Attachment 'terminal_7.txt'


   1 odd% ipython --pylab
   2 Leopard libedit detected.
   3 Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug 25 2013, 00:04:04) 
   4 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
   6 IPython 0.10 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
   7 ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
   8 %quickref -> Quick reference.
   9 help      -> Python's own help system.
  10 object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.
  12   Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment.
  13   For more information, type 'help(pylab)'.
  15 In [1]: a=load
  16 load    loads   loadtxt
  18 In [1]: a=loadtxt("histdata1.txt")
  20 In [2]: b=loadtxt("histdata2.txt")
  22 In [3]: a
  23 Out[3]: 
  24 array([ 2.0134,  2.6224,  5.7746,  2.8369,  3.2614,  2.656 ,  3.6223,
  25         3.6554,  3.2868,  2.0657,  2.6862,  1.6926,  3.0922,  2.7039,
  26         3.3683,  2.4853,  3.8648,  2.0379,  3.3183,  3.0755,  1.3555,
  27         3.2902,  2.6083,  4.3959,  3.7522,  1.808 ,  3.1642,  2.8504,
  28         3.8774,  2.4361,  4.4567,  3.0828,  2.1146,  1.8597,  2.77  ,
  29         2.4807,  3.9702,  1.3325,  2.6439,  2.862 ,  4.2029,  2.474 ,
  30         2.0359,  3.6001,  2.993 ,  4.47  ,  3.1784,  2.9787,  3.7748,
  31         3.6336,  3.6966,  3.2211,  2.5774,  2.5526,  2.6056,  5.269 ,
  32         2.9264,  3.5267,  1.7489,  3.7437,  1.2507,  2.66  ,  3.1657,
  33         3.2095,  2.6424,  2.7375,  4.6389,  4.229 ,  3.5875,  3.0073,
  34         3.095 ,  2.5555,  3.8165,  3.7475,  4.5773,  3.1289,  2.0872,
  35         1.4804,  4.3969,  2.4179,  3.4434,  3.7939,  1.3123,  2.7653,
  36         3.4534,  4.4413,  3.316 ,  4.2663,  4.194 ,  4.4798,  3.3501,
  37         4.4896,  3.3822,  3.9453,  4.0602,  1.5663,  2.9714,  3.7838,
  38         3.3183,  2.179 ,  2.5838,  2.0677,  3.4643,  5.3662,  4.5902,
  39         4.0406,  3.317 ,  3.8112,  3.823 ,  3.0532,  3.1867,  2.2311,
  40         4.3458,  2.4033,  3.576 ,  2.1502,  3.0044,  3.5235,  4.4605,
  41         3.1126,  3.2096,  2.5096,  3.087 ,  2.4469,  0.6499,  3.7746,
  42         3.2018,  2.6577,  2.983 ,  3.9557,  3.8617,  2.7079,  3.2073,
  43         3.3082,  3.48  ,  2.1339,  4.6674,  3.0822,  3.1889,  3.0733,
  44         2.0992,  2.9251,  3.0716,  2.4659,  2.9711,  1.3295,  4.1822,
  45         3.9412,  0.8924,  2.8145,  4.1992,  2.1415,  1.527 ,  1.8861,
  46         2.6271,  2.9286,  2.7741,  1.7129,  2.7369,  3.9712,  2.8179,
  47         4.4221,  2.3358,  4.1518,  3.6526,  4.2279,  3.289 ,  2.91  ,
  48         1.6432,  4.4082,  2.3301,  2.7813,  2.3295,  3.2235,  2.9676,
  49         4.3706,  3.1199,  1.7284,  3.3142,  3.1693,  2.1585,  2.5528,
  50         3.1082,  2.9366,  3.8281,  2.9844,  4.5819,  2.5706,  2.763 ,
  51         2.3505,  3.2101,  4.0892,  2.1903,  3.0165,  2.0047,  3.1603,
  52         4.1298,  6.6751,  3.7919,  2.9756,  3.6774,  2.666 ,  2.8439,
