Creating an EMEN2 database environment

Here is a "quick start" guide to initialize an EMEN2 DB and start the web server. The "-h" argument in the scripts below are references to a directory to keep the EMEN2 DB; the directory will be created if it does not exist.

python -m emen2.db.create -h $HOME/test.db

This will prompt for a "root" account password, and create a minimal EMEN2 environment. The email address will be used for password recovery and system messages if a mail server is provided in the configuration. The password can be left empty, but the system will not be secure at all.

To start the EMEN2 web server with default settings:

python -m emen2.web -h $HOME/test.db

You will be able to access the server at http://localhost:8080

Another way to start the web server is to use the "emen2ctl" program:

emen2ctl restart -h $HOME/test.db

This will daemonize emen2, and log all messages to a file, $HOME/test.db/log/emen2.log.

Finally, if you want to start EMEN2 at system boot, see EMEN2 Startup for details on using the emen2 init script.