mac.patch2.txt

I placed the patches in $BROOT/src/patches.



./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
make install



./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"



./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"



./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"



Patch to add fat binary support
patch -p1 < $BROOT/src/patches/boost.patch

Build bjam

./configure --with-toolset=darwin --with-libraries=python --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat

In tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam:
 * change sdkroot to use /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
 * Add 64 bit (ppc64, x86_64) to fat arch

 feature arch : native ppc i386 fat : composite propagated ;
 flags darwin.compile OPTIONS <arch>fat : -arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -arch ppc64 ;
 flags darwin.link OPTIONS <arch>fat : -arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -arch ppc64 ;

./tools/jam/src/bin.macosxx86/bjam -d+2 --user-config=user-config.jam --prefix=$PREFIX --libdir=$PREFIX/fat/lib/ --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat/bin/ --with-python sdkroot=$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET arch=fat install



Patches from http://www.kyngchaos.com/macosx/install/libjpeg or download page.

unzip $BROOT/src/patches/libtool135update.zip
unzip $BROOT/src/patches/jpegpatch.zip

cp /usr/share/libtool/config.* ./
patch makefile.cfg makefile.cfg.patch

./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"

In Makefile, change CC and move it below CFLAGS...

CC=gcc $(CFLAGS)

Patch archive_cmds in libtool: needs $CFLAGS

archive_cmds="\$nonopt \$(test .\$module = .yes && echo -bundle || echo -dynamiclib) $CFLAGS \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \$libobjs \$deplibs \$linkopts -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring"



version-number needs to be changed to current_version in libtool

sed s/"version-number"/"current_version"/ Makefile.in > Makefile2.in
sed s/"version-number"/"current_version"/ Makefile.am > Makefile2.am
mv Makefile2.in Makefile.in
mv Makefile2.am Makefile.am

./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"



./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"

Patch archive_cmds in libtool, needs $CFLAGS
archive_cmds="\$nonopt \$(test \\\"x\$module\\\" = xyes && echo -bundle || echo -dynamiclib) $CFLAGS \$allow_undefined_flag


./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --enable-float --disable-fortran --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"

Patch archive_cmds to include $CFLAGS in libtool.. this one needs it twice.
archive_cmds="\$CC $CFLAGS -r -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o \${lib}-master.o \$libobjs && \$CC \$(test .\$module = .yes && echo -bundle || echo -dynamiclib) $CFLAGS \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \${lib}-master.o \$deplibs\$linker_flags \$(test .\$module != .yes && echo -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring)"

EMAN expects srfftw.h, sfftw.h. This version doesn't seem to make the symlinks correctly. Fix these after install

ln -s fftw.h sfftw.h
ln -s rfftw.h srfftw.h



Use patches from Fink, or download them from downloads page.

Carbon dependency makes it 32 bit only.

Apply patches

sed s/free-3.3.5/free-3.3.8/g $BROOT/src/patches/qt3mac.patch.txt > ./qt3mac.patch1.txt
sed -e $cmd < ./qt3mac.patch1.txt | patch -p1
patch -p1 < $BROOT/src/patches/qt3mac.patch2.txt
perl -pi.bak -e 's|cp \-P|cp \-Rp|' qmake/Makefile.unix

These must be in path for qmake to work correctly.
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/bin

./configure -prefix $PREFIX/qt3 -bindir $PREFIX/fat/bin/qt3 -libdir $PREFIX/fat/lib/qt3 -plugindir $PREFIX/fat/plugins/qt3 -release -shared -qt-gif -system-zlib -qt-libjpeg -qt-libmng

In mkspecs/macx-g++/qmake.conf:

 QMAKE_CFLAGS = -pipe -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
 QMAKE_LFLAGS = -headerpad_max_install_names -arch ppc -arch i386 -Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk


Prepare libraries:



cp libboost_python-1_34_1.dylib libfftw.dylib libfftw3f.dylib libgsl.dylib libgslcblas.dylib libhdf5.dylib libjpeg.dylib libpng.dylib libpng12.dylib librfftw.dylib libsz.dylib libtiff.dylib qt3/libqt.dylib $BROOT/extlib/$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET

mv libboost_python-1_34_1.dylib libboost_python.dylib

Set install_name. necessary for placing the app bundle wherever is convenient.

for i in *dylib;do install_name_tool -id @loader_path/../../extlib/$i $i;done



Do NOT load vars script.