  53         2.9861,  1.8288,  2.4905,  2.0056,  5.1684,  3.8051,  3.3954,
  54         1.6442,  1.4282,  2.9656,  5.0751,  3.6537,  3.1188,  2.8787,
  55         2.5376,  0.3308,  2.8935,  2.0858,  2.6495,  3.7738,  2.0829,
  56         2.629 ,  1.8846,  5.1122,  1.7751,  2.678 ,  3.3349,  1.8351,
  57         3.4508,  1.1964,  4.9798,  2.7387,  2.9407,  2.4422,  4.5975,
  58         3.4423,  0.8234,  1.8951,  3.5873,  2.6119,  3.5062,  2.064 ,
  59         2.3733,  2.2293,  3.4762,  1.8903,  3.1663,  3.7586,  2.2848,
  60         3.8242,  2.1278,  3.3621,  2.5668,  3.952 ,  2.4491,  0.9853,
  61         2.6896,  1.9235,  5.0128,  3.9021,  2.1043,  4.7425,  2.7402,
  62         2.8693,  3.6664,  4.0459,  2.6274,  1.6583,  3.5025,  2.892 ,
  63         2.9577,  5.209 ,  4.3026,  3.0877,  1.7383,  1.8898,  2.7384,
  64         1.0794,  3.5301,  3.7552,  1.407 ,  2.8622,  3.7295,  4.858 ,
  65         2.4635,  3.7793,  3.2384,  4.4089,  3.3225,  2.3778,  2.3076,
  66         4.9439,  5.6696,  2.5541,  3.0252,  3.5646,  3.8997,  4.1722,
  67         3.4185,  3.6708,  3.0446,  2.1191,  3.2134,  2.3863,  2.7667,
  68         2.9074,  3.1541,  0.5457,  2.8757,  1.1295,  3.3445,  3.7792,
  69         3.528 ,  2.8123,  4.4933,  3.8456,  3.6991,  2.2987,  2.7739,
  70         2.1315,  2.883 ,  2.3386,  2.194 ,  1.8657,  1.2933,  4.268 ,
  71         2.3774,  3.6588,  2.7608,  4.9662,  2.4479,  4.113 ,  2.0715,
  72         1.8663,  1.4849,  3.5808,  2.0483,  3.6297,  1.6243,  2.8825,
  73         1.7392,  3.527 ,  3.7003,  5.5906,  1.9473,  1.5108,  2.5639,
  74         1.7735,  1.8087,  1.0004,  4.0187,  2.6567,  3.469 ,  3.5493,
  75         2.9454,  2.953 ,  3.4241,  2.0206,  3.89  ,  2.0386,  2.4817,
  76         3.9967,  4.8849,  3.1513,  3.5105,  2.8321,  2.5911,  1.0256,
  77         1.6449,  3.352 ,  3.2481,  2.2557,  1.7433,  0.9567,  2.1366,
  78         5.9993,  3.48  ,  3.8243,  3.636 ,  3.9888,  2.3322,  3.0434,
  79         2.3334,  3.6714,  1.5638,  3.4916,  3.4246,  1.975 ,  3.7941,
  80         4.7432,  2.9456,  3.5746,  1.6418,  2.7193,  2.0262,  2.1748,
  81         2.3424,  2.5045,  3.5092,  1.6157,  2.9731,  3.5656,  3.0805,
  82         3.187 ,  3.2451,  2.9783,  2.9506,  4.1542,  0.592 ,  1.4788,
  83         4.157 ,  2.4463,  4.5872,  2.1907,  4.3241,  3.7729,  1.3564,
  84         2.4558,  4.0476,  2.6088,  3.0333,  2.8118,  5.0076,  3.6027,
  85         5.4724,  2.1597,  4.0922,  3.4699,  2.8353,  2.7715,  2.5317,
  86         2.1543,  3.1357,  2.5893,  2.9935,  3.0297,  2.2329,  3.8067,
  87         4.1991,  1.1236,  1.9284,  4.6825,  2.2003,  2.0537,  2.3156,
  88         2.8955,  3.036 ,  3.2317,  2.6157,  1.7985,  3.2512,  2.7914,
  89         1.8775,  1.0957,  2.2556,  5.0971,  3.2858,  3.7435,  2.2257,
  90         3.6781,  3.3031,  3.6825,  2.5988,  1.3274,  2.7136,  0.9103,
  91         4.816 ,  1.9461,  4.3595,  1.4406,  2.1612,  2.5226,  2.4826,
