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NOTE: This is an early version of our tomography workflow tutorial. Updates will be posted in the coming weeks describing recommended procedures for automated segmentation and subtomogram averaging.

== Introduction to the tutorial ==

EMAN2 can be used at many different levels ranging from high-level task-based workflow, to command-line utilities, to writing code in Python or C++. In this tutorial, we will be focusing primarily on the task-focused high-level Project Manager interface. This interface will help you work step-by-step through established techniques such as single particle analysis and subtomogram averaging.

We will be using an 80S-Ribosome data set for this tutorial obtained from EMPIAR (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb/empiar/entry/10064). The manuscript associated with this data deposition reported a final resolution of ~11Å resolution, but obtaining this result on a laptop would require significant time and it is unlikely that such hardware would possess sufficient RAM for memory-intensive processes such as 3D subtomogram refinement. Here we will operate on binned tiltseries/tomograms, reducing the attainable resolution but allowing the complete subtomogram averaging pipeline to be performed on relatively minimal hardware.

We strongly recommend going through this tutorial using the provided data set. Once you understand how everything is supposed to work, then you can use your own data or download additional public data sets from sites like http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb/empiar.

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Before getting started, it's a good idea to get a feel for the relative speed of your computer (to set expectations). Run e2speedtest.py. This will give you a score telling you how fast a single processor is on your computer. If your machine has 4 cores, you multiply this number by 4 to get a relative performance value. Note, however, that some processors have a 'turbo' mode, and if you are using only 1 processor (which is what the test does), it will run faster than 1 core normally will. This can exaggerate the speedtest score by as much as 20-30%. My 2017 MacBook Pro (3.1 GHz Intel Core i7) scores ~1.3 (per core) on this test.

== A note on project organization/management: What should you do with your raw data? ==

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Before getting started, it's a good idea to get a feel for the relative speed of your computer (to set expectations). Run e2speedtest.py. This will give you a score telling you how fast a single processor is on your computer. If your machine has 4 cores, you multiply this number by 4 to get a relative performance value. Note, however, that some processors have a 'turbo' mode, and if you are using only 1 processor (which is what the test does), it will run faster than 1 core normally will. This can exaggerate the speedtest score by as much as 20-30%. My 2017 MacBook Pro (3.1 GHz Intel Core i7) scores ~1.3 (per core) on this test.

== Open e2projectmanager ==

=== A note on project organization/management: What should you do with your raw data? ===

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We begin by unzipping the tutorial file. The compressed directory includes two directories (CTFnoise and Distortion) and a tiltseries, cryo.st that we will reconstruct using the EMAN2 tomography workflow. Open a terminal window/command prompt and move into the unzipped folder. On my computer, this looks like:

cd /home/jmbell/cryo

Typically, I create a directory called “rawdata” that houses everything I want to preserve but not process. In this case, I suggest making this directory (mkdir rawdata) and moving everything in the current directory into this folder, i.e.:

mkdir rawdata
mv ./* rawdata

Next, from within the current folder, run “e2projectmanager.py”, which will bring up the EMAN2 project management GUI. By default, the Workflow Mode shown at the upper left of the window under the EMAN2 logo will be “SPR”. This mode provides tools for single particle analysis. We will be using the new “Tomo” mode, so click on the dropdown menu and select “Tomo”. When you do this, the workflow menu will show a new series of panels including
Raw Data
3D Reconstruction
Subtomogram Averaging
Analysis and Visualization

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On the right side of the project manager window, there are a series of buttons:
[Browser: Open the EMAN2 file browser]
[Help: Open the e2help.py GUI that provides considerable detail about our C++ image processing utilities (aligners, reconstructors, processors, projectors, etc.).]
[Notebook (Log): Open the EMAN2 notebook, which shows a log of processes called and the times they were launched.]

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On the right side of the project manager window, there are a series of buttons:
[Browser: Open the EMAN2 file browser]
[Help: Open the e2help.py GUI that provides considerable detail about our C++ image processing utilities (aligners, reconstructors, processors, projectors, etc.).]
[Notebook (Log): Open the EMAN2 notebook, which shows a log of processes called and the times they were launched.]

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Task manager: Show the EMAN2 tasks/programs currently running on your computer.
The last three buttons are available only for a subset of our programs.
Wiki: Open additional documentation on the web
Wizard: Open the project manager wizard to assist when filling in program parameters
Expert mode: Show/hide additional options for a given program.

To keep things organized, particularly when working on multiple projects simultaneously, it is often useful to assign a unique project name to each tomography project, which will be displayed under the EMAN2 Project Manager title text. To do this, click on the project manager window and either at the top of the window or the top of your screen (depending on which operating system you’re using), click “Project”->”Edit project”. Here you can provide a project name, say “EMAN2 Tomography Tutorial”. For record keeping, we suggest also filling the particle mass, and microscope Cs, voltage, and apix (Å/pixel) values. The Å/pixel value for this tutorial dataset is 2.62. The specified parameters will be used when possible throughout the refinement process, but more importantly, collaborators will be able to access these parameters when you share your project directory, reducing the chance of processing errors due to incorrect parameter specification.

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2. Import data

Tomography projects have a variety of starting points. This tutorial begins from raw tiltseries; however, it’s also possible to start from raw movie frames or individual tilt images that must be pre-processed before they can be interpreted as a tiltseries.

While there are no specific requirements for the organization of your raw data in EMAN2, we recommend keeping a copy of your raw data on your machine and processing a separate copy. Following this recommendation, we will create a copy of the raw tiltseries from the “data” directory via the EMAN2 workflow GUI.

Raw tiltseries

We define a raw tiltseries as a stack of tilt images in tilt angle order (usually negative to positive). To import raw tiltseries data, double click the “Raw Data” entry in the EMAN2 project manager workflow menu and select “Import tiltseries”. This will bring up a new display in the EMAN2 program interface where you can specify the path to the tiltseries, whether to invert contrast upon import, and whether to copy, move, or link the incoming data.

Click “Browse” on the upper right of the program interface window, select “cryo.hdf”, and click “OK”. Next type 7.7 into the Apix box. Finally, make sure “copy” is selected under the importation dropdown menu and click “Launch”.

Generally we recommend that users copy their data from a separate directory (such as “rawdata”) so that we always have a backup copy of the raw data on disk in the event that files are somehow corrupted. This directory can be placed within or exist outside an EMAN2 project. However, if you prefer to move an existing copy of your data into an EMAN2 project, you can specify the “move” importation method. Alternatively, it’s also possible to manipulate the data in place using the “link” option.

NOTE: It is essential that all imported files have the correct Å/pixel value in their header or that it is specified when running one of our import routines. If you are certain that the Å/pixel value in the header is correct, you can specify -1 in the apix box during tiltseries import. For more details on manipulating file header parameters, see the block below titled Inspecting and modifying image file header parameters.

Individual micrographs

If starting your tomography with individual tilt images, you can import these images directly into a tiltseries by using the “e2buildstacks.py” program. This is accessible from the GUI by selecting “Generate tiltseries” under the “Raw Data” workflow menu entry. Here you will specify the images in tilt angle order (negative to positive) and type the name you wish to assign this tiltseries. Before clicking “Launch”, be sure the “tilts” box is checked. The resulting tiltseries will be stored in the project “tiltseries” directory. If this directory does not already exist, the program will create it automatically.

DDD frames

If starting from raw DDD frames, you may or may not have an mdoc file containing relevant tilt angle and file name information used to combine aligned frames into a tiltseries. In cases where such a document is unavailable, one can align the frames individually using the e2ddd_external.py program, available through the GUI under “Raw Data” in the workflow menu. To use this program, simply select “Process DDD movies” and provide a list of the movies you want to align in tilt angle order.

If you have an mdoc file, the process is significantly easier. In the “Process DDD movies” program interface window, begin by clicking “Browse” next to “mdoc” file box and select the relevant mdoc file for the movie data you wish to align and convert into a tiltserles. Next click “Browse” in the “input” file input box and select either a list of movies in arbitrary order or a directory containing the movies to be aligned. When launched, the program “e2ddd_external.py” will organize, align, and save the tilt images in tilt angle order according to the contents of the specified mdoc file.

During alignment, either IMOD’s alignframes routine or MotionCor2 will be used. Note that for these programs to work, they will need to be installed and available in your PATH environment variable. Correct installation instructions for these programs/packages are available from their respective developers/distribution platforms.

Optionally, you may specify dark and gain reference movies in the corresponding file boxes, and we offer some basic options for the two alignment routines. For more advanced usage, we suggest that users runs these programs from the command line. Including these in our GUI is solely for the sake of convenience.

The final output of e2ddd_external.py when run within the “Tomo” workflow is an unaligned tiltseries, which will be stored in the “tiltseries” project folder.

NOTE: When aligning DDD movie data using e2ddd_external.py via the command line or project manager interface, it is essential to verify that all imported files have the correct Å/pixel value in their header. For instructions on how to inspect/modify image file header parameters such as Å/pixel, see the block below.

Inspecting and modifying image file header parameters:

To inspect a file’s header parameters (e.g. apix_x, apix_y, etc.), you can either use the EMAN2 file browser or command line.

If you prefer a graphical interface, click on the folder icon from the project manager or run e2display.py via the command line. Next, navigate to the tiltseries directory and single click on an imported tiltseries. Next click the “info” button at the upper right to inspect the header parameters.

Alternatively, from the command line, it is possible to obtain header parameters by running the command “e2iminfo.py filename.ext -H”, which will print the contents of the header to the terminal window. In either case, you should examine the “apix_x”, “apix_y” header parameters and ensure that these values are consistent with the magnification used during data collection and binning applied before/during tiltseries importation.

