* [[http://blake.bcm.edu/eman2/coding_style.html|What is the EMAN2's coding style?]] * [[http://blake.bcm.edu/eman2/adding_processor.html|How to add a new processor in EMAN2?]] * [[eman2UnitTest|What about the unit test in EMAN2?]] * [[eman2Assertion|How to use assertion in EMAN2?]] * [[eman2Exception|How to use Exception handling in EMAN2?]] * [[eman2Log|How to use log in EMAN2?]] * [[eman2LargeFileIO|How to handle large-file (>2G) IO?]] * [[eman2ByteOrder|How to handle image data byte-order?]] * [[eman2BoostPyhton|How to Wrap my C++ class/function to Python?]]