$BROOT/dep/cmake/bin/ccmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR:STRING=@loader_path/../lib $BROOT/EMAN/

10.5 32 bits. Default options except those below. Replace any /Volumes/EMAN.. paths with the correct path to your build/install environment.

 BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include/boost-1_34_1
 BOOST_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libboost_python.dylib
 CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -mmacosx-version-min=10.5
 CMAKE_C_FLAGS -mmacosx-version-min=10.5

 CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR @loader_path/../lib
 CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
 EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/build/10.5/32/EMAN/bin
 FFTW_INCLUDE_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include
 FFTW_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libfftw.dylib
 GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libgslcblas.dylib
 GSL_INCLUDE_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include
 GSL_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libgsl.dylib
 HDF_INCLUDE_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include
 HDF_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libhdf5.dylib
 JPEG_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libjpeg.dylib
 LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/build/10.5/32/EMAN/lib
 PNG_INCLUDE_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include
 PNG_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libpng.dylib
 PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Headers
 PYTHON_LIBRARY /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib/libpython.dylib
 QT_INCLUDE_DIR /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/qt3/include
 QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/fat/bin/qt3/moc
 QT_QT_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libqt.dylib
 QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/fat/bin/qt3/uic
 RFFTW_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/librfftw.dylib
 TIF_INCLUDE_PATH /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include
 TIF_LIBRARY /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libtiff.dylib
 Z_LIBRARY /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib/libz.dylib

10.5, 64 bits. Same as 10.5/32, but with changes:


qmake will fail without this:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$BROOT/dep/10.5/src/qt-mac-free-3.3.8/lib/


EMAN Post-install

Load environment vars to get $BROOT and $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET

Set EMAN dir icon using Finder... copy applet.icns and paste into folder icon in 'get info'

This script does most of packaging work, but I'll step through it below.


The python dylib loader seems to only look for .so files instead of .dylib files. This creates these links. If you built EMAN for 64 bits as well, repeat for that as well.

for i in *.dylib; do \
 test=`echo $i | sed s/dylib/so/`; \
 ln -sv $i $test; \

Qt/Mac GUI programs on Mac OS X will not connect properly to the window manager unless they have a .app bundle structure and correct Info.plist file. See the Apple Bundle documentation for more details.

First, we need to create Info.plist files for each EMAN GUI program. I'll use the boxer program as an example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

This key tells the Finder which document types boxer can handle, as well as maps an icon to the file.

   <string>Box database</string>





CFBundleName is the localized display name for the application. If this is not set, it will be the name of the executable. Since we're using wrappers, we'll set this.
The name of the executable that will run when opened via Finder

A few more keys that define the info string, the icon file to be used, etc.

I have made Info.plist files for all the gui programs: boxer, checkslice, ctfit, eman, helixboxer, QHelp, qindex, qplot, qsegment, triplot, v2, and v4. You can grab them on the downloads page. I also made icons for the programs and file types that you can use.


cd $emandir

rm -rf apps
mkdir apps
cd bin
for i in *;do a=`otool -L $i | grep libqt`;if [ -n "$a" ];then c="$c $i";fi;done
cd ..

for i in $c;do \
 cd $emandir; \
 ad=$emandir/apps/$i.app; \
 mkdir -v $ad; \
 mkdir -v $ad/Contents; \
 mkdir -v $ad/Contents/MacOS; \
 mkdir -v $ad/Contents/Resources; \
 mkdir -v $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN; \
 mkdir -v $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN/bin; \
 cp -v $skeldir/PkgInfo $ad/Contents/PkgInfo; \
 cp -v $skeldir/icns/$i.icns $ad/Contents/Resources/$i.icns; \
 cp -v $skeldir/plists/$i.plist $ad/Contents/Info.plist; \
 cp -v $skeldir/scripts/argvemulator.py $ad/Contents/MacOS/$i.wrapper; \
 mv -v $emandir/bin/$i $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN/bin/$i; \
 cd bin; \
 cp -v $skeldir/scripts/applaunch.sh ./$i; \
 cd $ad/Contents/MacOS; \
 ln -sv ../Resources/EMAN/bin/$i ./$i; \
 cd $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN; \
 ln -sv ../../../../../lib ./lib; \
 cd $ad/Contents/Resources; \
 ln -sv ../../../../../extlib/ ./extlib; \

Compiling for Mac OS X is generally the same as other platforms.