If these values are incorrect and need to be modified, this task can be accomplished using the command line program, “e2procheader.py”. Specifically, to change the apix value to a preferred value, say 7.699, you would run the following command from within the tiltseries directory (on an already imported tiltseries): e2procheader.py --input tiltseries.hdf --output tiltseries.hdf --stem apix --stemval 7.699.

3. Reconstruct tiltseries

Once tiltseries data is imported into the EMAN2 project directory, we can proceed with tiltseries alignment and 3D reconstruction. This is a fully automated procedure in EMAN2 that begins with a coarse, cross-correlation alignment of tiltseries followed by rounds of iterative refinement. Each iteration consists of generating a tomogram, picking high-contrast landmarks in 3D (rather than relying solely on gold fiducials), mapping landmark coordinates to 2D tilt images, refining the coordinates of those landmarks, and then refining the alignment parameters of each image in the tiltseries. We repeat this process with different levels of binning to focus alignment on low resolution features first-and-foremost. The final result is a reconstructed tomogram that is either 1024x1024x256 (default) or 2048x2048x512 depending on which options are specified. It’s worth noting that unlike most tomogram reconstruction software that uses SIRT or back-projection algorithms, EMAN2 performs reconstructions using direct Fourier methods, similar to how we perform reconstructions in single particle analysis.

To perform a tiltseries alignment and tomographic reconstruction using the project manager interface, begin by double clicking on the “3D Reconstruction” workflow menu item and select “Reconstruct tomograms.” Next, click “Browse” at the upper right of the program interface window and select all the tiltseries you wish to reconstruct. In this case, you should see the “cryo.hdf” tiltseries you imported in the last step. Single click on this file (“cryo.hdf”) and click “OK”, which will close the current window.

In EMAN2, it is not necessary to specify a rawtlt file. Instead, we assume that images in a specified tiltseries are in the correct (tilt angle) order with no missing images. If this is the case, users need only to specify a tilt step (tltstep) and the index of the 0° tilt image (zeroid). For this dataset, the middle image is the 0° image (zeroid=-1), and the angle increment between tilts is 2° (tltstep=2), so the default parameters will work. However, in cases when your tilt step is different, is essential that you specify an accurate value in the tltstep parameter box.

While the default parameters should work well for this tutorial dataset, we recommend that you modify the number of threads at the bottom of the program interface window to correspond to the number of cores on your computer. Note that on a core i7 processor, I can run 6-8 threads without problems. On a core i3 or i5, I would not run more than 4. For more details about each of the options available for this program, you can hover over the parameter in the program interface window or run “e2tomogram.py --help” from the command line.

Once all parameters are set, click “Launch” to begin alignment and reconstruction. A complete reconstruction on a full 4k x 4k dataset usually takes ~8-12 minutes on 12 threads (depending on your hardware). In comparison, the “cryo.hdf” tiltseries is only 2k x 2k and should require only about ~3.6 minutes to reconstruct on a high-end laptop.

While running, the program writes alignment information to ‘info/xx_info.json’, including
ali_loss : average residue error for each tilt, in nm
tlt_file : tilt series file input for the reconstruction
tlt_params : transform parameters for each tilt. 5 columns represent translation x, translation y, tilt axis rotation, tilt angle, off axis tilt angle.

If run with the “notmp” box left empty, a new folder called ‘tomorecon_xx’ will be created, containing the following intermediate files:
ali_xx.hdf : aligned tilt series with 3D transform in ‘xform.projection’ in their header
landmark_xx.txt : 3D location of the landmark used.
loss_xx.txt : average residue error for each tilt, in nm
ptclali_xx.hdf : per particle landmark tracking results in 2D. In the header of images, ‘nid’ is the index of tilt series, ‘pid’ is the index of the landmark, and ‘score’ is the (x,y) translation alignment of the particle.
samples_xx.hdf : top and side (x-z plane) view of each landmark in 3D. A good way to evaluate the refinement is to see how round are the side views..
tltparams_xx.txt : transform parameters for each tilt after each iteration
tomo_xx.hdf : bin8 tomogram reconstruction after each iteration. Note that we shrink by minimum instead of mean value when we make bin8 tilt series for reconstruction and landmark search, so small high contrast landmarks are not averaged out. So these tomogram will look a bit strange as dark things are often larger than expected (the actual final tomogram output still uses mean shrinked tilt series)..

Once finished, bin x4 versions tomograms are written to ‘tomograms/xx__bin4.hdf’.

4. Evaluate reconstructions

Now that your tomogram(s) have been reconstructed, it’s a good idea to take a look at the results before performing subsequent processing and analysis. While the default reconstruction parameters have successfully reconstructed a wide variety of tomograms, it may be necessary to perform additional rounds of reconstruction to enhance contrast or reduce artifacts through improved tilt image alignment. To investigate the quality of your reconstructions, we recommend using the e2tomo_eval.py program, which is available from the GUI by first double clicking “Analysis and Visualization”, selecting “Evaluate tomograms”, and clicking “Launch.”

Once launched, the main window will appear. In the table on the left, you’ll find a list of each tomogram reconstructed in this project, the number of subtomogram boxes stored for each tomogram, and a “loss” value, which corresponds approximately to the alignment error in nanometers.

On the right is a blank image display that will show a central x-y slice of a reconstruction when one is selected by clicking a row in the table on the left. Below this image display are a series of buttons. The “Show2D” button will open a slice-wise display of the selected tomogram.

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The “Boxer” button will open the e2spt_boxer22.py program used to box particles in 3D for later extraction. This is a cleaned up version of previous ‘e2spt_boxer’ with the support of the current metadata functionality of boxing multiple types of particles. More details about this process will be provided in a later step focusing on subtomogram boxing in EMAN2.

The “Refresh” button should be pressed anytime project parameters change while this program is open. For example, if new particles are boxed, pressing “Refresh” will update the #box column values to include your selected/removed particles.

The “TiltParams” button will bring up a plot window to display alignment data for each tilt image. The display will show columns 0 and 1 of the tilt parameters matrix corresponding to the x and y-translation of each image in the tiltseries; however, there are a total of 5 columns. In order, these correspond to x-translation (tx), y-translation (ty), in-plane rotation (alpha), tilt about the y-axis (ytilt), and tilt about the x-axis (xtilt). To switch which columns are plotted along the X and Y axes, simply middle-click the plot and scroll through the “X Col” and “Y Col” boxes in the inspector window that appears.

The “PlotLoss” button will bring up a 2D plot window showing the values of the “loss” function during tiltseries alignment. Typically, the deeper the trough you observe, the better the tomogram reconstruction will be. While this plot is useful for debugging certain alignment problems, we do not recommend attempting to interpret this beyond choosing whether to repeat the reconstruction process using different parameters.

Finally, the “PlotCtf” button will bring up a 2D plot window showing the defocus for each tilt image by default. When the plot is middle-clicked, an inspector window will appear in which different columns can be selected.

5. Tomogram annotation/segmentation

If you wish to annotate the reconstructed tomograms, EMAN2 offers automated procedures to accomplish this. For details, see the tutorial at the following link: http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/tomoseg.

Note that recent changes to the EMAN2 tomography workflow have replaced the “TomoSeg” dropdown menu item with “Tomo”. However, you can find the same segmentation tools desribed in the tutorial under the “Segmentation” Workflow Menu item after selecting the “Tomo” workflow in the EMAN2 project manager.

For more details about the automated EMAN2 segmentation protocol, see:
Chen, M., Dai, W., Sun, S. Y., Jonasch, D., He, C. Y., Schmid, M. F., Chiu, W., and Ludtke, S. J. (2017), Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Annotation of Cellular Cryo-electron Tomograms. Nature Methods. 14: 983-98


While EMAN2 does not offer solely manual segmentation utilities, we do offer some semi-automated routines for drawing curves and contours. Currently, these are made available through two programs, namely e2tomo_drawcurve.py and e2tomo_drawcontour.py; however, we anticipate incorporating them into a single program in the future alongside other semi-automated annotation tools.

e2tomo_drawcurve.py is a simple GUI tool for manually tracing curves in a reconstructed tomogram. In cases when you only have a few fibers to segment in a tomogram, this sort of semi-automated segmentation can actually be easier than fully automated methods! This approach actually has a built-in simple travel salesman problem (TSP) solver, so the user does not have to add points sequentially. Instead, one can anchor two ends of a fiber and add points between them to improve the overlap of the curve and the feature(s) of interest by building the minimal path that visits all selected points.

To use this program, Mouse click on the terminus of one feature to add the first point. Next, hover above opposite terminus and and click again. To add a new contour hold “ctrl” and click. To remove a point, hold “shift” and click. The program will save points as a text file or pdb file depending on the user’s preference. EMAN2 also offers separate scripts to interpolate the points, extract particles along the curve as subvolumes and refine the position of points by alignment.

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Similar to ‘e2tomo_drawcurve.py’, e2tomo_drawcontour.py allows users to annotate closed contours in a semi-automated manner. It also has a built-in TSP solver for building the minimum loop and uses a simple SNAKE algorithm for fitting the contour from the previous slice to the next slice by simply pressing the “shift” key on an adjacent slice. Currently, annotation output is generated as a point cloud text file, which can be converted into a density map and displayed in rendering programs such as Chimera.

7. Subtomogram boxing

EMAN2 provides users with a GUI for manually boxing subtomogram volumes from 3D tomographic reconstructions; however, we also provide tools for automated picking via reference and clipping boxes from annotations obtained using our automated segmentation workflow.

Note that regardless of how boxes are picked, their coordinates are stored in json files corresponding to each tomogram in a project, which are kept in the “info” directory that houses all project metadata. To view box parameters, we recommend opening a particular tomogram using e2spt_boxer22.py, which is accessible via the e2tomo_eval.py GUI or via the EMAN2 project manager GUI under “Manual boxing” within the “Subtomogram averaging” workflow menu item.