  92         2.4138,  2.7349,  3.4671,  3.5708,  2.2068,  2.4412,  2.3247,
  93         1.4733,  4.3363,  2.5239,  1.4565,  2.7798,  3.6526,  2.4543,
  94         4.4078,  3.5212,  3.2591,  4.2809,  4.8274,  2.5775,  2.2102,
  95         3.894 ,  2.456 ,  1.9179,  5.6815,  3.8855,  3.4883,  3.4427,
  96         1.1505,  2.3709,  4.4697,  3.855 ,  3.9826,  3.0488,  3.545 ,
  97         4.4284,  3.3621,  1.489 ,  3.8552,  2.519 ,  3.3704,  3.613 ,
  98         2.4402,  3.7997,  3.8655,  3.7798,  2.7982,  3.4903,  2.542 ,
  99         1.1433,  4.8673,  2.6035,  1.8868,  1.5656,  2.4972,  2.6321,
 100         3.7471,  1.9169,  2.6944,  3.8975,  2.789 ,  2.4726,  4.9736,
 101         2.545 ,  2.587 ,  2.4138,  2.85  ,  4.5054,  4.4396,  1.8097,
 102         3.4199,  2.8976,  2.8658,  2.3496,  3.8352,  1.8322,  3.2803,
 103         0.8095,  3.4816,  3.3399,  2.5279,  1.512 ,  2.6796,  2.3534,
 104         2.1299,  3.8527,  2.9475,  3.1139,  1.966 ,  3.3518,  2.9119,
 105         2.3981,  3.0996,  1.2723,  5.1292,  2.4757,  4.5476,  2.81  ,
 106         1.7774,  3.6754,  2.5585,  5.2356,  4.0011,  2.4127,  2.6227,
 107         4.4564,  3.4971,  2.1598,  2.1937,  2.9093,  3.8848,  4.5576,
 108         3.6506,  1.1866,  2.9977,  1.5115,  0.4059,  2.1075,  4.7976,
 109         2.7134,  5.135 ,  4.9536,  4.9927,  2.4828,  3.5698,  0.4588,
 110         2.3906,  3.8702,  1.5727,  2.8838,  2.0937,  4.473 ,  2.5134,
 111         2.777 ,  1.8295,  4.5999,  2.8697,  2.0159,  4.4006,  3.1884,
 112         0.4903,  3.1372,  3.249 ,  2.5389,  1.7257,  3.6092,  4.0188,
 113         4.6414,  4.3543,  3.5676,  2.7747,  1.9255,  3.9313,  1.1341,
 114         2.756 ,  2.0618,  2.079 ,  3.6387,  2.2431,  2.8   ,  3.0068,
 115         3.3533,  4.2931,  1.5296,  2.4378,  2.4366,  1.8777,  2.8312,
 116         3.0417,  3.6814,  2.2283,  2.0695,  3.8955,  4.717 ,  3.6737,
 117         4.6961,  3.0322,  3.7067,  2.3846,  1.8775,  3.1586,  5.2754,
 118         1.6878,  2.6017,  2.2994,  2.362 ,  4.206 ,  2.0982,  4.9576,
 119         5.4262,  2.6825,  2.5562,  4.2862,  1.8333,  4.713 ,  2.5869,
 120         2.3244,  5.6835,  2.392 ,  4.118 ,  2.6143,  3.2375,  1.4051,
 121         4.9722,  2.4485,  1.9901,  2.6908,  3.4364,  1.0464,  2.3099,
 122         3.312 ,  2.9148,  4.0991,  3.6585,  3.2099,  4.2828,  2.4381,
 123         3.4717,  3.6745,  2.8021,  3.5961,  2.2384,  3.9598,  2.6388,
 124         4.8637,  3.0839,  3.7479,  5.2097,  3.7608,  3.8739,  3.3612,
 125         4.109 ,  0.2752,  1.8033,  2.0496,  2.8653,  2.8823,  3.8263,
 126         4.0888,  2.6144,  3.0979,  2.5685,  2.4068,  3.1385,  3.5778,
 127         2.4523,  3.4073,  3.8031,  2.5129,  3.0201,  2.8072,  1.5045,
 128         1.1677,  3.1675,  2.9365,  3.9741,  2.8664,  2.6105,  3.3968,
 129         3.563 ,  2.8537,  2.9068,  1.2125,  2.0298,  3.7314,  2.5773,
 130         2.1175,  2.5953,  2.7999,  2.6684,  2.2252,  2.7797,  3.2125,