Dependencies (version I have used successfully in parens):

  • boost (1_34_1)
  • cmake (2.4.8)
  • fftw (2.1.5)
  • gsl (1.8)
  • hdf5 (1.6.6)
  • jpeg (v6b)
  • png (1.2.23)
  • numpy (1.0.4)
  • Qt/Mac (3.3.8)
  • szip (2.1)
  • tiff (3.8.2)
  • zlib (1.2.1)

You have two routes available. You can install the above dependencies using a package manager such as fink or macports. This is the easier and faster option, but has the downside of making it more difficult to distribute your built package or moving it to a different machine. If you choose this option, please skip to the end.

The other option is to build all dependencies manually from source. This is the method I chose for the self-contained EMAN package. However, some of the packages required either patches or some careful massaging to compile properly. It will require a bit more effort than using the package manager.

Preparing to compile:

I opted to place my build environment in a disk image to make it easier to move it from machine to machine. Use Disk Utility to create a sparse disk image with a max size of 50gb (it will shrink to the total size of the files contained.)

I called the disk image "EMAN" and used the following directory structure for organization.


"build" is for EMAN build files. "dep" is the dependency tree root. "extlib" is for modified dependency libraries. "EMAN" is for the EMAN source itself. "Resources" are support files to be used in the creation of Mac OS X app bundles. "src" is for downloaded source tarballs and patches. "stage" is where the EMAN package will be prepared for distribution. "vars10.x.sh" is for environment variables specific to building for each Mac OS X version.

Because 10.4 and 10.5 use different versions of Python, I decided to build EMAN and dep libraries separately for each deployment target.

My build environment was 10.5 Leopard on Intel host using Xcode 3.0 for the 10.5 build. I have not personally built for 10.4 on a 10.4 host, but the instructions for 10.5 will probably work. Building for 10.4 target on a 10.5 host is possible and requires Xcode 2.5 to be installed in parallel to Xcode 3.0.

For simplicity's sake, I will only discuss building for 10.5 target on a 10.5 host in these instructions.

Mac OS X supports multiple architectures in a single "universal" or "fat" binary/library. This is achieved by passing -arch flags to gcc (this is a special Apple-gcc flag) which will take care of all the details. Alternatively you can compile for different architectures separately and merge them together afterwards. For 10.5 I built both 32 and 64 bit versions for both Intel and PowerPC (i386, x86_64, ppc, ppc64.) On 10.4 I built only 32 bit versions for Intel and PowerPC.

The following environment variables were sufficient to get clean universal builds of dependencies in most cases. I put these in vars10.5.sh for quick access:

export BROOT=/Volumes/EMAN/
export CPUCOUNT=8
export ARCH=i386
export UARCH="-arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -arch ppc64"
export SROOT="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.5"
export LDF="-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names"
export CFLAGS="$SROOT $UARCH -O2 -g"
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin

Several dependencies required patches to compile properly. Most of them are taken from Fink/MacPorts, or other internet sources. I have them available for download (download page):

  • boost.patch
  • darwin.jam
  • jpegpatch.zip
  • libtool135update.zip
  • qt3mac.patch.txt
  • qt3mac.patch1.txt
  • qt3mac.patch2.txt

I placed the patches in $BROOT/src/patches.


./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
make install


./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"  LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"


./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"


./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"  LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"


Patch to add fat binary support

patch -p1 < $BROOT/src/patches/boost.patch

Build bjam

./configure --with-toolset=darwin --with-libraries=python --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat

In tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam:

  • change sdkroot to use /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
  • Add 64 bit (ppc64, x86_64) to fat arch

        feature arch : native ppc i386 fat : composite propagated ;
        flags darwin.compile OPTIONS <arch>fat : -arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -arch ppc64 ;
        flags darwin.link OPTIONS <arch>fat : -arch i386 -arch ppc -arch x86_64 -arch ppc64 ;

./tools/jam/src/bin.macosxx86/bjam -d+2 --user-config=user-config.jam --prefix=$PREFIX --libdir=$PREFIX/fat/lib/ --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat/bin/ --with-python sdkroot=$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET arch=fat install


Patches from http://www.kyngchaos.com/macosx/install/libjpeg or download page.

unzip $BROOT/src/patches/libtool135update.zip
unzip $BROOT/src/patches/jpegpatch.zip

cp /usr/share/libtool/config.* ./
patch makefile.cfg makefile.cfg.patch

./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"  LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"

In Makefile, change CC and move it below CFLAGS...