Manual Boxing

Particularly when analyzing in situ datasets, there are often more than one type of particle, and the same dataset can be used to study many things. Our latest boxer GUI is designed to handle multiple particle labels when boxing manually or with a reference or prior segmentation. This allows users to explore multiple protein targets within the same EMAN2 tomography project.

To manually box particles using the latest boxer program, double click on “Subtomogram averaging” in the workflow menu and select manual boxing. In the program interface window, click “Browse”, select “cryo.hdf”, and click “OK.” Next, click “Launch.” This will open the e2spt_boxer22.py widget. In cases where you have multiple tomograms to box manually, we recommend accessing the boxer from the e2tomo_eval.py program instead, as it is more convenient.

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Three windows will appear when the boxer GUI is launched. The main window shows a large XY view of the specified tomogram. The left column shows the current YZ-slice and the lower image displays the current XZ-slice, which can be manipulated by dragging the slider on the far right. The current box size can be changed in the Box Size input box in the lower left corner. Additionally, multiple slices can be averaged using the integer scroll box. To average all slices, click the “MaxProj” button. Occasionally, it is helpful to filter the slices to exaggerate particle features. This can be done by dragging the Filt slider bar. Magnification is controlled using the Sca slider bar.

When you click on a particle in the tomogram, a box will appear. To move a box, click and hold, then drag it to a new location. To erase a box, hold shift and click on the box you wish to remove.

Boxed particles will appear in the “Particles List” window. They can be easily removed by holding “shift” and clicking particles in this window. This is particularly helpful when trying to remove contaminants after performing automated boxing.

The “Options” window has two main sections. The top bar turns on and off a particle box eraser. When this box is checked, your mouse clicks and drags will erase particles falling within the “Radius” in the Options window. Below this is a “Sets” tab. Here users can assign names to sets, create new sets, delete sets, and save sets.

Once you have boxed various features of interest. Simply close the e2spt_boxer22.py program and all particles will remain in the project metadata for subsequent extraction.

Note: If you box particles in a reconstruction and perform a second reconstruction that alters the alignment parameters, particle boxes may no longer correspond to the tomogram. In such a case it is necessary to re-box all particles (recommended) or manually manipulate the box coordinates in the metadata (NOT recommended).

Reference-based Boxing

Often, rather than manually selecting particles by hand, it is more efficient to detect features of interest by cross-correlating a reference map with the 3D tomogram reconstruction to identify candidate particle coordinates. When dealing with purified samples, this approach is often faster than CNN-based boxing but can produce more false-positives. To perform reference-based boxing from the EMAN2 project manager, click “Reference-based boxing” under the “Subtomogram averaging” workflow menu item. Next, click “Browse” next to the tomograms file box, select “cryo.hdf”, and click “ok.” Next click “Browse” next to the reference file box, select the 3D reference/template map you wish to use for boxing, and click “OK.” If you wish to uniquely identify particles boxed with this reference and this parameter set, type a simple, unique identifier into the “label” box (such as “ribo1”) and click “Launch.”

Note that the name of boxed particles can be easily changed later via the e2spt_boxer22.py program. However, if particles are automatically boxed with non-optimal parameters and the automated procedure must be repeated, it is sometimes helpful to have the original boxing results to compare with can be helpful to hold onto the original. By labeling each instance of the reference based picking uniquely, we maintain a record of how the boxer performed given different parameters. Once we’re happy with the reference-based picking results, we can rename the particle set accordingly (i.e. “ribo” instead of “riboN”).

If the default parameters do not provide satisfactory results, the following parameters can be manipulated:
delta: delta angle for generating rotated references.
dthr: minimum distance between particles
vthr: n-sigma value threshold for particles from the output correlation. Default is 2.
nptcl: maximum number of particles.

Segmentation-based Boxing

If you have segmented a tomogram in EMAN2, the segmentation can be used directly to produce boxes for subtomogram averaging. However, currently this operation is only supported from the command line.

First, to generate particle coordinates from the segmentation output, run: extractptclfromseg.py <segmentation output> <input tomogram for segmentation> --thresh <intensity threshold in the segmentation output>. Note that the second argument has to be the tomogram you provided for the 'apply to tomogram' step in the Tomoseg workflow.

If you are segmenting continuous features (e.g. microtubules) and there are no individual particles, run: extractptclfromseg.py <segmentation output> <input tomogram for segmentation> --thresh <intensity threshold in the segmentation output> --random <number of particles>. This will seed particle coordinates at random points where the intensity segmentation output is above the threshold value.

The program will write particle coordinates to standard EMAN2 particle metadata corresponding to the input tomogram, same as manual particle boxing. So the extracted particles can be viewed in the tomogram using: e2spt_boxer22.py <input tomogram for segmentation>

You can manually add or remove particles in the GUI. Once you are satisfied, you can generate particles from the e2spt_boxer GUI. If you are confident in the automated segmentation and do not want to go through the spt_boxer step, or you want to extract particles from the raw unbinned tomogram, run: extractptclfromseg.py <raw tomogram> <input tomogram for segmentation> --genptcls <output particle stack name> --boxsz <box size>. The first argument can be any binned or filtered version of the tomogram and the second argument has to be the same as the argument in the previous extractptclfromseg command.

If you have a binned particle stack from somewhere else (like e2spt_boxer), this program also allows you to extract the same particles from the unbinned raw tomogram using extractptclfromseg.py <raw tomogram> <input particle stack> --genptcls <output particle stack name> --boxsz <box size>

8. Measure CTF (determine per-particle defoci)

EMAN2 can perform CTF correction on an individual particle level using the program e2spt_tomoctf.py, which is vital to obtaining high resolution beyond the spatial frequency of the first CTF zero. The important thing to know is that we use low-tilt, high-signal information to constrain the defocus range searched when measuring the defocus of each particle locally within each tilt in a tiltseries. EMAN2 can also handle phase plate data, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

To perform per-particle, per-tilt CTF correction, navigate to the “Subtomogram averaging” workflow menu item and select “CTF correction.” Click “Browse” and select 1 or more tiltseries. In this case, select “cryo.hdf”. Next, select the defocus range to search by inputting values in the “dfrange” box (minimum defocus, maximum defocus, defocus step). Specify the voltage of the microscope used as well as its Cs value and click “Launch.” CTF parameters will be stored in json metadata files contained within the project “info” directory.

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9. Extract subtomograms

Once particles have been boxed and (optionally) CTF corrected, it is time to extract them using the e2spt_extract.py program. To perform particle extraction via the project manager interface, click “Extract particles” in the workflow window, click “Browse” next to the tomograms file box, and select “cryo.hdf”. Specify the box size you wish to use via the “boxsz” parameter. Here I am using 32. If label is not specified, all labeled particle sets will be extracted. If you did not perform CTF correction, check the “noctf” box. Otherwise, we recommend performing Wiener filtering, so check the “wiener” box. Finally specify the number of threads you wish to use for this process. On my core i7 system, I am choosing 8. Click “Launch.”

While running, this program will generate bin4 particles from tomograms via e2spt_boxer.py. Additionally, unbinned 3D particles will be generated using e2spt_subtilt.py. This will take coordinates from bin4 particles and map them back to raw tilt series and generate 2D sub-tilts for each particle, and reconstruct 3D subtomograms. If CTF information exists in a tomogram’s metadata, the program will use that information to calculate the defocus of each particle, and flip the phase of 2D sub-tilt images before making 3D volumes.

Additional options for more advanced usage include:
padby : padding factor when extracting sub-tilt images. Default is 2. The program will also pad by an extra 1.5x when doing 3D reconstruction. It seems that padding is never enough..
maxtilt : maximum tilt angle to include in the reconstruction. This is slightly different from the same parameter in other programs since it affect the raw 3D particle that goes into alignment. But it still seems to be useless.

Output sub-tilt images (particles extracted from 2D tilt images) are written to ‘particles/’ and 3D subtomograms are placed in ‘particles3d/’, under the same name as the input, but without the ‘binX’ tag.

10. Build sets

When using particles from multiple tomograms, it is convenient to reference them as a single particle stack. To accomplish this, we create list files using e2spt_buildsets.py. From the GUI, we perform this process by clicking on the “Build sets” workflow menu item. Next click “Browse” and select the particle stacks from each reconstructed tomogram. Note, however, that you should not include particle set generated during segmentation. Once all files are selected, click “OK”, check “allparticles” in the program interface window, and click “Launch”. Almost instantaneously, this program will create a “sets” directory” and generate a single list file for each particle type assigned a label during subtomogram boxing.

11. Generate initial model(s)

Reference-free initial modeling is critical for discovering unknown proteins in cell. EMAN2 utilizes a stochastic gradient descent (SGD) approach to perform reference-based and reference-free initial model generation for subtomogram averaging. The process starts by averaging particles at random orientation and gradually converges upon an initial model.

Convergence of PSII arrays on thylakoid membranes.
## page was renamed from e2tomo
= EMAN2 Tomography Workflow Tutorial =

 * This tutorial is best suited for EMAN2 built after 09/27/2018. Not everything described in the tutorial was functioning yet in the 2.22 release.
 * The pixel size in the header of the files are incorrect as provided by EMPIAR. The correct Apix value (2.62) should be specified when importing the images.