 131         2.8999,  1.5419,  3.3288,  2.5859,  2.9842,  1.865 ,  3.0756,
 132         2.1342,  3.8843,  3.5755,  3.2804,  3.5685,  5.0002,  3.4359,
 133         3.3625,  0.7706,  3.7663,  1.8618,  2.8896,  2.4259,  2.332 ,
 134         2.3872,  2.2908,  2.7176,  4.0512,  1.7232,  2.7859,  3.4434,
 135         4.483 ,  2.9614,  1.2256,  3.2177,  2.1604,  2.9058,  3.3365,
 136         2.3659,  2.4518,  4.7446,  2.3856,  3.299 ,  3.2128,  3.8343,
 137         1.1437,  2.0435,  2.8879,  2.3982,  2.9398,  3.1356,  3.268 ,
 138         2.5339,  3.1564,  1.8357,  3.2365,  2.7647,  4.4044,  2.2058,
 139         3.0441,  4.1107,  2.7827,  4.6328,  1.7958,  5.4782,  1.4612,
 140         2.8039,  2.6148,  1.9064,  2.511 ,  2.8062,  1.7377,  4.4235,
 141         3.7076,  2.7087,  2.4029,  2.8387,  1.2578,  1.9326,  1.5181,
 142         4.5414,  2.5002,  4.015 ,  1.557 ,  3.2389,  4.1398,  2.5352,
 143         2.911 ,  3.4008,  1.7695,  3.2067,  2.1729,  3.4031,  3.1879,
 144         5.0555,  3.3652,  1.0477,  2.4723,  1.7521,  5.2229,  2.2639,
 145         2.234 ,  5.1122,  3.1843,  3.4478,  0.2837,  3.9181,  2.0271,
 146         2.8663,  3.7125,  1.2974,  4.3876,  1.1303,  2.9645,  3.476 ,
 147         3.2364,  3.0695,  5.144 ,  3.2498,  4.3651,  4.4682,  2.6531,
 148         2.9807,  2.0479,  2.3779,  2.7862,  3.0499,  2.0312,  2.4107,
 149         3.8381,  2.507 ,  2.9196,  3.78  ,  2.9817,  2.1584,  1.8903,
 150         2.9787,  3.7949,  1.6573,  3.0544,  1.3575,  3.5224,  1.8072,
 151         4.3951,  2.3951,  3.1053,  3.7401,  3.8021,  4.2505,  1.6905,
 152         1.4254,  2.5044,  3.6842,  2.0586,  4.227 ,  1.7275,  3.6541,
 153         3.3495,  3.051 ,  1.3256,  3.3418,  4.1087,  2.4969,  3.0115,
 154         2.5578,  5.7205,  3.3586,  1.3029,  0.5194,  5.5226,  3.5281,
 155         4.6672,  3.3893,  3.9302,  3.8678,  2.0793,  4.6076,  5.7906,
 156         2.6957,  2.606 ,  4.3529,  3.0135,  3.3082,  5.8244,  3.5259,
 157         2.7441,  3.1388,  3.0429,  3.3518,  4.632 ,  1.6164,  1.5595,
 158         3.8103,  3.2797,  2.7714,  3.3208,  2.2617,  3.5458,  1.8137,
 159         0.6717,  0.8929,  3.3638,  4.2454,  1.0655,  4.6256,  3.5767,
 160         2.419 ,  3.0785,  2.4766,  3.2103,  0.6125,  1.7086,  2.1093,
 161         2.5796,  2.3338,  3.2698,  3.7453,  3.2059,  1.0629,  2.4088,
 162         4.2543,  2.6125,  3.5189,  2.2097,  2.7562,  2.7547,  3.8668,
 163         2.5677,  1.7247,  4.1555,  2.737 ,  3.0676,  3.3919,  2.1786,
 164         2.5627,  3.5069,  3.3588,  4.7789,  4.1703,  3.559 ,  4.4675,
 165         2.5241,  4.4275,  2.227 ,  2.9682,  2.9876,  4.6851,  3.7605,
 166         1.3309,  3.641 ,  1.3291,  2.3397,  2.3524,  2.8794])
 168 In [4]: b
 169 Out[4]: 
 170 array([  9.343 ,   9.573 ,   9.037 ,   8.8433,   7.7609,   8.3931,
 171         10.766 ,  10.6243,  10.6836,  10.4651,  10.419 ,  10.7995,
 172          9.868 ,  12.0735,  10.1959,  11.2165,  11.6508,   9.7992,