CC=gcc $(CFLAGS)

Patch archive_cmds in libtool: needs $CFLAGS

archive_cmds="\$nonopt \$(test .\$module = .yes && echo -bundle || echo -dynamiclib) $CFLAGS \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \$libobjs \$deplibs \$linkopts -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring"


version-number needs to be changed to current_version in libtool

sed s/"version-number"/"current_version"/ Makefile.in > Makefile2.in
sed s/"version-number"/"current_version"/ Makefile.am > Makefile2.am
mv Makefile2.in Makefile.in
mv Makefile2.am Makefile.am

./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat  --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"  LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"


./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"  LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"

Patch archive_cmds in libtool, needs $CFLAGS

archive_cmds="\$nonopt \$(test \\\"x\$module\\\" = xyes && echo -bundle || echo -dynamiclib) $CFLAGS \$allow_undefined_flag


./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --exec-prefix=$PREFIX/fat --enable-float --disable-fortran --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --enable-shared  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"  LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"

Patch archive_cmds to include $CFLAGS in libtool.. this one needs it twice.

archive_cmds="\$CC $CFLAGS -r -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o \${lib}-master.o \$libobjs && \$CC \$(test .\$module = .yes && echo -bundle || echo -dynamiclib) $CFLAGS  \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \${lib}-master.o \$deplibs\$linker_flags \$(test .\$module != .yes && echo -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring)"

EMAN expects srfftw.h, sfftw.h. This version doesn't seem to make the symlinks correctly. Fix these after install

ln -s fftw.h sfftw.h
ln -s rfftw.h srfftw.h


Use patches from Fink, or download them from downloads page.

Carbon dependency makes it 32 bit only.

Apply patches

sed s/free-3.3.5/free-3.3.8/g $BROOT/src/patches/qt3mac.patch.txt > ./qt3mac.patch1.txt 
sed -e $cmd < ./qt3mac.patch1.txt | patch -p1
patch -p1 < $BROOT/src/patches/qt3mac.patch2.txt
perl -pi.bak -e 's|cp \-P|cp \-Rp|' qmake/Makefile.unix

These must be in path for qmake to work correctly.

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/bin

./configure -prefix $PREFIX/qt3 -bindir $PREFIX/fat/bin/qt3 -libdir $PREFIX/fat/lib/qt3 -plugindir $PREFIX/fat/plugins/qt3 -release -shared -qt-gif  -system-zlib -qt-libjpeg -qt-libmng 

In mkspecs/macx-g++/qmake.conf:

        QMAKE_CFLAGS = -pipe -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
        QMAKE_LFLAGS = -headerpad_max_install_names -arch ppc -arch i386 -Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk

Prepare libraries:



cp libboost_python-1_34_1.dylib libfftw.dylib libfftw3f.dylib  libgsl.dylib libgslcblas.dylib  libhdf5.dylib libjpeg.dylib libpng.dylib libpng12.dylib librfftw.dylib libsz.dylib libtiff.dylib qt3/libqt.dylib $BROOT/extlib/$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET

mv libboost_python-1_34_1.dylib libboost_python.dylib

Set install_name. necessary for placing the app bundle wherever is convenient.

for i in *dylib;do install_name_tool -id @loader_path/../../extlib/$i $i;done


Do NOT load vars script.

$BROOT/dep/cmake/bin/ccmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR:STRING=@loader_path/../lib  $BROOT/EMAN/

10.5 32 bits. Default options except those below. Replace any /Volumes/EMAN.. paths with the correct path to your build/install environment.

 BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH               /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include/boost-1_34_1                                                                                     
 BOOST_LIBRARY                    /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libboost_python.dylib                                                                                 
 CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY    2.4                                                                                                                             
 CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS                  -mmacosx-version-min=10.5                                                                                                       
 CMAKE_C_FLAGS                    -mmacosx-version-min=10.5                                                                                                       

 CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR           @loader_path/../lib                                                                                                             
 CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES          i386;ppc                                                                                                                        
 CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT                /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk                                                                                                  
 CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE           ON                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 EMAN_INSTALL_PREFIX              /Volumes/EMAN/stage/10.5/EMAN/EMAN                                                                                              
 EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH           /Volumes/EMAN/build/10.5/32/EMAN/bin                                                                                            
 FFTW_INCLUDE_PATH                /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include                                                                                                  
 FFTW_LIBRARY                     /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libfftw.dylib                                                                                         
 GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARY                /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libgslcblas.dylib          
 GSL_INCLUDE_PATH                 /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include                                                                                                  
 GSL_LIBRARY                      /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libgsl.dylib                                                                                          
 HDF_INCLUDE_PATH                 /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include                                                                                                  
 HDF_LIBRARY                      /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libhdf5.dylib                                                                                         
 JPEG_LIBRARY                     /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libjpeg.dylib                                                                                         
 LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH              /Volumes/EMAN/build/10.5/32/EMAN/lib                                                                                            
 PNG_INCLUDE_PATH                 /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include                                                                                                  
 PNG_LIBRARY                      /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libpng.dylib                                                                                          
 PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH              /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Headers                                  
 PYTHON_LIBRARY                   /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib/libpython.dylib                                                                          
 QT_INCLUDE_DIR                   /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/qt3/include                                                                                              
 QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE                /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/fat/bin/qt3/moc                                                                                          
 QT_QT_LIBRARY                    /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libqt.dylib                                                                                           
 QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE                /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/fat/bin/qt3/uic                                                                                          
 RFFTW_LIBRARY                    /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/librfftw.dylib                                                                                        
 TIF_INCLUDE_PATH                 /Volumes/EMAN/dep/10.5/include                                                                                                  
 TIF_LIBRARY                      /Volumes/EMAN/extlib/10.5/libtiff.dylib                                                                                         
 Z_LIBRARY                        /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib/libz.dylib  

10.5, 64 bits. Same as 10.5/32, but with changes:

 EMAN_INSTALL_PREFIX              /Volumes/EMAN/stage/10.5/EMAN/EMAN.64                                                                                                             
 CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES          x86_64;ppc64                                                                                                                                                        
 ENABLE_GUI                       OFF                                                                                                                                                              

qmake will fail without this:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$BROOT/dep/10.5/src/qt-mac-free-3.3.8/lib/

EMAN Post-install

Load environment vars to get $BROOT and $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET

Set EMAN dir icon using Finder... copy applet.icns and paste into folder icon in 'get info'

This script does most of packaging work, but I'll step through it below.


The python dylib loader seems to only look for .so files instead of .dylib files. This creates these links. If you built EMAN for 64 bits as well, repeat for that as well.

for i in *.dylib;       do \
        test=`echo $i | sed s/dylib/so/`; \
        ln -sv $i $test; \

Qt/Mac GUI programs on Mac OS X will not connect properly to the window manager unless they have a .app bundle structure and correct Info.plist file. See the Apple Bundle documentation for more details.

First, we need to create Info.plist files for each EMAN GUI program. I'll use the boxer program as an example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

This key tells the Finder which document types boxer can handle, as well as maps an icon to the file.


                        <string>Box database</string>





CFBundleName is the localized display name for the application. If this is not set, it will be the name of the executable. Since we're using wrappers, we'll set this.


The name of the executable that will run when opened via Finder


A few more keys that define the info string, the icon file to be used, etc.


I have made Info.plist files for all the gui programs: boxer, checkslice, ctfit, eman, helixboxer, QHelp, qindex, qplot, qsegment, triplot, v2, and v4. You can grab them on the downloads page. I also made icons for the programs and file types that you can use.


cd $emandir

rm -rf apps
mkdir apps
cd bin
for i in *;do a=`otool -L $i | grep libqt`;if [ -n "$a" ];then c="$c $i";fi;done
cd ..

for i in $c;do  \
        cd $emandir; \
        ad=$emandir/apps/$i.app; \
        mkdir -v $ad; \
        mkdir -v $ad/Contents; \
        mkdir -v $ad/Contents/MacOS; \
        mkdir -v $ad/Contents/Resources; \
        mkdir -v $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN; \
        mkdir -v $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN/bin; \
        cp -v $skeldir/PkgInfo $ad/Contents/PkgInfo; \
        cp -v $skeldir/icns/$i.icns $ad/Contents/Resources/$i.icns; \
        cp -v $skeldir/plists/$i.plist $ad/Contents/Info.plist; \
        cp -v $skeldir/scripts/argvemulator.py $ad/Contents/MacOS/$i.wrapper; \
        mv -v $emandir/bin/$i $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN/bin/$i; \
        cd bin; \
        cp -v $skeldir/scripts/applaunch.sh ./$i; \
        cd $ad/Contents/MacOS; \
        ln -sv ../Resources/EMAN/bin/$i ./$i; \
        cd $ad/Contents/Resources/EMAN; \
        ln -sv ../../../../../lib ./lib; \
        cd $ad/Contents/Resources; \
        ln -sv ../../../../../extlib/ ./extlib; \

EMAN_COMPILE_MacOS_X_for_Distribution (last edited 2009-07-22 21:32:58 by root)