== Computer Requirements ==
 * tomographic data processing is normally completed on high-end workstations, not laptops. To complete the tutorial on a laptop you will need to use a significantly reduced data set
 * The time estimates for each step are from a workstation with the following configuration:
  * Threadripper, 32 core (2990WX)
  * 128 GB RAM (64 or perhaps 32 GB would suffice)
  * 250 GB free disk space
  * high performance disk (RAID 5 array or SSD capable of >1 GB/s)
   * disk speed has a major impact on performance in many steps

== Download Data ==
 * This tutorial uses data from EMPIAR: [[https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb/empiar/entry/10064|EMPIAR 10064]] (the 4 mixed CTEM tilt series)

== Prepare input files (~2 minutes) ==
 * Make a new empty folder for the project and 'cd' into that folder
 * run '''[[http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2projectmanager|e2projectmanager.py]]'''
 * Make sure any EMAN2 commands you run are executed from within this folder (not any subfolder)
 * You may use "Edit Project" from the Project menu to set default values for the project. While not required, it reduces later errors.
 * Make sure the workflow mode is set to "TOMO" not "SPR"

{{attachment:e2pm.png|Project Manager|width=600}}

 * '''Raw Data -> Import tilt series'''
  * Select the files, and make sure '''importation''' says '''copy'''
  * In this step you should enter the correct A/pix for your data in the '''apix''' box. For EMPIAR10064, this is 2.62. For your own data, you need to know this number. In later steps you should be able to use -1 (default) for apix.
  * If your tilt series isn't a single stack file, but is many individual images instead, you will need to use '''Generate tiltseries''' to build an image stack. This is not necessary for the tutorial data.
  * Once the options are set, press '''Launch'''

 * It is critical that the filenames for your data not contain any spaces (replace with underscore) or periods (other than the final period used for the file extension). "__" (double underscore) is also reserved for describing modified versions of the same file, and should not be used in your original files.

== Tiltseries Alignment and Tomogram Reconstruction (20 min) ==
Alignment of the tilt-series is performed iteratively in conjunction with tomogram reconstruction. Tomograms are not normally reconstructed at full resolution, generally limited to 1k x 1k or 2k x 2k, but the tilt-series are aligned at full resolution. For high resolution subtomogram averaging, the raw tilt-series data is used, based on coordinates from particle picking in the downsampled tomograms. On a typical workstation reconstruction takes about 4-5 minutes per tomogram.

For the tutorial tilt-series:
 * '''3D Reconstruction -> Reconstruct Tomograms'''
 * check ''alltiltseries''
  * alternatively you can select one or more tilt series from the ''tiltseries'' folder
 * check ''correctrot''
 * ''tltstep'' = 2
 * ''clipz'' = 96
 * If you wish to look at the intermediate aligned tilt-series and other files, uncheck ''notmp''
  * This is not required for the remaining steps in the tutorial, but can be used to help understand how the tomogram alignment works. This requires significant additional disk space. You may consider doing this for only one tomogram.
  * In each ''tomorecon_XX'' folder
   * ''landmark_0X.txt'' has the location of the landmarks (which may be fiducials if present) in each iteration
   * ''samples_0X.hdf'' shows the top and side view of those landmarks
   * ''ptclali_0X.hdf'' has the trace of each landmark throughout the tilt series (they should stay at the center of image all the time if the alignment is good)
   * ''tomo_0X.hdf'' is the reconstruction after each iteration
 * Launch

{{attachment:tomorecon.png| Tomogram reconstruction |width=600}}

When working with your own data:
 * Either specify the correct ''tltstep'' if the tilt series is in order from one extreme to the other, '''or''' specify the name of a ''rawtlt'' file (as produced by serialem/IMOD).
 * While the program can automatically compute the orientation of the tilt axis, it is better to fill in the correct value in ''tltax'' since there is a handedness ambiguity in the tomogram if determined automatically.
 * In most cases, the default ''npk'' should be fine. If fiducials are present, it is not necessary to adjust this number to match the number of fiducials. The program will use any high contrast areas it finds as potential landmarks.
 * ''bytile'' should normally be selected, as it will normally produce better quality reconstructions at higher speed. If 2k or larger tomograms are created, memory consumption may be high, and you should check the program output for the anticipated RAM usage.
 * The graphical interface only permits 1k or 2k reconstruction sizes. In our experience this is normally sufficient for segmentation or particle picking.
 * When the sample is thin (purified protein, not cells), it is useful to check '''correctrot''' to automatically position tomograms flat in ice
 * It can also be helpful with thin ice to specify a '''clipz''' value to generate thinner tomograms (perhaps 64 or 96 for a 1k tomogram).

== CTF Estimation (10 min) ==

For the tutorial tilt-series:
 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> CTF Correction'''
 * check ''alltiltseries''
 * Double check the ''voltage'' and ''cs''
 * Launch

When working with your own data:
 * The first two options, ''dfrange'' and ''psrange'' indicate the defocus and phase shift range to search. They take the format of “start, end, step”, so “2, 5, .1” will search defocus from 2 to 5 um with a step size of 0.1. Units for phase shift is degrees.
 * For images taken with volta phase plate, we usually have '''dfrange''' of “0.2,2,0.1” and '''psrange''' of “60,120,2”.

Note that this program is only estimating CTF parameters, taking tilt into account. It is not performing any phase-flipping corrections on whole tomograms. CTF correction is performed later as a per-particle process. This process requires metadata determined during tilt-series alignment, so it cannot be used with tomograms reconstructed using other software packages.

== Tomogram evaluation (optional) ==

{{attachment:tomo_evaluation.png| Tomogram evaluation |width=600}}

'''Analysis and visualization -> Evaluate tomograms''' can be used to evaluate the quality of your tilt series alignments and tomogram reconstructions. This tool will show more information as you progress through the tutorial, but can be used already at this point to make various assessments of your tomograms.

 * On the left is a list of tomograms in the project.
  * Clicking the header of any column will sort the table by that attribute.
  * ''#box'' is the number of boxes in the tomogram
  * ''loss'' is the average landmark uncertainty in nm. You should not try to compare this number to, for example, the fiducial alignment error in IMOD, as it is computed in a very different way. This number can be useful to detect specific tilt series within a project which have problems, but the absolute number is not a useful value to report/analyze. Even if this number is >5 nm, it is still quite possible to achieve a subnanometer resolution average.
  * ''defocus'' is the average defocus of the tilt series.

 * On the right
  * The image at the top is the central slice through the tomogram
  * the ''show2d'' button displays the selected tomogram slice-wise.
  * ''!ShowTilts'' shows the corresponding raw tilt series
   * Please note that most tomograms include some out-of-plane tilt (the actual rotation isn't a simple tilt along a single axis), which is taken into account during alignment. This may make it visually appear that the tilt series alignment is not as robust as it actually is.
  * ''Boxer'' calls the 3D boxer
  * ''!PlotLoss'' will plot the fiducial error for each tilt
  * ''!PlotCtf'' plot the defocus and phase shift at the center of each tilt image
  * ''Tiltparams'' is a bit more complicated. It plots a point list with 6 columns and a number of rows corresponding to the images in the selected tilt series. These are the alignment parameters for the tilt series.
   * You can adjust ''X Col'' and ''Y Col'' in the plot control panel (middle click the plot). The columns represent:
    * 0 - tilt ID
    * 1 - translation along x
    * 2 - translation along y
    * 3 - tilt angle around y
    * 4 - tilt angle around x
    * 5 - tilt angle around z
  * The first panel below the buttons are the types of particles and how many of that type are in the project
  * The last box is reserved for comments for each tomogram. You can fill in any comments you have on a specific tomogram and it will be saved for future reference.

== Tomogram annotation (optional) ==

{{attachment:annotation.png| 2D particle picking |width=600}}

 * Since the tutorial data set is purified ribosomes, this step can be skipped for the tutorial data, and you can move on to template-based particle picking. For cells or other types of complex specimens, tomogram annotation can be used to produce locations of different types of objects.

This section is brief and is only an update to the more detailed tutorial: [[http://eman2.org/Programs/tomoseg| TomoSeg]]. Some directory structure and user interfaces have changed in the latest version to match new tomogram workflow as described here:

 * '''Segmentation -> Preprocess tomogram'''
  * This step is not always necessary for tomograms reconstructed in EMAN2, but may slightly improve results.
 * '''Segmentation -> Box Training References'''
  * This is a newer interface than previously used for this step. Select a few "Good" (regions containing the feature of interest) and "Bad" (regions not containing the feature of interest) boxes.
  * "~" and "1" on the keyboard can be used to move along the Z axis.
  * The new interface permits different types of features to be identified in a single session and in the same tomogram.
  * If the different features of interest have very different scale, it is always better to keep the box size at 64, and instead rescale the tomogram. As long as the rescaling is done using EMAN2 utilities, the program will correctly keep track of the geometry relative to the original tomogram & tilt series.
  * if you are doing this with the tutorial data, you would only have 2 classes of particles "ribo_good" and "ribo_bad".
  * When pressing ''Save'' all visible particles (box checked next to the class name) will be saved

 * The rest of the annotation process remain unchanged from the original tutorial, except that now, all trained neural networks and training results are saved in the ''neuralnets'' folder, and all segmented maps are in the ''segmentations'' folder. You now only specify the label of the output file instead of the full file name.

 * Segmentation -> Find particles from segmentation to turn segmented maps into particle coordinates.
  * Input both the tomogram and its corresponding segmentation, and the particles coordinates will be written into the metadata file.
  * Slightly tweaking the threshold parameters may yield better results.
  * ''featurename'' will become the label of particles generated. Those particles can be viewed in the particle picking step and processed in the following protocols.

== Particle picking (10-15 min) ==

{{attachment:ptclpicking.png| 3D particle picking |width=600}}

 * '''Subtomogram averaging -> Manual boxing''' Time above is to manually select 30-50 reference particles.
  * ''rename'' the set of boxes to "initribo". This will be used as the label in later stages.
  * Go through slices along z-axis using ''‘~’'' and ''‘1’'' on the keyboard
  * It will be much easier to locate particles if you adjust the ''Filt'' slider to ~70
  * left click and drag to place and reposition boxes in any of the 3 views
  * Hold down Shift when clicking to delete existing boxes.
  * Boxes are shown as circles, which vary in size depending on the Z distance from the center of the particle.
  * The interface supports different box types within a single tomogram. Each type has a label. Make sure the label is consistent if selecting the same feature in different tomograms.
  * The box size can be set in the main window at the left bottom corner, for the tutorial, use 48 for ribosomes (the unbinned box size is 192).