 173          9.2005,   7.9623,   9.792 ,  10.0188,   7.5561,   8.0696,
 174         10.4557,   9.3013,  10.8201,   9.9504,  11.0791,   9.8751,
 175         10.6068,  10.8542,  11.2952,   9.149 ,   9.9574,  11.7426,
 176          8.4187,  10.2061,   9.3555,  10.1771,  11.1416,   8.9849,
 177          9.8617,  10.4881,  10.3607,  11.3738,  11.6923,   9.855 ,
 178          7.3159,  10.7411,  11.545 ,  11.5143,   9.8599,   9.4272,
 179          8.3419,  10.9025,  10.5702,   8.8627,  10.1716,   8.8083,
 180          8.8942,   9.5712,  11.2293,  10.674 ,  11.1485,   9.6245,
 181         10.2337,   9.2893,   8.7843,  10.7568,  11.5173,   8.2839,
 182          9.2305,  10.5135,  11.2245,   9.8489,   8.997 ,   9.4968,
 183         10.4165,   9.4463,   8.2471,   9.5298,  11.8921,  11.2362,
 184          9.3872,   9.872 ,   8.9137,   9.8766,  11.7623,   9.4914,
 185         10.6748,  11.8513,  11.0107,   8.7185,  10.8008,  10.6677,
 186         10.1096,  10.806 ,   8.7573,  10.1235,  28.2018,  29.5671,
 187         28.0938,  29.7175,  30.3894,  28.9658,  30.1979,  29.9517,
 188         30.7537,  28.2613,  29.6978,  31.5529,  29.4547,  31.7271,
 189         30.6811,  29.8217,  29.583 ,  30.892 ,  29.9813,  30.9416,
 190         29.7124,  29.3681,  30.4734,  31.3882,  30.5914,  30.1083,
 191         29.7536,  29.641 ,  29.9673,  29.6892,  30.4156,  29.7274,
 192         29.2203,  30.1479,  31.9466,  30.9339,  31.2723,  30.5969,
 193         29.5755,  30.882 ,  29.2268,  29.2009,  29.4555,  29.835 ,
 194         30.5875,  31.2591,  31.2486,  27.5613,  30.5668,  29.4234,
 195         30.5586,  29.5681,  30.5031,  28.7859,  28.5573,  30.1686,
 196         29.6528,  28.2178,  31.2685,  30.8093,  29.5445,  30.5608,
 197         31.9699,  29.6   ,  27.7357,  31.5746,  28.5866,  30.6091,
 198         30.206 ,  29.7034,  29.0312,  30.0754,  30.3896,  28.2211,
 199         29.4441,  30.8132,  29.8843,  30.3222,  30.5686,  28.07  ,
 200         29.5828,  32.0818,  28.5589,  30.4089,  29.3044,  29.5299,
 201         32.6982,  31.0889,  29.624 ,  31.174 ,  29.4505,  28.7707,
 202         30.4745,  30.3665,  29.1405,  28.0112,  30.2656,  30.3837,
 203         31.0028,  30.3895])
 205 In [5]: hist(a)
 206 Out[5]: 
 207 (array([ 18,  58, 137, 236, 238, 175,  89,  35,  13,   1]),
 208  array([ 0.2752 ,  0.91519,  1.55518,  2.19517,  2.83516,  3.47515,
 209         4.11514,  4.75513,  5.39512,  6.03511,  6.6751 ]),
 210  <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
 212 In [6]: hist(b)
 213 Out[6]: 
 214 (array([40, 60,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1, 53, 46]),
 215  array([  7.3159 ,   9.85413,  12.39236,  14.93059,  17.46882,  20.00705,
 216         22.54528,  25.08351,  27.62174,  30.15997,  32.6982 ]),
 217  <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
 219 In [7]: hist(b,bins=30)
 220 Out[7]: 
 221 (array([ 5, 15, 20, 31, 22,  7,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
