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Revision 17 as of 2010-03-30 20:00:47
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Editor: root
Revision 26 as of 2010-04-05 19:21:11
Size: 1999
Editor: root
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 * Log file archive and database backup ([[EMEN2/config.yml|ARCHIVEPATH]], [[EMEN2/config.yml|BACKUPPATH]])
The EMEN2 database environment requires special backup procedures because it is an active database environment. The other directories are just normal files on disk, however, and can handled with standard backup tools (e.g. rsync).

There are several ways to backup your EMEN2 database environment. At the simplest level, you can just copy all the files directly to another location. This is a type of "cold backup," and is the simplest and most reliable backup mechanism, but requires that you stop all database writes for the duration of the process to ensure the integrity of the archive. Alternatively, you can perform a "hot backup," which can be performed even while the database is active. A hot backup copies database log files to an existing cold backup to bring it up-to-date with the current state. I recommend running cold backups once a week, with hot backups daily.
 * Web server log, log file archive and database backup ([[EMEN2/config.yml|LOGPATH]], [[EMEN2/config.yml|ARCHIVEPATH]], [[EMEN2/config.yml|BACKUPPATH]])
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== Cold Backup == == EMEN2 Database Environment ==
There are several ways to backup your EMEN2 database environment.
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To create a cold backup, shut down any open database processes (see [[EMEN2/emen2control.py|emen2control.py]] to stop the web server), and use the EMEN2 backup utility with the "--cold" argument. In the simplest case, you can perform a normal copy of the database environment. This is a "cold backup", and is the easiest and most reliable mechanism, but requires that you stop all database writes for the duration of the process to ensure the integrity of the archive (see "long answer"). If your uptime requirements are not stringent, performing cold backups once a night or once a week using normal shell tools (see simple answer below) may be all you need.

If you want to perform very frequent backups, or do not want to stop the database environment, you can perform a "hot backup," which can be performed even while the database is active.

== File Storage Area, Logs, etc. ==

The other directories are just normal files on disk and can handled with standard shell tools.

== Backup: Simple Answer ==

Shutdown the web server (see [[EMEN2/emen2control.py]]) and perform a normal cold backup of everything by rsync'ing to a remote backup server. This will be sufficient for most installations.

Example (default config, everything in /home/emen2):
Line 20: Line 33:
backup.py --cold

This will run a database checkpoint, and create a cold backup in the path specified by [[EMEN2/config.yml|BACKUPPATH]]. The database files, highest numbered log file, and configuration files will be copied.

To prevent overwriting an existing cold backup, the script will not run if the target directory exists. You should move or remove the existing cold backup first.


# python ./cmdlineutils/backup.py --cold
  ... snip: startup ...
Opening Database Environment: /home/emen2/db/
Cold Backup: Checkpoint
Cold Backup: Copying data: /home/emen2/db/data -> /home/emen2/db_backup/data
Cold Backup: Copying config: /home/emen2/db/config.yml -> /home/emen2/db_backup/config.yml
Cold Backup: Copying config: /home/emen2/db/DB_CONFIG -> /home/emen2/db_backup/DB_CONFIG
Cold Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000311 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000311
[emen2@ncmidb ~/emen2]# python ./emen2control.py --shutdown
[emen2@ncmidb ~/emen2]# python ./emen2control.py --recover
[emen2@ncmidb ~]# cd /home/emen2/
[emen2@ncmidb ~]# rsync -vr db db_backup log_archive applog emen2files emen2tiles emen2 emen2@remotebackup:~/emen2backup/
Line 40: Line 40:
Once you have created a cold backup, it can be updated by running a hot backup.
Line 42: Line 41:
== Hot Backup ==

backup.py --hot

# python ./cmdlineutils/backup.py --cold
  ... snip: startup ...
Opening Database Environment: /home/emen2/db/
Hot Backup: Log archive
Log Archive: Checkpoint
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000303 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000303
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000304 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000304
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000305 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000305
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000306 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000306
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000307 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000307
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000308 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000308
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000309 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000309
Log Archive: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000310 -> /home/emen2/log_archive/log.0000000310
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000303 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000303
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000304 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000304
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000305 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000305
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000306 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000306
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000307 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000307
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000308 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000308
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000309 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000309
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000310 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000310
Hot Backup: Copying log: /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000311 -> /home/emen2/db_backup/log/log.0000000311
Log Archive: Checkpoint
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000303
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000304
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000305
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000306
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000307
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000308
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000309
Log Archive: Removing /home/emen2/db/log/log.0000000310

For a more detailed discussion, see [[EMEN2/BackupDiscussion|Backup Discussion]]

EMEN2 Maintenance and Backups

An EMEN2 installation consists of several components:

EMEN2 Database Environment

There are several ways to backup your EMEN2 database environment.

In the simplest case, you can perform a normal copy of the database environment. This is a "cold backup", and is the easiest and most reliable mechanism, but requires that you stop all database writes for the duration of the process to ensure the integrity of the archive (see "long answer"). If your uptime requirements are not stringent, performing cold backups once a night or once a week using normal shell tools (see simple answer below) may be all you need.

If you want to perform very frequent backups, or do not want to stop the database environment, you can perform a "hot backup," which can be performed even while the database is active.

File Storage Area, Logs, etc.

The other directories are just normal files on disk and can handled with standard shell tools.

Backup: Simple Answer

Shutdown the web server (see EMEN2/emen2control.py) and perform a normal cold backup of everything by rsync'ing to a remote backup server. This will be sufficient for most installations.

Example (default config, everything in /home/emen2):

[emen2@ncmidb ~/emen2]# python ./emen2control.py --shutdown
[emen2@ncmidb ~/emen2]# python ./emen2control.py --recover
[emen2@ncmidb ~]# cd /home/emen2/
[emen2@ncmidb ~]# rsync -vr db db_backup log_archive applog emen2files emen2tiles emen2 emen2@remotebackup:~/emen2backup/

For a more detailed discussion, see Backup Discussion

EMEN2/BackupsOld (last edited 2010-09-22 07:18:44 by root)