 * If you skipped the tomogram annotation step, we will pick a few particles here to generate an initial model first, and use the initial model as a reference for template matching.
  * Select 30-50 particles from a tomogram, then close the boxer window.

 * If you have the particle coordinates from tomogram annotation above, you may still wish to do this step to delete any obviously bad particles.
  * While you can save 3D particles from the GUI, there is no need to do that here. When you are satisfied with the result, simply close the window.
  * You should have ~3000 particles from the 4 tomograms in the dataset.

== Particle extraction (2 min) ==

In this pipeline, the full 1k or 2k tomograms are used only as a reference to identify the location of the objects to be averaged. Now that we have particle locations, the software returns to the original tilt-series, extracts a per-particle tilt-series, and reconstructs each particle in 3-D independently.

For the tutorial tilt-series:
 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> Extract Particles'''
  * check ''alltomograms''
  * set ''boxsz_unbin'' to 192.
   * If you had the correct size in the previous step this may not be necessary, but it doesn't hurt.
  * enter the label you used when picking particles ("initribo" if you followed the instructions above)
  * Launch

 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> Build Sets'''
  * check ''allparticles''
  * Launch
   * This will generate particle sets, which are virtual particle stacks that consist of particles with the same label from different tomograms.

For your own data
 * If the box size is correct when you select particles from the GUI, you can leave ''boxsz_unbin'' as -1, so the program will keep that box size (scaled to the original tilt series)
 * If your particles are deeply buried in other densities, using a bigger ''padtwod'' may help, but doing so may significantly increase the memory usage and slow down the process.
 * With CTF information present, it generally does not hurt to check ''wiener'', which filters the 2D particles by SSNR before reconstructing them in 3D.
 * Specify a binning factor in ''shrink'' to produce downsampled particles if your memory/storage/CPU time is limited, but it will also limit the resolution you can achieve.
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To perform initial modeling via the EMAN2 project manager GUI, click on “Generate initial model” in the workflow menu and click “Browse.” Next, select the set containing the relevant particles you wish to use to create an initial model (i.e. sets/particles_00.lst). If you wish to perform reference-based initial modeling, simply specify a reference using “ref”. Also, if you suspect some symmetry, it can be specified using the “sym” and “applysym” options shown in the program interface. Otherwise, we recommend using the default values initially, so click “Launch.”

Additional options are available for special cases:
filterto : filter maps to a certain resolution
learnrate : increment of map per iteration. We have noticed that increasing this value for higher symmetry objects helps improve convergence.
batchsize : number of particles in each batch. Since the multithreading in the program is based on the batches, it will go through all particles faster if batchsize is larger. However, changing this may also impact convergence.

Initial models are saved in folders named ‘sptsgd_XX’ which contain 3 files. ‘Ref.hdf’ or ‘input_model.hdf’ is the initial model from random averaging or user input. ‘Output.hdf’ is the current output, which is updated after each batch (so it is always the latest model if one terminate the program before it finishes). ‘Tmpout.hdf’ is a stack of output per batch.

12. “Gold standard” 3D subtomogram refinement

Once an initial model is obtained, our “gold standard” subtomogram alignment and averaging routine can be used to produce an initial reconstruction. Specifically, after dividing our data into even and odd halves as has become standard practice, we perform missing-wedge aware subtomogram alignment and averaging. Results are post-processed and filtered by the local or global even/odd-FSC, and a final map is generated after each iteration. The final result is a FSC-filtered map.

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To perform this series of tasks, you can either run e2spt_refine.py from the command line or use the following steps to access this program from the EMAN2 project manager. Begin by navigating to “Subtomogram Averaging” in the EMAN2 workflow menu and click “3D refinement”. Next to the particles file box, click “Browse”, select the “Ribosome.lst” particle set, and click “OK”. Beside to the reference file box, click “Browse”, select the initial model you generated previously, and click “OK”. In the “niter” box, type “4”, in the “sym” box, type “c1”, in the “mass” box, type “3200”, and in the “tarres” box, type “10”. In the “threads” box, specify the number of cores to use when running this process. Once you are done, click “Launch” to begin iterative 3D subtomogram alignment.

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To perform this series of tasks, you can either run e2spt_refine.py from the command line or use the following steps to access this program from the EMAN2 project manager. Begin by navigating to “Subtomogram Averaging” in the EMAN2 workflow menu and click “3D refinement”. Next to the particles file box, click “Browse”, select the “Ribosome.lst” particle set, and click “OK”. Beside to the reference file box, click “Browse”, select the initial model you generated previously, and click “OK”. In the “niter” box, type “4”, in the “sym” box, type “c1”, in the “mass” box, type “3200”, and in the “tarres” box, type “10”. In the “threads” box, specify the number of cores to use when running this process. Once you are done, click “Launch” to begin iterative 3D subtomogram alignment.

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Internally, e2spt_refine.py will scale and clip the reference to the size of particles and run a specified number of rounds of ‘e2spt_align.py’,‘e2spt_average.py’, and ‘e2refine_postpocess.py’. Required options (entered as per the instructions above) include:
niter : number of iterations. Default is 5
threads : only threading.
mass : mass of particle for normalization in ‘e2refine_postprocess’.
tarres : target resolution used in ‘e2refine_postprocess’.

Additional options for more advanced usage include:
goldstandard : followed by a resolution number for phase randomization.
setsf : in case there is a structure factor text file. Otherwise, no structure factor will be applied.
pkeep : fraction of particles to keep. It will compute a ‘--simthr’ for ‘e2spt_average’ to keep the fraction in each iteration.
mask : how to mask after each iteration. It accept mask processor like ‘mask.soft:outer_radius=-1’ or a file name of the mask.
maxtilt : max tilt angle for ‘e2spt_average’.

13. Sub-tilt refinement

One of the trends leading the field of single particle tomography toward and even beyond subnanometer resolution is the use of per-particle, per-tilt methods. In EMAN2, we facilitate per-particle per-tilt CTF correction, per-particle per-tilt alignment, and bad-tilt exclusion within particles. By correcting for these distortions via per-particle per-tilt alignment methods, we obtain higher fidelity subtomograms that yield improved resolution when averaged with other refined subvolumes.

In the workflow menu under “Analysis and Visualization”, click “Sub-tilt refinement”
Specify the path to the “spt_XX” directory, corresponding to the final 3D refinement
In the “iter” box, type 3 to run for 3 iterations.
In the “threads” box, specify the number of cores to use when running this process
Check the “dopostp” box
Click “Launch”

e2spt_tiltrefine.py takes the results from a spt alignment and use it to refine the alignment of 2D particles in the sub-tilt images. The alignment is done in the gold-standard way, using ‘threed_xx_even.hdf’ and ‘threed_xx_odd.hdf’ as reference. It takes the transform from tilt series alignment and subtomogram alignment to compute the initial alignment of the sub-tilt, and only does a ‘refine’ alignment from that so it should not be far off. Since we have the correlation from the per sub-tilt alignment, we weight the sub-tilt base on the correlation and exclude the worst (now 50% sub-tilt) instead of simply excluding high angle tilts. In experiments the correlation score and tilt angle seems to be highly correlated but excluding images based on correlation gives better results than that based on tilt angle.
    spt_tiltrefine.py --path <existing spt_xx path> --iter <current iteration in spt_xx>
--path : a spt_xx path that has the output from ‘e2spt_align.py’, ‘e2spt_average.py’ and optionally ‘e2refine_postprocess.py’.
--padby : padding factor for reconstruction of subtomograms. Default is 2.
--keep : fraction of sub-tilts to keep. Default is 0.5
--maxres : maximum resolution for comparison in the alignment. When running from ‘spt_refine.py’, it will use the 0.3 cutoff of FSC
--unmask : use the unmasked maps as reference.
--maxalt : exclude high tilt images

Output files includes:
threed_xx_ali.hdf : 3D map output .
threed_xx_ali_even/odd.hdf : even/odd sub-maps
fsc_xx_ali.txt : FSC curve after refinement. It will also rename the existing FSC of this iteration to fsc_xx_raw.txt since e2refine_postprocess overwrites..

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Ribosome (EMPIAR-10064) maps and FSCs before and after 1 round of sub-tilt refinement.

14. Evaluare SPT refinements

We have implemented a program called e2spt_eval.py that allows users to assess all SPT refinements performed within a given project. To run this program from the project manager, double click “Analysis and visualization” in the Workflow menu and select “Evaluate SPT refinements.” Then click “Launch.”

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The window that appears will show a large table on the left with rows corresponding to each SPT refinement performed. Clicking a row will show a 3D view of the map produced during the final iteration of the selected refinement. If you click “ShowBrowser,” a browser window will appear that changes to the currently selected refinement directory.

The “PlotParams” button will bring up a 2D plot where you can explore the per-particle alignment parameters for each particle used in a given refinement. Here you can also examine iteration to iteration values to explore properties such as convergence or parameter-dependent clustering of particle data (as would be seen in cases with strong preferred orientations, or possibly in the presence of significant ice contamination).

Finally, the “PlotFSCs” button will bring up a window showing the FSC calculated for each iteration during which post processing was performed. This is helpful when examining convergence asa well as determining the final gold standard resolution of a given SPT refinement.

15. Addressing heterogeneity

15a. Multi reference refinement

In the workflow menu under “Analysis and Visualization”, click “Multi-reference refinement”.
Next to the “particles” box, click “Browse”.
Select the set containing your ribosome particles (“Ribosome.lst”) and click “OK”.
Specify reference maps corresponding to the various states you hope to draw out of the data.
If performing a focused classification of particles, specify a mask in the “mask” file box.
Use “Browse” to search for this file.
In the “threads” box, specify the number of cores to use when running this process.
In the “tarres” box, specify the resolution target for multi-model refinement.
In the “mass” box, type “3200”.
Click “Launch”.

