Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CEMAN::AlignerAligner class defines image alignment method
 CEMAN::AnalyzerAnalyzer class defines a way to take a List of images as input, and returns a new List of images
 CEMAN::AveragerAverager class defines a way to do averaging on a set of images
 CEMAN::BitStream< T >
 CEMAN::BooleanShrinkProcessorBooleanShrinkProcessor encapsulates code common to MaxShrinkProcessor and MinShrinkProcessor - the processors use more or less identical code, the main difference being the logical operator
 CEMAN::BoxingToolsBoxingTools is class for encapsulating common boxing operations that may become expensive if they are implemented in python
 CEMAN::ByteOrderByteOrder defines functions to work on big/little endian byte orders
 CEMAN::CmpCmp class defines image comparison method
 CEMAN::ColorRGBGeneratorClass to encapsulate an RGB color generator for marching cubes isosurface generator For now you can only color by radius, but in the near future you will be able to color by map, etc
 CEMAN::CtfCtf is the base class for all CTF model
 CEMAN::CustomVector< type >CustomVector has some trivial optimizations of the STL vector
 CEMAN::DictDict is a dictionary to store <string, EMObject> pair
 CEMAN::EMDataEMData stores an image's data and defines core image processing routines
 CEMDataForCudaA struct for passing EMData objects to and from things like processors
 CEMAN::EMFTGLEMFTGL is an interface for rendering fonts in EMAN2 using FTGL
 CEMAN::EMFTGL::EMFTGLFontInstanceA class for encapsulatiing a particular instance of an FTFont (pointer) Each FTFont is characterised by 5 parameters, them being the font mode, the font file name, the face size, whether or not display lists are being used, and depth (which is redundant, except when the font mode is EXTRUDE)
 CEMAN::EMFTGL::EMFTGLManagerA class for managing multiple instances of EMFTGLFontInstances, in particular for caching them, for constructing news ones if they don't exist, and for returning appropriate instances
 CEMAN::EMObjectEMObject is a wrapper class for types including int, float, double, etc as defined in ObjectType
 CEMAN::Factory< T >Factory is used to store objects to create new instances
 CEMAN::FactoryBaseA class one may inherit from to ensure that the responsibilities of being incorporated into an EMAN2::Factory are met
 CEMAN::MrcIO::FeiMrcExtHeaderThe extended header used by Fei MRC image
 CEMAN::MrcIO::FeiMrcHeaderExtended MRC format for tomography As used by Fei; original definition of extended header by Dave Agard and Bram Koster Contact Dustin Morado Dusti.nosp@m.n.Mo.nosp@m.rado@.nosp@m.uth..nosp@m.tmc.e.nosp@m.du for details
 CEMAN::FloatPointFloatPoint defines a float-coordinate point in a 1D/2D/3D space
 CEMAN::FloatSizeFloatSize is used to describe a 1D, 2D or 3D rectangular size in floating numbers
 CEMAN::ImageIOImageIO classes are designed for reading/writing various electron micrography image formats, including MRC, IMAGIC, SPIDER, PIF, etc
 CEMAN::ImagicIO2::Imagic4DIMAGIC-4D file format http://www.imagescience.de/formats/formats.htm
 CEMAN::InterpInterp defines the interpolation function used to generate a e^-x^4 function in real space
 CEMAN::IntPointIntPoint defines an integer-coordinate point in a 1D/2D/3D space
 CEMAN::IntSizeIntSize is used to describe a 1D, 2D or 3D rectangular size in integers
 CEMAN::LogLog defines a way to output logging information
 CEMAN::OmapIO::OmapHeaderThe data in the header is composed of 256 short integers
 CEMAN::PDBReaderPointArray defines a double array of points with values in a 3D space
 CEMAN::PixelPixel describes a 3D pixel's coordinates and its intensity value
 CEMAN::PointArrayPointArray defines a double array of points with values in a 3D space
 CEMAN::PriorityQueue< ValueT, KeyT >Template class for a priority queue
 CEMAN::ProcessorTypical usage of Processors are as follows:
 CEMAN::ProjectorProjector class defines a method to generate 2D projections from a 3D model
 CEMAN::QuaternionQuaternion is used in Rotation and Transformation to replace Euler angles
 CEMAN::RandnumThe wrapper class for gsl's random number generater
 CEMAN::ReconstructorVolumeDataThis is a Mixin class A class object encapsulating the volume data required by Reconstructors It basically stores two (pointers) to EMData objects and stores the dimensions of the image volume
 CEMAN::RegionRegion defines a 2D or 3D rectangular region specified by its origin coordinates and all edges' sizes
 CEMAN::TransformA Transform object is a somewhat specialized object designed specifically for EMAN2/Sparx storage of alignment parameters and euler orientations
 CEMAN::TypeDictTypeDict is a dictionary to store <string, EMObject::ObjectType> pair
 CEMAN::U3DWriterA work in progress by David Woolford
 CEMAN::UnevenMatrixGeneral data structure for a matrix with variable x dim size for different y
 CEMAN::UtilUtil is a collection of utility functions
 CEMAN::Vec2< Type >The Vec2 is precisely the same as Vec3 except it works exclusively in 2D Note there are convenient typedef so one needn't bother about using template terminology typedef Vec2<float> Vec2f; typedef Vec2<int> Vec2i; typedef Vec2double> Vec2d; // Not recommended for use unless precision is addressed in this class
 CEMAN::Vec3< Type >The Vec3 object is a templated object, intended to instantiated with basic types such as int, float, double etc
 CEMAN::Vec3< float >
 CEMAN::Vec3< int >
 CEMAN::Vec4< Type >The Vec4 object is a templated object, intended to instantiated with basic types such as int, float, double etc
 CEMAN::UnevenMatrix::XdimStruct to define x dimension size for each y, x0 is inclusive, x1 is one after the maximum, [x0, x1), so the corresponding x dim size is (x1-x0)
 CEMAN::XYDataXYData defines a 1D (x,y) data set