 222         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  8, 12, 33, 32, 10,  4]),
 223  array([  7.3159    ,   8.16197667,   9.00805333,   9.85413   ,
 224         10.70020667,  11.54628333,  12.39236   ,  13.23843667,
 225         14.08451333,  14.93059   ,  15.77666667,  16.62274333,
 226         17.46882   ,  18.31489667,  19.16097333,  20.00705   ,
 227         20.85312667,  21.69920333,  22.54528   ,  23.39135667,
 228         24.23743333,  25.08351   ,  25.92958667,  26.77566333,
 229         27.62174   ,  28.46781667,  29.31389333,  30.15997   ,
 230         31.00604667,  31.85212333,  32.6982    ]),
 231  <a list of 30 Patch objects>)
 233 In [8]: hist(b,bins=50)
 234 Out[8]: 
 235 (array([ 3,  4,  7, 13, 13, 18, 21, 11,  8,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
 236         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
 237         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  4,  7,  5, 20, 17, 23, 11,  7,  4,  1]),
 238  array([  7.3159  ,   7.823546,   8.331192,   8.838838,   9.346484,
 239          9.85413 ,  10.361776,  10.869422,  11.377068,  11.884714,
 240         12.39236 ,  12.900006,  13.407652,  13.915298,  14.422944,
 241         14.93059 ,  15.438236,  15.945882,  16.453528,  16.961174,
 242         17.46882 ,  17.976466,  18.484112,  18.991758,  19.499404,
 243         20.00705 ,  20.514696,  21.022342,  21.529988,  22.037634,
 244         22.54528 ,  23.052926,  23.560572,  24.068218,  24.575864,
 245         25.08351 ,  25.591156,  26.098802,  26.606448,  27.114094,
 246         27.62174 ,  28.129386,  28.637032,  29.144678,  29.652324,
 247         30.15997 ,  30.667616,  31.175262,  31.682908,  32.190554,  32.6982  ]),
 248  <a list of 50 Patch objects>)
 250 In [9]: ^D
 251 Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? 
 252 odd% python
 253 Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug 25 2013, 00:04:04) 
 254 [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.0.68)] on darwin
 255 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 256 >>> import urllib2
 257 >>> f=urllib2.urlopen("")
 258 >>> for i in f: print i
 259 ... 
 260 <HTML>
 262 <HEAD><TITLE>My Page</TITLE></HEAD>
 264 <BODY>
 266 <H3>Hi Everyone</H3>
 268 <P>This is really just some test text to demonstrate how HTML works. I can do interesting 
 270 things like <i>italicize</i> or make text <b>bold</b>, or even <b><i>both together</i></b>. ta da
 272 </BODY>
 274 >>> ^D
 275 odd% ipython
 276 Leopard libedit detected.
 277 Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug 25 2013, 00:04:04) 
 278 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 280 IPython 0.10 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
 281 ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
 282 %quickref -> Quick reference.
 283 help      -> Python's own help system.
 284 object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.