15b. Focused classification

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15c. MSA/PCA split method

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15c. MSA/PCA split method

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== Initial model generation (10 - 60 min) ==
{{attachment:initial_model.png| Initial model generation | width=600}}

While intuitively it seems like, since the particles are already in 3-D, that the concept of an "initial model" should not be necessary. Unfortunately, due to the missing wedge, and the low resolution of one individual particle (particularly from cells), it is actually critical to make a good starting average, and historically it has been challenging to get a good one, depending on the shape of the molecule. This new procedure based on stochastic gradient descent has proven to be quite robust, but it is difficult for the computer to tell when it has converged sufficiently. For this reason, the default behavior is to run much longer than is normally required, and have a human decide when it's "good enough" and terminate the process. If you use a small ''shrink'' value and let it run to completion, it can take some time to run, but this is normally a waste.

For the tutorial tilt-series:
 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> Generate Initial Model'''
  * ''particles'' should be set to the sets/ribo.lst file you just created (whatever name you used).
  * set ''shrink'' to 2, 3 or 4
   * 2 will run slowly but will produce a more detailed initial model (not really necessary)
  * increasing ''batchsize'' will use more cores (if you have more than 12), and may cause it to converge to the correct answer in fewer iterations, but each iteration will not become faster.
  * The default ''niter'' of 5 is typically much more than is required
  * Launch
   * You can terminate the job as soon as ''sptsgd_00/output.hdf'' looks reasonable. If you display the progress monitor (4th icon on the right side of the project manager), you can easily kill the job when you're happy. Usually this will take about 10 minutes for the tutorial data.

For your own data:
 * If your particle has known ''symmetry'', specify that [[EMAN2/Symmetry]]
 * The symmetry you specify will not be imposed on the map unless you also check ''applysym'', but the map will be rotationally aligned so the symmetry axes are in the correct direction, which will make it easier to apply symmetry in later steps. We do not generally recommend checking this box in this step.
 * setting ''shrink'' to something in the range of 2-4 will make the runtime faster but, depending on the shape, could potentially cause problems.
 * using more than the minimal 30-50 particles is fine. If you have a very large set of selected particles, go ahead and use them all. This will not slow the process down at all, since it's stochastic.
 * it is critical that the full sampling box size of the extracted particles divided by ''shrink'' be divisible by 2. If not, the program will crash.

== Template matching (5 min) ==

In this step, we will use the initial model you just produced as a template for finding all of the ribosomes in all 4 tomograms. If you completed the '''Tomogram Annotation''' step above, and have already extracted a full set of 1000+ particles, then you can skip this step, as we already have all of the particles.

 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> Reference Based Boxing'''
  * browse to select ''tomograms''. Select all 4 tomograms.
  * set ''reference'' to the output.hdf file you produced in the previous step.
  * set ''label'' to "ribo"
  * set ''nptcl'' to 1000 (the maximum number of particles per tomogram)
   * '''IMPORTANT NOTE:''' with these parameters it is possible to reproduce a subnanometer resolution ribosome structure, but the final refinement could take more than 24 hours to run. If you set nptcl to, say 100 instead of 1000, your resolution will be lower, but the subsequent jobs will complete ~10x faster.
  * Launch

 * when this finishes, you can use the same '''Manual Boxing''' tool you used before to look at the particles which were selected. You may wish to manually remove any bad particles it selected. For the tutorial data set or other tomograms of purified protein, this process should work pretty well. For cells you might wish to use the '''Tomogram Annotation''' method above.
 * note that this process stores 3-D particle locations in the appropriate info/* files, but does not extract particles from the micrographs

== Particle extraction (~1 hour) ==

Again, if you already did '''Tomogram Annotation''' above, this step isn't necessary. It is only required if you just did '''Template Matching'''.

Since this involves several thousand particles instead of 30-50, it will take quite a lot longer to run. The actual time will depend partially on the speed of your storage.

For the tutorial tilt-series:
 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> Extract Particles'''
  * check ''alltomograms''
  * set ''boxsz_unbin'' to 192.
  * set ''label'' to "ribo"
  * Launch

 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> Build Sets'''
  * check ''allparticles''
  * Launch
   * This will generate particle sets, which are virtual particle stacks that consist of particles with the same label from different tomograms.

== Subtomogram refinement (~6 hr) ==
{{attachment:refinement.png| 3D refinement | width=600}}

This step performs a conventional iterative subtomogram averaging using the full set of particles. Typically it will achieve resolutions in the 15-25 A range with a reasonable number of particles. As it involves 3-D alignment of the full set of particles multiple times, it takes a significant amount of compute time. Higher resolutions are achieved in the next stage after this (subtilt refinement).

For the tutorial tilt-series:
 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> 3D Refinement'''
  * set ''particles'' to "sets/ribo.lst"
  * set ''reference'' to "output.hdf" from '''Initial Model Generation'''
  * set ''goldstandard'' to 30
  * set ''mass'' to 3000
  * set ''threads'' to the number of CPUs on your machine
  * Launch

Results will gradually appear in spt_XX/

For your own data:
 * If your molecule has symmetry, you should specify it, but it's important that the alignment reference you provide has been properly aligned to the symmetry axes of whichever symmetry you specify.
 * ''localfilter'' will use e2fsc.py to compute a local resolution map after each iteration and filter the map accordingly. This is useful for molecules with significant variability.
 * If you suspect that a large fraction of your particles are "bad" in some way, you may wish to try reducing ''pkeep'', which will hopefully exclude bad particles preferentially over "good" particles.

== Subtilt refinement (~32 hr) ==

{{attachment:subtlt_dir.png| Subtilt refinement directory |width=600}}

With the results of a good subtomogram alignment/average, we are now ready to switch to alignment of the individual particle images in each tilt, along with per-particle-per-tilt CTF correction and other refinements. This is effectively a hybrid of single particle analysis and subtomogram averaging, and can readily achieve subnanometer resolution IF the data is of sufficient quality. The tutorial data set is, but many cellular tomograms, for example, are not collected with high resolution in mind, and even with this sort of refinement will be unable to achieve resolutions better than 10-30 A, depending on the data. This process is completely automatic, based on all of the metadata collected up to this point. While it is possible to perform "subtomogram refinement" with subtomograms from any tomogram, Subtilt Refinement cannot operate properly unless all preceding steps occurred within EMAN2.

For the tutorial tilt series:
 * '''Subtomogram Averaging -> Sub-tilt Refinement'''
  * ''path'' should be set to the name of one of a "spt_XX" folder to use as a starting point for the refinement
  * ''iter'' can be -1 to use the last complete iteration in the "spt_XX" folder. Alternatively you can specify a specific iteration to use
  * ''parallel'' should be "thread:N" where N is the number of cores you wish to use on a single machine. This job can be run on a linux cluster if you like: [[EMAN2/Parallel]].
  * ''threads'' should also be set to the number of cores to use on a single machine
  * Launch

For your own data:
 * ''niters'' is the number of iterations to run. The default of 4 should achieve convergence in most cases.
 * ''keep'' is the fraction of tilt images to use in the final map. This defaults to 0.5, meaning the worst 1/2 of the tilts for each particle will be discarded. This permits tilts which contain, for example, projections of fiducials or other strong densities, or with large amounts of motion to be automatically excluded in the final reconstruction.
 * ''maxalt'' specifies the maximum tilt angle to include from each particle. Most tilt series are collected such that the small tilt angles will have the least radiation damage, and very often high tilts suffer from more motion artifacts. If you enter, for example, "45" in this box then tilts <-45 and >45 will be discarded automatically. In most cases ''keep'' will already serve a similar purpose.
Congratulations! The final result of the tutorial will be found in "subtlt_00/". The final 3-D map will be "threed_04.hdf" with the default parameters. The final gold standard resolution curve will be "fsc_maskedtight_04.txt". The optional steps below are tools you can use to evaluate your results in more detail.

== Refinement evaluation (optional) ==

{{attachment:refinement_evaluation.png| Refinement evaluation |width=600}}
This tool helps visualize and compare results from multiple subtomogram refinement runs.

 * '''Analysis and Visualization -> Evaluate SPT Refinements'''
  * In the GUI, you can look at all ''spt_XX'' or ''sptsgd_XX'' folders and compare the parameters which were used for each, as well as the resulting maps.
  * Switch between folder types using the menu at top right.
  * Columns can be sorted by clicking on the corresponding header.
  * Uncheck items in the list at bottom-right to hide corresponding columns
  * ''!ShowBrowser'' will bring up the ''[[http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2display|e2display.py]]'' browser in the folder of the selected row.
  * ''!PlotFSC'' will display the "tight" FSC curve over all iterations.
  * ''!PlotParams'' will plot the Euler angle distribution and other alignment parameters
   * The 8 columns in the plot are:
    * 0 - az (EMAN convention Euler angle)
    * 1 - alt
    * 2 - phi
    * 3 - translation in X
    * 4 - Y
    * 5 - Z
    * 6 - alignment score
    * 7 - missing wedge coverage

EMAN2 Tomography Workflow Tutorial

  • This tutorial is best suited for EMAN2 built after 09/27/2018. Not everything described in the tutorial was functioning yet in the 2.22 release.
  • The pixel size in the header of the files are incorrect as provided by EMPIAR. The correct Apix value (2.62) should be specified when importing the images.

Computer Requirements

  • tomographic data processing is normally completed on high-end workstations, not laptops. To complete the tutorial on a laptop you will need to use a significantly reduced data set
  • The time estimates for each step are from a workstation with the following configuration:
    • Threadripper, 32 core (2990WX)
    • 128 GB RAM (64 or perhaps 32 GB would suffice)
    • 250 GB free disk space
    • high performance disk (RAID 5 array or SSD capable of >1 GB/s)

      • disk speed has a major impact on performance in many steps

Download Data

  • This tutorial uses data from EMPIAR: EMPIAR 10064 (the 4 mixed CTEM tilt series)

Prepare input files (~2 minutes)

  • Make a new empty folder for the project and 'cd' into that folder
  • run e2projectmanager.py

  • Make sure any EMAN2 commands you run are executed from within this folder (not any subfolder)
  • You may use "Edit Project" from the Project menu to set default values for the project. While not required, it reduces later errors.
  • Make sure the workflow mode is set to "TOMO" not "SPR"

Project Manager

  • Raw Data -> Import tilt series

    • Select the files, and make sure importation says copy

    • In this step you should enter the correct A/pix for your data in the apix box. For EMPIAR10064, this is 2.62. For your own data, you need to know this number. In later steps you should be able to use -1 (default) for apix.

    • If your tilt series isn't a single stack file, but is many individual images instead, you will need to use Generate tiltseries to build an image stack. This is not necessary for the tutorial data.

    • Once the options are set, press Launch

  • It is critical that the filenames for your data not contain any spaces (replace with underscore) or periods (other than the final period used for the file extension). "" (double underscore) is also reserved for describing modified versions of the same file, and should not be used in your original files.

Tiltseries Alignment and Tomogram Reconstruction (20 min)

Alignment of the tilt-series is performed iteratively in conjunction with tomogram reconstruction. Tomograms are not normally reconstructed at full resolution, generally limited to 1k x 1k or 2k x 2k, but the tilt-series are aligned at full resolution. For high resolution subtomogram averaging, the raw tilt-series data is used, based on coordinates from particle picking in the downsampled tomograms. On a typical workstation reconstruction takes about 4-5 minutes per tomogram.

For the tutorial tilt-series:

  • 3D Reconstruction -> Reconstruct Tomograms

  • check alltiltseries

    • alternatively you can select one or more tilt series from the tiltseries folder

  • check correctrot

  • tltstep = 2

  • clipz = 96

  • If you wish to look at the intermediate aligned tilt-series and other files, uncheck notmp

    • This is not required for the remaining steps in the tutorial, but can be used to help understand how the tomogram alignment works. This requires significant additional disk space. You may consider doing this for only one tomogram.
    • In each tomorecon_XX folder

      • landmark_0X.txt has the location of the landmarks (which may be fiducials if present) in each iteration

      • samples_0X.hdf shows the top and side view of those landmarks

      • ptclali_0X.hdf has the trace of each landmark throughout the tilt series (they should stay at the center of image all the time if the alignment is good)

      • tomo_0X.hdf is the reconstruction after each iteration

  • Launch

Tomogram reconstruction

When working with your own data:

  • Either specify the correct tltstep if the tilt series is in order from one extreme to the other, or specify the name of a rawtlt file (as produced by serialem/IMOD).

  • While the program can automatically compute the orientation of the tilt axis, it is better to fill in the correct value in tltax since there is a handedness ambiguity in the tomogram if determined automatically.

  • In most cases, the default npk should be fine. If fiducials are present, it is not necessary to adjust this number to match the number of fiducials. The program will use any high contrast areas it finds as potential landmarks.

  • bytile should normally be selected, as it will normally produce better quality reconstructions at higher speed. If 2k or larger tomograms are created, memory consumption may be high, and you should check the program output for the anticipated RAM usage.

  • The graphical interface only permits 1k or 2k reconstruction sizes. In our experience this is normally sufficient for segmentation or particle picking.
  • When the sample is thin (purified protein, not cells), it is useful to check correctrot to automatically position tomograms flat in ice

  • It can also be helpful with thin ice to specify a clipz value to generate thinner tomograms (perhaps 64 or 96 for a 1k tomogram).

CTF Estimation (10 min)

For the tutorial tilt-series:

  • Subtomogram Averaging -> CTF Correction

  • check alltiltseries

  • Double check the voltage and cs

  • Launch

When working with your own data:

  • The first two options, dfrange and psrange indicate the defocus and phase shift range to search. They take the format of “start, end, step”, so “2, 5, .1” will search defocus from 2 to 5 um with a step size of 0.1. Units for phase shift is degrees.

  • For images taken with volta phase plate, we usually have dfrange of “0.2,2,0.1” and psrange of “60,120,2”.

Note that this program is only estimating CTF parameters, taking tilt into account. It is not performing any phase-flipping corrections on whole tomograms. CTF correction is performed later as a per-particle process. This process requires metadata determined during tilt-series alignment, so it cannot be used with tomograms reconstructed using other software packages.

Tomogram evaluation (optional)

Tomogram evaluation

Analysis and visualization -> Evaluate tomograms can be used to evaluate the quality of your tilt series alignments and tomogram reconstructions. This tool will show more information as you progress through the tutorial, but can be used already at this point to make various assessments of your tomograms.

  • On the left is a list of tomograms in the project.
    • Clicking the header of any column will sort the table by that attribute.
    • #box is the number of boxes in the tomogram

    • loss is the average landmark uncertainty in nm. You should not try to compare this number to, for example, the fiducial alignment error in IMOD, as it is computed in a very different way. This number can be useful to detect specific tilt series within a project which have problems, but the absolute number is not a useful value to report/analyze. Even if this number is >5 nm, it is still quite possible to achieve a subnanometer resolution average.

    • defocus is the average defocus of the tilt series.

  • On the right
    • The image at the top is the central slice through the tomogram
    • the show2d button displays the selected tomogram slice-wise.

    • ShowTilts shows the corresponding raw tilt series

      • Please note that most tomograms include some out-of-plane tilt (the actual rotation isn't a simple tilt along a single axis), which is taken into account during alignment. This may make it visually appear that the tilt series alignment is not as robust as it actually is.
    • Boxer calls the 3D boxer

    • PlotLoss will plot the fiducial error for each tilt

    • PlotCtf plot the defocus and phase shift at the center of each tilt image

    • Tiltparams is a bit more complicated. It plots a point list with 6 columns and a number of rows corresponding to the images in the selected tilt series. These are the alignment parameters for the tilt series.

      • You can adjust X Col and Y Col in the plot control panel (middle click the plot). The columns represent:

        • 0 - tilt ID
        • 1 - translation along x
        • 2 - translation along y
        • 3 - tilt angle around y
        • 4 - tilt angle around x
        • 5 - tilt angle around z
    • The first panel below the buttons are the types of particles and how many of that type are in the project
    • The last box is reserved for comments for each tomogram. You can fill in any comments you have on a specific tomogram and it will be saved for future reference.

Tomogram annotation (optional)

2D particle picking

  • Since the tutorial data set is purified ribosomes, this step can be skipped for the tutorial data, and you can move on to template-based particle picking. For cells or other types of complex specimens, tomogram annotation can be used to produce locations of different types of objects.

This section is brief and is only an update to the more detailed tutorial: TomoSeg. Some directory structure and user interfaces have changed in the latest version to match new tomogram workflow as described here:

  • Segmentation -> Preprocess tomogram

    • This step is not always necessary for tomograms reconstructed in EMAN2, but may slightly improve results.
  • Segmentation -> Box Training References

    • This is a newer interface than previously used for this step. Select a few "Good" (regions containing the feature of interest) and "Bad" (regions not containing the feature of interest) boxes.
    • "~" and "1" on the keyboard can be used to move along the Z axis.
    • The new interface permits different types of features to be identified in a single session and in the same tomogram.
    • If the different features of interest have very different scale, it is always better to keep the box size at 64, and instead rescale the tomogram. As long as the rescaling is done using EMAN2 utilities, the program will correctly keep track of the geometry relative to the original tomogram & tilt series.

    • if you are doing this with the tutorial data, you would only have 2 classes of particles "ribo_good" and "ribo_bad".
    • When pressing Save all visible particles (box checked next to the class name) will be saved

  • The rest of the annotation process remain unchanged from the original tutorial, except that now, all trained neural networks and training results are saved in the neuralnets folder, and all segmented maps are in the segmentations folder. You now only specify the label of the output file instead of the full file name.

  • Segmentation -> Find particles from segmentation to turn segmented maps into particle coordinates.

    • Input both the tomogram and its corresponding segmentation, and the particles coordinates will be written into the metadata file.
    • Slightly tweaking the threshold parameters may yield better results.
    • featurename will become the label of particles generated. Those particles can be viewed in the particle picking step and processed in the following protocols.

Particle picking (10-15 min)

3D particle picking

  • Subtomogram averaging -> Manual boxing Time above is to manually select 30-50 reference particles.

    • rename the set of boxes to "initribo". This will be used as the label in later stages.

    • Go through slices along z-axis using ‘~’ and ‘1’ on the keyboard

    • It will be much easier to locate particles if you adjust the Filt slider to ~70

    • left click and drag to place and reposition boxes in any of the 3 views
    • Hold down Shift when clicking to delete existing boxes.
    • Boxes are shown as circles, which vary in size depending on the Z distance from the center of the particle.
    • The interface supports different box types within a single tomogram. Each type has a label. Make sure the label is consistent if selecting the same feature in different tomograms.
    • The box size can be set in the main window at the left bottom corner, for the tutorial, use 48 for ribosomes (the unbinned box size is 192).
  • If you skipped the tomogram annotation step, we will pick a few particles here to generate an initial model first, and use the initial model as a reference for template matching.
    • Select 30-50 particles from a tomogram, then close the boxer window.
  • If you have the particle coordinates from tomogram annotation above, you may still wish to do this step to delete any obviously bad particles.
    • While you can save 3D particles from the GUI, there is no need to do that here. When you are satisfied with the result, simply close the window.
    • You should have ~3000 particles from the 4 tomograms in the dataset.