 286 In [1]: from xml.etree import cElementTree
 288 In [2]: !
 290 In [3]: ^D
 291 Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? y
 292 odd% ls
 293 20140117114538               launch-VZEk7L
 294 20140125123848               launch-wKcu4o
 295 launchd-247.PVLsIw
 296 histdata1.txt                launchd-248.dtS7UW
 297 histdata2.txt                launchd-530.tilNwM
 298 launch-8GJkjI                launchd-974.9dhnbj
 299 odd% /Users/stevel/wp/lecture/2012_01_Intro_Programming/lec7/xml_example.xml 
 300 odd% cp /Users/stevel/wp/lecture/2012_01_Intro_Programming/lec7/xml_example.xml /tmp
 301 odd% pwd
 302 /tmp
 303 odd% ls
 304 20140117114538               launch-wKcu4o
 305 20140125123848               launchd-247.PVLsIw
 306 launchd-248.dtS7UW
 307 histdata1.txt                launchd-530.tilNwM
 308 histdata2.txt                launchd-974.9dhnbj
 309 launch-8GJkjI                xml_example.xml
 310 launch-VZEk7L
 311 odd% more xml_example.xml 
 312 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 313 <CATALOG>
 314         <PLANT>
 315                 <COMMON>Bloodroot</COMMON>
 316                 <BOTANICAL>Sanguinaria canadensis</BOTANICAL>
 317                 <ZONE>4</ZONE>
 318                 <LIGHT>Mostly Shady</LIGHT>
 319                 <PRICE CURRENCY="dollar">2.44</PRICE>
 320                 <AVAILABILITY>031599</AVAILABILITY>
 321         </PLANT>
 322         <PLANT>
 323                 <COMMON>Columbine</COMMON>
 324                 <BOTANICAL>Aquilegia canadensis</BOTANICAL>
 325                 <ZONE>3</ZONE>
 326                 <LIGHT>Mostly Shady</LIGHT>
 327                 <PRICE CURRENCY="dollar" >9.37</PRICE>
 328                 <AVAILABILITY>030699</AVAILABILITY>
 329         </PLANT>
 330 </CATALOG>
 332 odd% ipython
 333 Leopard libedit detected.
 334 Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug 25 2013, 00:04:04) 
 335 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 337 IPython 0.10 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
 338 ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
 339 %quickref -> Quick reference.
 340 help      -> Python's own help system.
 341 object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.
 343 In [1]: from xml.etree import cElementTree
 345 In [2]: et=cElementTree.parse("xml_example.xml")
 347 In [3]: et
 348 Out[3]: <ElementTree object at 0x1014fa4d0>
 350 In [4]: et.
 351 et.__class__        et.__module__       et.__subclasshook__ et.getroot         
 352 et.__delattr__      et.__new__          et.__weakref__      et.iter            
 353 et.__dict__         et.__reduce__       et._root            et.iterfind        
 354 et.__doc__          et.__reduce_ex__    et._setroot         et.parse           
 355 et.__format__       et.__repr__         et.find             et.write           
 356 et.__getattribute__ et.__setattr__      et.findall          et.write_c14n      
 357 et.__hash__         et.__sizeof__       et.findtext        
 358 et.__init__         et.__str__          et.getiterator     
 360 In [4]: e=et.getroot()
 362 In [5]: e
 363 Out[5]: <Element 'CATALOG' at 0x1015427b0>
 365 In [6]: e.tag
 366 Out[6]: 'CATALOG'
 368 In [7]: e[0]
 369 Out[7]: <Element 'PLANT' at 0x101542480>
 371 In [8]: e[0][0]
 372 Out[8]: <Element 'COMMON' at 0x1015424b0>
 374 In [9]: e[0][0].text
 375 Out[9]: 'Bloodroot'
 377 In [10]: e[0][4]
 378 Out[10]: <Element 'PRICE' at 0x1015115a0>
 380 In [11]: for t in e[0]: print t.tag
 381    ....: 
 384 ZONE
 385 LIGHT
 386 PRICE
 389 In [12]: for t in e[0]: 
 390    ....:  if t.tag=="PRICE" : break
 391    ....: 
 393 In [13]: t
 394 Out[13]: <Element 'PRICE' at 0x1015115a0>
 396 In [14]: t
 397 Out[14]: <Element 'PRICE' at 0x1015115a0>
 399 In [15]: t.text
 400 Out[15]: '2.44'
 402 In [16]: t.items
 403 Out[16]: <built-in method items of Element object at 0x1015115a0>
 405 In [17]: t.items()
 406 Out[17]: [('CURRENCY', 'dollar')]
 408 In [18]: dict(t.items())
 409 Out[18]: {'CURRENCY': 'dollar'}
 411 In [19]: ^D
 412 Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? 
 413 odd% ls
 414 20140117114538               launch-wKcu4o
 415 20140125123848               launchd-247.PVLsIw
 416 launchd-248.dtS7UW
 417 histdata1.txt                launchd-530.tilNwM
 418 histdata2.txt                launchd-974.9dhnbj
 419 launch-8GJkjI                xml_example.xml
 420 launch-VZEk7L
 421 odd% 

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