Particle extraction (2 min)

In this pipeline, the full 1k or 2k tomograms are used only as a reference to identify the location of the objects to be averaged. Now that we have particle locations, the software returns to the original tilt-series, extracts a per-particle tilt-series, and reconstructs each particle in 3-D independently.

For the tutorial tilt-series:

  • Subtomogram Averaging -> Extract Particles

    • check alltomograms

    • set boxsz_unbin to 192.

      • If you had the correct size in the previous step this may not be necessary, but it doesn't hurt.
    • enter the label you used when picking particles ("initribo" if you followed the instructions above)
    • Launch
  • Subtomogram Averaging -> Build Sets

    • check allparticles

    • Launch
      • This will generate particle sets, which are virtual particle stacks that consist of particles with the same label from different tomograms.

For your own data

  • If the box size is correct when you select particles from the GUI, you can leave boxsz_unbin as -1, so the program will keep that box size (scaled to the original tilt series)

  • If your particles are deeply buried in other densities, using a bigger padtwod may help, but doing so may significantly increase the memory usage and slow down the process.

  • With CTF information present, it generally does not hurt to check wiener, which filters the 2D particles by SSNR before reconstructing them in 3D.

  • Specify a binning factor in shrink to produce downsampled particles if your memory/storage/CPU time is limited, but it will also limit the resolution you can achieve.

Initial model generation (10 - 60 min)

Initial model generation

While intuitively it seems like, since the particles are already in 3-D, that the concept of an "initial model" should not be necessary. Unfortunately, due to the missing wedge, and the low resolution of one individual particle (particularly from cells), it is actually critical to make a good starting average, and historically it has been challenging to get a good one, depending on the shape of the molecule. This new procedure based on stochastic gradient descent has proven to be quite robust, but it is difficult for the computer to tell when it has converged sufficiently. For this reason, the default behavior is to run much longer than is normally required, and have a human decide when it's "good enough" and terminate the process. If you use a small shrink value and let it run to completion, it can take some time to run, but this is normally a waste.

For the tutorial tilt-series:

  • Subtomogram Averaging -> Generate Initial Model

    • particles should be set to the sets/ribo.lst file you just created (whatever name you used).

    • set shrink to 2, 3 or 4

      • 2 will run slowly but will produce a more detailed initial model (not really necessary)
    • increasing batchsize will use more cores (if you have more than 12), and may cause it to converge to the correct answer in fewer iterations, but each iteration will not become faster.

    • The default niter of 5 is typically much more than is required

    • Launch
      • You can terminate the job as soon as sptsgd_00/output.hdf looks reasonable. If you display the progress monitor (4th icon on the right side of the project manager), you can easily kill the job when you're happy. Usually this will take about 10 minutes for the tutorial data.

For your own data:

  • If your particle has known symmetry, specify that EMAN2/Symmetry

  • The symmetry you specify will not be imposed on the map unless you also check applysym, but the map will be rotationally aligned so the symmetry axes are in the correct direction, which will make it easier to apply symmetry in later steps. We do not generally recommend checking this box in this step.

  • setting shrink to something in the range of 2-4 will make the runtime faster but, depending on the shape, could potentially cause problems.

  • using more than the minimal 30-50 particles is fine. If you have a very large set of selected particles, go ahead and use them all. This will not slow the process down at all, since it's stochastic.
  • it is critical that the full sampling box size of the extracted particles divided by shrink be divisible by 2. If not, the program will crash.

Template matching (5 min)

In this step, we will use the initial model you just produced as a template for finding all of the ribosomes in all 4 tomograms. If you completed the Tomogram Annotation step above, and have already extracted a full set of 1000+ particles, then you can skip this step, as we already have all of the particles.

  • Subtomogram Averaging -> Reference Based Boxing

    • browse to select tomograms. Select all 4 tomograms.

    • set reference to the output.hdf file you produced in the previous step.

    • set label to "ribo"

    • set nptcl to 1000 (the maximum number of particles per tomogram)

      • IMPORTANT NOTE: with these parameters it is possible to reproduce a subnanometer resolution ribosome structure, but the final refinement could take more than 24 hours to run. If you set nptcl to, say 100 instead of 1000, your resolution will be lower, but the subsequent jobs will complete ~10x faster.

    • Launch
  • when this finishes, you can use the same Manual Boxing tool you used before to look at the particles which were selected. You may wish to manually remove any bad particles it selected. For the tutorial data set or other tomograms of purified protein, this process should work pretty well. For cells you might wish to use the Tomogram Annotation method above.

  • note that this process stores 3-D particle locations in the appropriate info/* files, but does not extract particles from the micrographs

Particle extraction (~1 hour)

Again, if you already did Tomogram Annotation above, this step isn't necessary. It is only required if you just did Template Matching.

Since this involves several thousand particles instead of 30-50, it will take quite a lot longer to run. The actual time will depend partially on the speed of your storage.

For the tutorial tilt-series:

  • Subtomogram Averaging -> Extract Particles

    • check alltomograms

    • set boxsz_unbin to 192.

    • set label to "ribo"

    • Launch
  • Subtomogram Averaging -> Build Sets

    • check allparticles

    • Launch
      • This will generate particle sets, which are virtual particle stacks that consist of particles with the same label from different tomograms.

Subtomogram refinement (~6 hr)

3D refinement

This step performs a conventional iterative subtomogram averaging using the full set of particles. Typically it will achieve resolutions in the 15-25 A range with a reasonable number of particles. As it involves 3-D alignment of the full set of particles multiple times, it takes a significant amount of compute time. Higher resolutions are achieved in the next stage after this (subtilt refinement).

For the tutorial tilt-series:

  • Subtomogram Averaging -> 3D Refinement

    • set particles to "sets/ribo.lst"

    • set reference to "output.hdf" from Initial Model Generation

    • set goldstandard to 30

    • set mass to 3000

    • set threads to the number of CPUs on your machine

    • Launch

Results will gradually appear in spt_XX/

For your own data:

  • If your molecule has symmetry, you should specify it, but it's important that the alignment reference you provide has been properly aligned to the symmetry axes of whichever symmetry you specify.
  • localfilter will use e2fsc.py to compute a local resolution map after each iteration and filter the map accordingly. This is useful for molecules with significant variability.

  • If you suspect that a large fraction of your particles are "bad" in some way, you may wish to try reducing pkeep, which will hopefully exclude bad particles preferentially over "good" particles.

Subtilt refinement (~32 hr)

Subtilt refinement directory

With the results of a good subtomogram alignment/average, we are now ready to switch to alignment of the individual particle images in each tilt, along with per-particle-per-tilt CTF correction and other refinements. This is effectively a hybrid of single particle analysis and subtomogram averaging, and can readily achieve subnanometer resolution IF the data is of sufficient quality. The tutorial data set is, but many cellular tomograms, for example, are not collected with high resolution in mind, and even with this sort of refinement will be unable to achieve resolutions better than 10-30 A, depending on the data. This process is completely automatic, based on all of the metadata collected up to this point. While it is possible to perform "subtomogram refinement" with subtomograms from any tomogram, Subtilt Refinement cannot operate properly unless all preceding steps occurred within EMAN2.

For the tutorial tilt series:

  • Subtomogram Averaging -> Sub-tilt Refinement

    • path should be set to the name of one of a "spt_XX" folder to use as a starting point for the refinement

    • iter can be -1 to use the last complete iteration in the "spt_XX" folder. Alternatively you can specify a specific iteration to use

    • parallel should be "thread:N" where N is the number of cores you wish to use on a single machine. This job can be run on a linux cluster if you like: EMAN2/Parallel.

    • threads should also be set to the number of cores to use on a single machine

    • Launch

For your own data:

  • niters is the number of iterations to run. The default of 4 should achieve convergence in most cases.

  • keep is the fraction of tilt images to use in the final map. This defaults to 0.5, meaning the worst 1/2 of the tilts for each particle will be discarded. This permits tilts which contain, for example, projections of fiducials or other strong densities, or with large amounts of motion to be automatically excluded in the final reconstruction.

  • maxalt specifies the maximum tilt angle to include from each particle. Most tilt series are collected such that the small tilt angles will have the least radiation damage, and very often high tilts suffer from more motion artifacts. If you enter, for example, "45" in this box then tilts <-45 and >45 will be discarded automatically. In most cases keep will already serve a similar purpose.

Congratulations! The final result of the tutorial will be found in "subtlt_00/". The final 3-D map will be "threed_04.hdf" with the default parameters. The final gold standard resolution curve will be "fsc_maskedtight_04.txt". The optional steps below are tools you can use to evaluate your results in more detail.

Refinement evaluation (optional)

Refinement evaluation This tool helps visualize and compare results from multiple subtomogram refinement runs.

  • Analysis and Visualization -> Evaluate SPT Refinements

    • In the GUI, you can look at all spt_XX or sptsgd_XX folders and compare the parameters which were used for each, as well as the resulting maps.

    • Switch between folder types using the menu at top right.
    • Columns can be sorted by clicking on the corresponding header.
    • Uncheck items in the list at bottom-right to hide corresponding columns
    • ShowBrowser will bring up the e2display.py browser in the folder of the selected row.

    • !PlotFSC will display the "tight" FSC curve over all iterations.

    • PlotParams will plot the Euler angle distribution and other alignment parameters

      • The 8 columns in the plot are:
        • 0 - az (EMAN convention Euler angle)
        • 1 - alt
        • 2 - phi
        • 3 - translation in X
        • 4 - Y
        • 5 - Z
        • 6 - alignment score
        • 7 - missing wedge coverage

EMAN2/e2tomo (last edited 2022-08-29 14:20:27 by SteveLudtke)